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Everything posted by V3ct0r

  1. Привет, @Graf! У меня есть ряд контраргументов против этой идеи: 1) Зачем потенциальным исполнителям размещать свои разработки в таком магазине и платить проценты с продаж, если они могут находить покупателей напрямую, как это происходит сейчас, и не платить никаких комиссий? 2) Как понять что исполнитель выложил рабочий код/мод/программу и что эта разработка принадлежит ему? Нанимать команду модераторов? Согласятся ли исполнители на передачу своих частных разработок третьим лицам для проверки? 3) С каждым годом усиливается тенденция монетизации разработок. Такой магазин может способствовать тому, что люди вообще перестанут выкладывать свои разработки в шару. Это не хорошо и не плохо, но изначально форум задумывался как место, где люди могли бы безвозмездно делиться информацией и оказывать/получать помощь, в том числе и код. 4) Кто будет нести ответственность за сделки, как отметил @Blanquitoh?
  2. Hello @kyleflow, As far as I remember, you also need to add some scripts to the Client\scripts\lua\table\stonehint.lua file or something like that.
  3. Hello @kyleflow, 1) Make sure that your server files don't have any modifications related to the GM system (for example, whitelist of GM names); 2) What item are you trying to make?
  4. On the web server, where the site is running.
  5. Hello @alexman90gg, you can find it here:
  6. You need to install PDO driver sqlsrv for your PHP version. You can google how to do it.
  7. Hello @batatafds, Please use the relevant section next time. The "Guides" section is not suitable for questions. Thank you!
  8. Hello @kokoboko, Please use the relevant section next time. The "Guides" section is not suitable for questions. Thank you!
  9. V3ct0r

    Game.exe Info

    Hello @kyleflow, You can't change Game.exe version 13X_2 into 13X_3. They have different binary structure. Of couse, technically you change the build timestamp using any HEX editor, but it won't work.
  10. Hello @SolidusZA, you can remove all .mp3 files from Client\music folder (cons: music won't play anymore).
  11. You can get information about user groups here. The group "Members" can't send private messages.
  12. Hello @SolidusZA, I am sorry, but I don't provide any help or services in PM. Have a nice day!
  13. Hello @SolidusZA, GameServer.exe takes a path to .cfg in it's command line arguments. For example, you can create (in the same folder with GameServer.exe) and run the following .bat file: @echo off start GameServer.exe GameServer.cfg start GameServer.exe GameServer2.cfg start GameServer.exe GameServer3.cfg
  14. Hello @alexman90gg, I can suggest you google the error code. For example, there is a question on Stack Overflow that might help you.
  15. Hello @Davidjones and welcome to the forum! In the common case you should do two things: 1) Copy all .txt files from the GameServer\resource folder to the Client\scripts\table one and follow the steps in this this guide; 2) Set IP address of the server using this program. You should specify the IP since you are running the server on the same PC ("offline" server).
  16. Hello @nyarum12, Nowadays many of the projects are headed to money making (have commercial basis) and they are not interested to "support everyone" or, in other words, support their competitors, other projects. There is a struggle for attention and the number of players. For such projects @champ's development may be useful and handy.
  17. Hello @Andy, Do you have an opportunity to build the mod in Visual Studio 2019/2022? Try to replace the line 319 in file dllmain.cpp: if (friends == false) with: if (!friends && pOtherCha->hp > 0)
  18. You can also send me Game.exe, I will check.
  19. Could you send me CharacterInfo.bin and tell where you got it from? (Version of client or server files)
  20. Hello @Myruni, You are right, at the moment the mod only supports GroupServer.exe version 1.38.
  21. Hello @Ximboliex, Which one of Game.exe? I know 6 versions.
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