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About batatafds

  • Rank
    Cabin Boy

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  1. I wonder in which file I can edit the drop of each mob, example wanted to drop gem vouncher in dark swamp
  2. Hello, I'm thinking of developing a server as we had in the past in the year 2007/2010 medium / hard i am Brazilian I'm with this idea aiming only at fun, no profits, why will not have item mall on the server, I am open to opinions, for those who want to help in some way of this project, nowadays we have only pk pirates servers, So if anyone wants to help, you can leave your opinion in the post, I apologize for the English ! --REMEMBERING WILL BE A NON-PROFIT PROJECT !
  3. I can't leave the server online with my vps server ip, only with my hamachi ip
  4. someone who knows how to program a tales of pirates server? we can negotiate price I just want to leave it online !
  5. Do you still have an active community on this site? I'm starting to develop a new server tales of pirates, I'm accepting tips and suggestions
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