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  1. Today
  2. @Mdrst Achei um racista . isso corresponde a comunidade ?
  3. toma no cu tu os arquivos e quem te pediu pra consertar
  4. Unfortunately the links are offline, and Mega also doesn't let you download large files. Does anyone please have these files? Both the server posted on the website and servers?
  5. Yesterday
  6. jeje Já deveriam ser públicos, tenho cópias pois me pagaram para solucionar alguns pequenos erros, pois da sua parte como desenvolvedor você não tem futuro
  7. Você queria oferecer seus arquivos de merda cheios de bugs?
  8. Last week
  9. Try It https://portal-webtop2.blogspot.com/2012/10/sapecoserver.html?m=1 Good Lucky
  10. The .bat file that was supposed to open the server were missing ProxyServer.exe >_< yep, kinda stupid for me. But now im getting the "Famous" "Server is busy" when i tried to enter the second password to create the PJ's. Any idea? I guess the error is in the Database, i found this "possible solution" but it doesnt work same way in SQL 2022 : check your database... if u used a clean database ..theres a problem with the gamedb>usertables>dbo.account .. if it is empty ..will give a "server busy error" u need to add your ID..username ..and a password ..to fix problem to empty area.
  11. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qOJ4HtN1OYz2aVXHoDCefNz2jSnKZm7A/view?usp=drive_link no tengo nesesidad de estafar banana
  12. Ninguém tem código fonte da 1.3 . Quem tentar te vender provavelmente irá te roubar.
  13. Hi Community. Yesterday i managed to play, everything was fine, i was testing some inside stuff but today when i tried to get in again, this appears, Any idea ? Click Here Picture
  14. Спасибо большое за информацию!
  15. Добрый день! Есть у кого нибудь пароль от архива GetPlayerByName или архим без пароля? Если можно, то поделитесь пожалуйста
  16. check MissionSDK: elseif actions.func == TakeMoney then PRINT( "ActionProc:TakeMoney, p1 = ", actions.p1 ) local ret = TakeMoney( character, npc, actions.p1 ) if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then PRINT( "ActionProc: TakeMoney failed!param1 = %d", actions.p1 ) SystemNotice( character, "ActionProc: TakeMoney failed!" ) return LUA_FALSE end
  17. Если у вас есть функция GetPlayerByName(character_name) То в локальный чат &lua_all GiveItem(GetPlayerByName("character_name"), 0, id_item, count, type) Если у вас есть функция OnPlayerEnterMap то можно сделать обработчик через файл (записываете в файл никнейм и ид персонажа) при заходе персонажа на карту проверяете файл и выдаете предмет, затирая информацию о выдаче(чтоб не выдавать каждый выход) Тогда вы сможете выдавать любые предметы любым пользователям в удобное время. Иначе я не знаю или не помню каким образом это можно сделать в стандартных файлах.
  18. Good morning community After 2 years of inactivity I wanted to re-edit the files from a long time ago and I found several bugs that I hope someone else has been able to solve. The first is that when buying something "take money" it works well but not having the amount to buy appears in system "Action Proc: Take money failed" I never noticed this error before I don't know if it could be due to something I added I don't remember but if someone knows where to start fixing I would appreciate it very much, the other error is in reputation when having but it charges the amount of reputation but not having the amount of reputation it still gives you the item thank you in advance Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  19. @Jonathan Just a reminder: there are no 1.3x released sources. The leaked source files are all ToP 2.x, which are then rolled-back/patched to match the packet structure of the 1.3x client. It could be the same "to the naked eye", but I think you should know that.
  20. OMG. You can't imagine how long I need this completeness guide to create my own server. I can't open a single server since 2015 cause of lag my experience till today. Thank you for being my angel and guiding me through the toughest times. You have pulled me up from the darkest moments of my life, and for that, I am eternally grateful. You are truly an angel sent from heaven. Thank you sir very very much.
  21. Hi all, I'm interested to buy the client and server source code in a state that compiles and runs. Ideally it would be in a git repo that starts from the released source, and fixed forward from there. I am not interested in any version of the Corsairs source - I am looking for clean client and server source code. And to be clear, 1.3X is correlating with IGG ToP 1, so use the corresponding source code. In case it matters, I am happy for this to be released publicly once it is complete and paid for. Feel free to message with any questions. Let me know any asking prices. Thanks! Kind regards, Jonathan
  22. @Magicsea Onlineспасибо! Про команды GM знаю, но к сожалению ей я напрямую персонажу ее могу выдать. А можете направить, как я могу реализовать правильно через LUA, что бы мог разным игрокам в ручную выдовать предметы
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