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About emofc

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  1. @V3ct0r can you put post again in advertise section
  2. Hello to everyone! I have everything I need to run a well secured server. Server files Web files looking for a team to start working on a new vanilla project. We will discuss the payment in MY DISCORD >>>>> Rusnaka8888|#0881
  3. I will open a server with your files,im trying now to attach new stall server on your files.
  4. its now fixed and works good out of errors STALL SERVER?
  5. Hello im searching a team for new project medium / pk server! looking for a developer who works with lua and has knowledge in Tales of Pirates ! for more info PM ME ON DISCORD! okok#5474
  6. New server of tales of pirates Coming soon. Me and my team working on Classic Project medium server. For more details about my project join the discord server below: DISCORD SERVER Server Rates: SERVER RATES:Max Level: 80 Solo-exp: 2x Party-exp: 5x Drop-rate: 1x Fairy-growth: 50x Ship-exp: 5x Max Pet-Level: 42 Mazes: Demonic World Chaos Argent Forsaken City Dark Swamp . Maps: Argent City Icicle City Shaitan City Server Features: -Medium Server -Vanilla way to Level up -Balanced Server -Excellent protection (anti DDos, anti Dupe) -Ingame Currency (imps) can be obtained in all mobs -Reputation can be obtain in dw, ds, fc mobs -Jackpot Machine NPC -Reputation Exchaner NPC -Legendary tree of fortune (Edited Fortune Packet drops) -Black Market NPC -Class Job Changer NPC (Same npc where you get your class Promotion) -Fair Market NPC -Unseal NPC (Uns 45-55) -Apparel NPC (East Argent) -New Field Bosses that gives money notes -Offline Stall(can be use to level your pet while offline)
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