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About habs8024

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  1. why is your website so slow
  2. Hi Angelix, im not getting any gameserver console errors Also my gameserver log is filled with this, nothing else No, you're right there's also this script called "Start.lua" and Variables.Lua
  3. Hello Masuka I've just found it in lucky's archive. https://mega.nz/folder/OUMUgTYb#jtCsqh7halK_O9uzWyaG0g/file/HAkEDS6B it's called Pkosite V1.0.0.rar it's in the webfiles -> templates -> Pkosite v1.0.0.rar Hope it's the one you're looking for
  4. Hello Pirates I have tried to add the FREE Lunch extension from lucky's archive the script works great, sort of it functions as it should but i found a weird problem, that i cannot figure out for the life of me Somehow the script messes up the entire Cha_timer, so such as rear fairy, cloaks and other cha_timer effects just stops working The script looks like this Does anyone have an idea on how to fix this? Not looking for a hand out, but a pointer of where to go would be nice print( " >> Loading FREE Lunch Ctrl" ) -- -------------------------- -- FREE Lunch Functions -- -------------------------- function FREELunch:SetHours(number) if FREELunch.Enable == true then print("=============================================================================") print("FREE Lunch: You can't edit hours right now because FREE Lunch Event is enabled. If you wish to edit hours, please disable the event first!") print("=============================================================================") return 0 end if number > 24 then print("=============================================================================") print("FREE Lunch: Maximum hours range is 24 hour(s). You can't make it higher!") print("=============================================================================") return 0 end FREELunch.Hours = number BickerNotice(role,"FREE Lunch: Time is not set up!") SystemNotice(role,"FREE Lunch: Please set up your FREE Lunch Hour before starting this extension.") print("FREE Lunch: Your set your hours to "..number.." for FREE Lunch Event, If you wish to proceed please start the event, if not, you can change the value again.") end function FuncFREELunch(ignore, role, freq, time) for i,v in pairs({GetChaDefaultName(role)}) do if(FREELunch.Hours ~= nil and FREELunch.Enable == true and IsPlayer(role) == 1 and FREELunch.Players[v] == nil)then FREELunch.Announce = true FREELunch.Players[v] = { Name = v, Time = FREELunch.Hours*3600, Role = role } BickerNotice(FREELunch.Players[v].Role,"FREE Lunch Event has started!") SystemNotice(FREELunch.Players[v].Role,"FREE Lunch: FREE Lunch Event has started! If you wish to receive rewards, you have to be online for "..FREELunch.Hours.." hour(s)!") elseif(FREELunch.Hours ~= nil and FREELunch.Enable == false and IsPlayer(role) == 1 and FREELunch.Announce == true)then BickerNotice(FREELunch.Players[v].Role,"FREE Lunch Event has ended!") Notice("FREE Lunch: The FREE Lunch Event has already ended! Congratulations to all who have won, and for who haven't won, we wish you a better luck next FREE Lunch. Thank you for joining the Event!") FREELunch:Init() FREELunch.Players[CharacterName] = nil elseif(FREELunch.Hours == nil and FREELunch.Enable == true and IsPlayer(role) == 1 and FREELunch.SetUp == true)then FREELunch:Init() BickerNotice(role,"FREE Lunch: Time is not set up!") SystemNotice(role,"FREE Lunch: Please set up your FREE Lunch Hour before starting this extension.") print("FREE Lunch: Please set up your FREE Lunch Hour before starting this extension.") else FREELunch.SetUp = true end end local CharacterName = GetChaDefaultName(role) local Roler = FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Role local Random = math.random(1,FREELunch.RewardsCount) if(FREELunch.Enable == true)then if(IsPlayer(role) == 1 and FREELunch.Players[CharacterName] ~= nil)then FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time = FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time - 1 end end if(FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time == 86399)then SystemNotice(Roler,"FREE Lunch: "..FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Name..", your remaining time to receive FREE Lunch reward is: 24 hour") elseif(FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time == 82800)then SystemNotice(Roler,"FREE Lunch: "..FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Name..", your remaining time to receive FREE Lunch reward is: 23 hour") elseif(FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time == 79200)then SystemNotice(Roler,"FREE Lunch: "..FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Name..", your remaining time to receive FREE Lunch reward is: 22 hour") elseif(FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time == 75600)then SystemNotice(Roler,"FREE Lunch: "..FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Name..", your remaining time to receive FREE Lunch reward is: 21 hour") elseif(FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time == 72000)then SystemNotice(Roler,"FREE Lunch: "..FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Name..", your remaining time to receive FREE Lunch reward is: 20 hour") elseif(FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time == 68400)then SystemNotice(Roler,"FREE Lunch: "..FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Name..", your remaining time to receive FREE Lunch reward is: 19 hour") elseif(FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time == 64800)then SystemNotice(Roler,"FREE Lunch: "..FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Name..", your remaining time to receive FREE Lunch reward is: 18 hour") elseif(FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time == 61200)then SystemNotice(Roler,"FREE Lunch: "..FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Name..", your remaining time to receive FREE Lunch reward is: 17 hour") elseif(FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time == 57600)then SystemNotice(Roler,"FREE Lunch: "..FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Name..", your remaining time to receive FREE Lunch reward is: 16 hour") elseif(FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time == 54000)then SystemNotice(Roler,"FREE Lunch: "..FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Name..", your remaining time to receive FREE Lunch reward is: 15 hour") elseif(FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time == 50400)then SystemNotice(Roler,"FREE Lunch: "..FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Name..", your remaining time to receive FREE Lunch reward is: 14 hour") elseif(FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time == 46800)then SystemNotice(Roler,"FREE Lunch: "..FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Name..", your remaining time to receive FREE Lunch reward is: 13 hour") elseif(FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time == 43200)then SystemNotice(Roler,"FREE Lunch: "..FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Name..", your remaining time to receive FREE Lunch reward is: 12 hour") elseif(FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time == 39600)then SystemNotice(Roler,"FREE Lunch: "..FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Name..", your remaining time to receive FREE Lunch reward is: 11 hour") elseif(FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time == 36000)then SystemNotice(Roler,"FREE Lunch: "..FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Name..", your remaining time to receive FREE Lunch reward is: 10 hour") elseif(FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time == 32400)then SystemNotice(Roler,"FREE Lunch: "..FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Name..", your remaining time to receive FREE Lunch reward is: 9 hour") elseif(FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time == 28800)then SystemNotice(Roler,"FREE Lunch: "..FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Name..", your remaining time to receive FREE Lunch reward is: 8 hour") elseif(FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time == 25200)then SystemNotice(Roler,"FREE Lunch: "..FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Name..", your remaining time to receive FREE Lunch reward is: 7 hour") elseif(FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time == 21600)then SystemNotice(Roler,"FREE Lunch: "..FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Name..", your remaining time to receive FREE Lunch reward is: 6 hour") elseif(FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time == 18000)then SystemNotice(Roler,"FREE Lunch: "..FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Name..", your remaining time to receive FREE Lunch reward is: 5 hour") elseif(FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time == 14400)then SystemNotice(Roler,"FREE Lunch: "..FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Name..", your remaining time to receive FREE Lunch reward is: 4 hour") elseif(FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time == 10800)then SystemNotice(Roler,"FREE Lunch: "..FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Name..", your remaining time to receive FREE Lunch reward is: 3 hour") elseif(FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time == 7200)then SystemNotice(Roler,"FREE Lunch: "..FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Name..", your remaining time to receive FREE Lunch reward is: 2 hour") elseif(FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time == 3600)then SystemNotice(Roler,"FREE Lunch: "..FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Name..", your remaining time to receive FREE Lunch reward is: 1 hour") elseif(FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time == 1800)then SystemNotice(Roler,"FREE Lunch: "..FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Name..", your remaining time to receive FREE Lunch reward is: 30 minute(s)") elseif(FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time == 900)then SystemNotice(Roler,"FREE Lunch: "..FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Name..", your remaining time to receive FREE Lunch reward is: 15 minute(s)") elseif(FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time == 600)then SystemNotice(Roler,"FREE Lunch: "..FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Name..", your remaining time to receive FREE Lunch reward is: 10 minute(s)") elseif(FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time == 300)then SystemNotice(Roler,"FREE Lunch: "..FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Name..", your remaining time to receive FREE Lunch reward is: 5 minute(s)") elseif(FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time == 60)then SystemNotice(Roler,"FREE Lunch: "..FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Name..", your remaining time to receive FREE Lunch reward is: 1 minute(s)") elseif(FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time == 30)then SystemNotice(Roler,"FREE Lunch: "..FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Name..", your remaining time to receive FREE Lunch reward is: 30 second(s)") elseif(FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time == 15)then SystemNotice(Roler,"FREE Lunch: "..FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Name..", your remaining time to receive FREE Lunch reward is: 15 second(s)") elseif(FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time == 5)then SystemNotice(Roler,"FREE Lunch: "..FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Name..", your remaining time to receive FREE Lunch reward is: 5 second(s)") end if(FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Time <= 0)then if GetChaFreeBagGridNum(Roler) <= FREELunch.RewardsCount then GiveItemX (Roler,0, FREELunch.Rewards[Random].ID, FREELunch.Rewards[Random].QTY, 4 ) else GiveItem (Roler,0, FREELunch.Rewards[Random].ID, FREELunch.Rewards[Random].QTY, 4 ) end BickerNotice(Roler,"Congratulations! You win a "..FREELunch.Rewards[Random].QTY.."x of "..GetItemName(FREELunch.Rewards[Random].ID).."!") Notice("FREE Lunch: Congratulations to "..FREELunch.Players[CharacterName].Name.."! he/she has been online for "..FREELunch.Hours.." hour(s) and he/she received "..FREELunch.Rewards[Random].QTY.."x of "..GetItemName(FREELunch.Rewards[Random].ID).."!") FREELunch.Players[CharacterName] = nil end end Hook:AddPostHook("cha_timer", FuncFREELunch,1)
  5. Have you checked that your spacings are correct? i can recommend you checking this out https://pkodev.net/topic/1460-wrong-iteminfotxt-spacing/
  6. habs8024

    LuaSQL (DLL)

    Can anyone help me import this? I feel like I've tried everything or can someone show me the gameserver console of a working one?
  7. I have not, I'm at work atm Do you know if they support the dll? And which one would you recommend?
  8. can anyone give me a 138 gameserver with imported luasql.dll? or show me how to do it
  9. i did try 138 one on the PKO 138 + tools gameserver, still doesnt work
  10. Hello again Can anyone help me with adding the LuaSql.dll to my gameserver.exe? I've tried alot of different gameservers but they all say "Loading LuaSQL.dll" and doesnt say anything about if its correctly imported, or connected I've tried these gameserver.exe's Lucky's 136 base files PKO 138 + tools PirateKingOnline138_Server2.0 Base Server 2.0 some old 135 i had laying around I'm not sure if i have to place the DLL somewhere specific, but i just put it in the same folder as the gameserver then i open CFF explorer in administrator mode, locate the gameserver.exe -> import adder -> add the dll -> import by name -> uncheck "rebuild with OFTs" -> Rebuild Import table -> and press save and overwrite the original files -> launch gameserver, then the first message is this, after that the gameserver starts up as normal, and doesnt mention anything else about LuaSQL P.S I've only tried the "LuaSQL2.rar" also tried both 136 and 138 on all gameservers, nothing working Please anyone help me
  11. If my character is called let's say "pkodev" Should it be &Lua AddMallPoints("pkodev",1000)"? And it should be ingame chat right? Or like this &Lua AddMallPoints pkodev,1000
  12. Arrr Pirates I'm having a problem with LuaSQL that Xeon released in behalf of Wrexor First of all i dont have Visual studio 2015, installed and dont have any experience compiling using VS But i downloaded the rar he attached to his release post, and opened all the files, and see any Sql login to configure So i downloaded the DLL that Wrexor attached, and used CFF explorer to import the DLL into my Gameserver it all went smooth, until i tried to use the "&lua AddMallPoints("Player Name",1000)" command When i tried to use the command ingame, nothing happend, i tried to fill "playername" with Qcha number, ingame name and account name, but nothing got added I have IGS up and running fine, and sql user have all the permissions that it can get I'm looking for guidance for what i can do Please have a look at the picture i have attached to see my gameserver console when i launch the GS Is it connected to my db? should it say something else in the console, i'm quite lost
  13. Hello ive been looking around for an item that gives igs crystals or how to create one, but I've only come across igs by mobs can anyone help me ? thanks in advance
  14. Heeey, kinda weird question. I was sitting on my server today, and i remembered the "myEbot" program, and wanted to use it on my server where i play alone (loner) Is there anyone who has it laying around? Thanks a bunch =) #nohate
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