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Ximboliex last won the day on November 20

Ximboliex had the most liked content!

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91 Good


About Ximboliex

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  1. hey @Perseus Have you advanced or made from .dae to .lab?
  2. then, is a .exe problem i think..
  3. check the UI files from client script/lua/from and texture/ui check forms and img ui
  4. you post in wrong section. you need post it on Server English Section @V3ct0r
  5. The error is where the function is called, it is not the correct place, it is in "GetExp_PKM(dead, atk)" : You are looking for : for i = 0, 4, 1 do k_exp[i] = 0 if ValidCha(kPlayer[i]) == 1 then k_exp[i] = MonsterEXP ShareTeamExp(dead, kPlayer[i], k_exp[i], atk) end or something same and add this below " ShareTeamExp(dead, kPlayer, k_exp, atk)": local money_num = math.random(1 , 1000)--you cand add more money if you want here AddMoney(kPlayer[i], 0, money_num)
  6. Hello PKODev, I'm looking for UI and Map Designer, More details Dm me on Discord Thanks! Discord : ghoztfacekillah
  7. Source code use arbg no rgb color type
  8. Understood, but just add program link
  9. HI, texture\effect\bao.tga, bao2.tga and critical.tga
  10. Hola, En el foro de ingles solo se publica en ingles, si publicas en español u otro idioma no seran respondidos ningunos de tus post
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