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Found 56 results

  1. Did someone know how to add this mod or plugin, i remember that works with system.ini or client>user folder, someone can help me ?
  2. https://mega.nz/file/cEZQnaRQ#Vki3_cx3qvsYhrcvazYR7iQDskLNa_j2yv1fTsGcE0g https://mega.nz/file/AY4mBYqK#JIhFQI3KaNjk0o0886RGFqa62N6kLqS9tshroMluCtE I believe that all the functions are correct, if anyone can help me, I would appreciate it.
  3. Hi can someone help me with this?, every text mission looks like this, when i put the cursor in the text, dissapear, need to modify some uiform at source?
  4. Hey, im trying to change the item type for necks and rings, just to make the effectiveness visible, it bring all the stats when is unfused, but when i apply the app on the neck, didnt bring any att, need to change some at forge.lua?, im trying with item type 27 (tattoo, cuz i wont use tattoo on my srv)0 Or if someone can help me with the address for hex it, or have game.exe 1.3(0) with that patch and can share, will appreciate it alot
  5. Theres some way to see the effectiveness of rings and neck?, i made the app for neck and rings and change the forge.clu but just to make it fuseable, but cant see the effectiveness, i use str scroll and catalyst and it works, when i lvl up it to "110%", works, but need help to see the effectiveness, like normal apps like set and weapons
  6. Hello, im having a problem with my equips. it shows HP status, but when I use it it doesn't increase hp points, can anyone help me? im using source https://gyazo.com/417d2193fe0d834ced0065fc082997a8
  7. Good night guys from PKO DEV, I am trying to add this function to my resource: Hook:AddPostHook("GetExp_PKM",Instance.PKM) However it is giving error: ./resource/InfernalAbyss/Instance_functions.lua:38: attempt to index global "Hook" <a nil value> How can I fix it? Note: I'm trying to add this map https://pkodev.net/index.php?/topic/1050-infernal-abyss/#comment-6676
  8. so i am in the beginning of making servers i am stuck here ive tried lots of things but nothing works ill drop screen shots please let me know if you can help
  9. How can I add welcome notice? I have seen it in many server. ex: Hey, [Char Name] Welcome to [Server Name]. How can I add this feature?
  10. Hello community of PKODEV, Like the title says, When I try to log (externally) in the game client I will get the message "connection failed" - Like the title says I'm using the vps service from Contabo, I don't have any experience with their services but I've read at a forum all ports should be opened, correct me if I'm wrong. - I already searched on this forum and came across this post in a similar thread, I've followed the instructions and opened port 1973 and 1971 in my inbound rules from Windows Firewall. - Like I said I'm hosting a VPS service, I used as IP-adresse in my config files( account, game, gate and groupserver.cfg) the same IP-adress as I log in with MSTSC(remote desktop), I dubble check it with cmd --> ipconfig. and here is my gateserver config file(if other needed as well just ask): I hope this will be enough information and hope that someone had got the same problem and know how to fix it. PS: keep up the good work in this forum, I think it's the number one place for PKO/TOP development & sorry for bad English.
  11. I tried to create a new item in iteminfo, but in the game I can't summon, it says I didn't have that ID
  12. a greeting to the entire Community of PkoDev, especially to V3ctor I love his work. In this opportunity I come in search of help , for being my first time in assembling a server and I want to make it avacado full pk . and I need help for that and suggestions how to open it please? someone could help me? something that’s free because I’m low-income and I want to do it for fun if anyone could help me I thank you with all my heart please I beg you.
  13. I would be very grateful if someone shared how to fix my client's resolution? at the moment the graphics are disgusting / Also to add 30 - 60 fps ! My client version is 1.36 > https://ibb.co/f9kPw1m check the image what i mean >
  14. i want other players to Join and found a tutorial but i didnt seem to understand. My question is Do i change my server files IP address to a Public IP (118.***.***) or Local? (192.168.0.***) o still Do i Change server set ip to my public ip or local?
  15. What is the best host for servers.
  16. . MAC/IP verification to avoid alt (requires this function in gameserver.exe as well). Any ideas how i can do this?
  17. When I go to fc I am able to attack the monsters but when I got hit by them they immediately disappear! Help
  18. emofc

    New server Help

    Hello everyone ! I want to know what players like to play hard or medium servers or full easy ! Let me know guys what you like and i will make it! Tnx
  19. I need someone who knows how to attract players for which i will pay off for each player! Thanks write to me personally!
  20. Can someone help me please? I've got a VPS and opened my file in there. I've opened the port(s) on control panel as well. However, when I try to login using my laptop to try and play, it doesn't work. It says connection failed. If anyone can help, highly appreciated. Thank you!
  21. Does anyone have any links that teach you how to create server from scratch in SQL 2014
  22. i got an issue with my max aspd on all of the classes. it gets stuck in 500. im not a pro dev nor a pro scripter im just learning. my current code for the base aspd is: SetChaAttrMax( ATTR_BASPD 200000000000 ) the current value is so high cause i tried many numbers and thats what i tried right now x. x would be great if u could help me!, also thanks in advance (im not an english speaker sorry for the broken languaje)
  23. does anyone know how I can do this on my server? I tried anyway and I can not and yes, I have the exes with GMNotice
  24. When I'm going to use a card to reboot my system normally but somehow the cap I'm using. what could it be? I'll leave the script down: ----------------------------------------------- -- ItemEffect.lua function Item_Use_respet(role,Item) local Cha_Boat = 0 Cha_Boat = GetCtrlBoat ( role ) if Cha_Boat ~= nil then SystemNotice( role , "Cannot use while sailing!" ) UseItemFailed ( role ) return end local Item_CanGet = GetChaFreeBagGridNum ( role ) if Item_CanGet < 1 then SystemNotice(role ,"You need at least 1 empty inventory slots!") UseItemFailed ( role ) return end local Pet_Card = GetChaItem(role, 2, 0) local Pet_Name = GetItemName(GetItemID(Pet_Card)) local Pet_ID = GetItemType2(GetItemID(Pet_Card)) local Item_ID = GetItemID(Item) if(Pet_Card == nil)then SystemNotice(role,"Pet should be in the 1st Inventory Slot for reset.") UseItemFailed ( role ) return end if Item_ID == 8560 then if(Pet_ID == 59)then GiveItem(role, 0,GetItemID(Pet_Card),1,4) RemoveChaItem(role ,GetItemID(Pet_Card),0,0,0,2,1 ) SystemNotice(role,"Successfully Reset this Pet "..Pet_Name.."!") else SystemNotice(role,"Only for Pet can be used the Pet Card Reset!") UseItemFailed ( role ) return end end end -- ItemInfo.txt 8560 Reset Pet Card n0184 10130005 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 99 0 500000 -1,-2,-2,-2 0 -1,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2 0 0 -1,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2 -1,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0 0,0 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Item_Use_respet 0 0 0 0,0 0,0 0,0 To restore your pet to level zero you need to put the pet in the first slot of the bag and double-click the Resest Pet Card! 0
  25. 14 часов уже упароваюсь и пытаюсь ее заставить работать, делалось и собственно бралось отсюда >> USE << Safety Таблица GameServer.cfg [Gate] gate =, 1971 info =, 1985, Y87aaG, 1 config.cfg (TradeServer) [Service] name = TOP/PKO IGS 1.35 - 2.0 port = 1985 rate = 1 [Database] serv = DARKBEER-PC usr = dbserver3 pwd = be1f78cb42ebad86f44a58948830b5eb DB = tradedb Подскажите где косяки? Готов предоставить Teamviewer (Ставить чудовищные эксперементы).... P.S ползая по поиску, не нашел ответа толкового кроме того что всем помогали через Teamviewer >.<
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