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Wrexor last won the day on March 4 2018

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61 Good

About Wrexor

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  1. Check that your connection info is correct, you have correct permissions and configuration for SQL Server.
  2. Use version that matches project (check .sln file). VS and SQL are not same thing, their versions do not have to match.
  3. Use version of Visual Studio that matches project files, you can see that in .sln file.
  4. Wrexor

    LuaSQL (DLL)

    @Ximboliex check this
  5. Usually it's -0x400000. If you have address 0x4D0420 in ollydbg that should be 0xD0420 in hex editor.
  6. Try this: local item_id = GetItemAttr(apparel, ITEMATTR_VAL_FUSIONID)
  7. Sorry, I didn't see that.you can't use that. One thing you could do for multiplication is a loop and add. For example if you want to do 3 * 3 you would loop 3 times and add 3 each loop. For division it's similar but you subtract.
  8. Too multiply you can do mul r0, r1, r2. r0 is destination register, r1 and r2 are values to be multiplied so like r0 = r1 * r2.
  9. For 2.4 try at address A0224
  10. Looks like you only installed tools without SQL Server. You can download latest server here https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=799012
  11. @Angelix @Vasil Open game.exe with hex editor and go to address 0x78FD0. You should see 01 01, change to 00 00 to enable for rings and necklaces.
  12. Added one click IGS and fixed say function to main post
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