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Everything posted by champ

  1. if you're coding websites for big companies in php5, then I feel bad for them. other than that, my suggestion would be to switch to a newer version and a framework like laravel. apart from that, you can use ajax requests, pdo and perhaps move from local db to remote mysql. but once again the major change you might want to do is to change the php version for performance and security reasons.
  2. Wonderful how you guys are making money off something you don't own and/ or was coded by somebody else
  3. Сайт хороший, в коде не хватает комментариев. В принципе, учитывая, что он писался на php5, не всё так плохо. Дырок явных я не обнаружил, может быт, конечно, скрытые и есть (может быть поковыряюсь на выходных дабы очистить имя e1mer'a или наоборот), но сливать чужую работу - опозорить себя ниже плинтуса (как по мне).
  4. Красиво, молодец! Я бы уточнил, под какую версию php писалось, дабы потом не пришлось переходить на другую, хотя там проблем много не должно быть.
  5. You need to enable the utf-8-bom encoding as far as I'm concerned (or try using vs code, as it automatically detects the needed one). Other than that, these functions are pretty much self-explanatory and I'm not sure what you need to translate the comments for.
  6. I have added you. Can work with php7 laravel, python flask/django or c# asm. Hit me up whenever you're free.
  7. Well done! Something I wanted to implement but never had the time. Good job.
  8. Я бы задумался насчет цвета выбранного фонта, так как зеленый на розовом - как минимум странно. Да и большинство страниц не подпилены под сайт, а просто вырезаны с других обвязок. Формы можно было бы и обозначить тем самым бутстрапом, чтобы как минимум правильно разместить на странице, а не так, что одно поле слева, другое справа, а другое вообще по середине. Это всё лично моё мнение, думаю, если чуть-чуть переработать, то будет уже лучше. Удачи!
  9. I can code one for you either in python or php. Price depends on the features you'd like to see, hmu if interested.
  10. Конечно, смогу. Пиши сюда в лс, но освобожусь только на следующей неделе, в университете сейчас экзамены.
  11. Используй обвязку Perseus на laravel. Сам фреймворк нужно будет обновить, но с ним не будет проблем да и работать легко, если будут проблемы, пиши.
  12. Какой ужас И смешно, и грустно!
  13. Hi Wolfen. I've started working on my project again and when I was exporting animations from the file you have uploaded, noticed that phyllis hasn't been rendered correctly. Is there any way you can provide a fix for that?
  14. I do not have the time to help with server administration but I can code a website for you in either php, asp.net or python. If interested, hmu.
  15. Если для пиратии, то ответ выше. Если в целом, то советую обратить внимание на wxLua.
  16. Fair play! I've stopped working on mine, cause been invited to work on a top-related project atm. And I agree about the UE/ Unity choice, but as I'm doing it just for myself I don't mind really. That's the latest video I've made on my progress: Have to say that even though in current top models don't look too bad(ish), when switching to another engine they definitely need remodeling...
  17. Yes, this can be done in lua indeed. My goal was to be able to assign items from website to character in game in real time which required a bit more comprehensive solution rather than plain lua.
  18. Adding gold is definitely doable, retrieving cha items should be possible as well but I assume it'd be a bit more complex.
  19. You need to find where to hook is and remove it first then null out the memory at the dll location. Long story short, you're better off using a fresh executable without that library.
  20. Created a tool that handles requests and sends them to the server which then validates data and executes an appropriate action. Might release it later. Currently supports only GiveItem but I reckon I should be able to add a lot more. Any suggestions on what else can be done?
  21. I doubt values don't get updated due to queries execution time. Most likely they get loaded upon opening the guild window hence the need to re-open. Not sure though, need to double-check the source code.
  22. Да, всё получилось. Большое спасибо! Может быть создам отдельную тему и покажу, что уже сделано, вдруг кому-то будет интересно.
  23. Oh sorry I misunderstood the question. I reckon it would require edits on both client and server considering that you'd prefer to control it via server.
  24. Yes, it is. Reference: https://www.lua.org/pil/22.1.html get_local_time = get_local_time or function() return os.date("Current time: %X") end print(get_local_time()) I'm not sure what lua version top server files run on but I assume it should work, you've got to replace the print statement though with say SystemNotice(role, get_local_time())
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