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Everything posted by AlGhoul

  1. 1.3x game.exe uses StringSet.bin, to provide some "Client side" popups & system notices you just have to decompile it and recompile it using your game.exe whereas 2.x game.exe uses .res files for the same purpose but in a different approach & different encryption. again you just have to decompile, adjust what you want and recompile it you can find compilers and decompilers accordingly on the forum or on MEGA archive.
  2. for paypal its called IPN which is Instant paypal notifications , here is a reference:- https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api-basics/notifications/ipn/ht-ipn/# for other platforms/payment methods u'll have to check if they provide something similar or someway to check for successful payments.
  3. It doesn't achieve 100%, i thought that he wants the opposite.
  4. use ur local ip addr as u are doing it locally for ur cfgs, and use for gateserver.
  5. gateserver accepts incoming connections if u specified anything rather than which means accept all the ips which is going to try and connect to ur server, if u specified u are telling ur gate to accept connection from ur local machine only.. this is not the perfect explanation but i hope u get it. and for ur client, u should use ur public ip addr
  6. u should always use in ur gateserver.cfg regardless what ur host is, whether its public or hamachi it always works with
  7. nope it doesn't, this script just compares effectiveness level and returns 1 which is "True" regardless anything
  8. did u really read this before posting it? this script aint gonna work obviously... try this:- function Check_CG_beuplv ( Item_Lv ) --Apparel Upgrade local ran = math.random ( 1, 100 ) if Item_Lv <= 10 then --100% Success for Lv 10 apparels return 1 end if Item_Lv>10 and Item_Lv <= 15 then --75% Success for Lv 11 to Lv 15 apparels if ran <= 75 then return 1 else return 0 end end if Item_Lv>15 and Item_Lv <= 20 then --50% Success for Lv 16 to Lv 20 apparels if ran <= 50 then return 1 else return 0 end end end
  9. i guess that i didn't mention the client, i didn't specify anything. you know exactly what iam talking about, and you/your source and everyone who worked on it aren't the issue the issue is "PO" and apparently @yagura2k made a name for himself as a hacker or something and he doesn't even know html... anyways you know that PO exploiting things under yagura's name which is pathetic, and yet this is not COMPILE TO RUN code "atleast for me". and yeah don't try to explain clear things, i know what you are tryin' to say but u could 've said that in another way; still u aren't an issue, they should appreciate what u/ CO staff have done and released.
  10. should we take this as a confession that the source has backdoors/exploits? we know that already.... just a note for everyone who doesn't know, this is not a COMPILE to RUN kind of source; u gotta dig in deep and fix everything and most importantly covering the exploits.
  11. well since MSSQL isn't just for TOP/PKO, you could just use "google's search engine" instead of posting here check the URL below it might be helpful. https://support.microsoft.com/en-au/help/822841/fix-setting-of-connection-attribute-fails-when-you-use-connection-pool
  12. Update #01: Added WebGL "My Characters" Add-on, What's WebGL? well, WebGL (Web Graphics Library) is a JavaScript API for rendering interactive 2D and 3D graphics within any compatible web browser without the use of plug-ins. What about WebGL support? WebGL supports almost every web browser, well not all of them but it does support every "modern" browser and mobile browsers. Note: sorry for the quality i'm running the Web/Game Server(s) on a low end laptop and recording. and yeah keep in mind that it does impact the performance / page load, thanks for understanding.
  13. https://mega.nz/#!kolmDKSb!M-FEZjCt53Ty01-4GOeza5lMI_NUnogzodaKPZxn8wM
  14. Hello @everyone! today im introducing my python website to the community. features: Register/Login/Resetpassword/Changepassword Itemmall/Awardcenter/Auctions/Promocodes/IGSTransfer/CreditsExchange/TokensExchange(ingame card or item for imps or credits on web)/Namechange(for guilds and chars(requires an item)) Ranking/Vote Adminpanel/Discord webhook(once you post something on website, a webhook api is triggered to notify players on discord) the website is online & hosted on ubuntu machine (nginx) to the public, so you guys can test & view its features(once you register you get admin rights so you can test everything). unfortunately i can't run server right now so you can't test name change feature and etc... hooked discord channel: https://discord.gg/XrHhM3P website link: https://flaskwebserver.tk any suggestion is appreciated!
  15. i believe that our forum has a search engine, it doesn't work properly sometimes but it does exist.
  16. this error Cilent To Fall Check(SND). Cilent To Fall Check(RCV)
  17. scripts related to hp/sp recovery are cha_timer / resume. while cha_timer inside functions.lua & resume inside AttrCalculate.lua you may have messed up with cha_timer. and for pvp invitations, you have to define invitations areas with yammi tool. check out this guide: function cha_timer(role, freq, time) local resume_freq = 5 local now_tick = GetChaParam(role, 1) local is_role_living = -1 SetChaParam(role, 1, now_tick + freq * time) if math.mod(now_tick, resume_freq) == 0 and now_tick > 0 then JianYuKa(role ,now_tick) ZhongShenTaoZhuang(role,now_tick) if is_role_living == -1 then is_role_living = IsChaLiving(role) end if is_role_living == 1 then Resume(role) end end function Resume ( role ) local role_type = ChaIsBoat ( role ) local srec = GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_SREC ) local sp = GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_SP ) local mxsp = GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_MXSP ) local hrec = GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_HREC ) if hrec < 0 then LG ( "resume_err" , "role = " , GetChaName (role) , "HP recovery rate lower than 0" ) LG ( "resume_err" , "role_hrec_statec = " , GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_STATEC_HREC) , "role_hrec_statev = ", GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_STATEV_HREC) ) LG ( "luascript_err" , "function Resume: character HP recovery rate less than 0" ) return end local hp = GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_HP ) local mxhp = GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_MXHP ) if role_type == 1 then --船只resume --Rem_State_NOSEA ( role ) -- SystemNotice (role,"enter ship recover") if hp <= 0 then LG ( "luascript_err" , "function Resume: Character in dead status" ) return end cha_role = GetMainCha ( role ) if sp <= 0 then BickerNotice ( role , "No more fuel! The ship is being damaged every moment! Get to the nearest Harbor now!" ) hrec = hrec - 0.025 * mxhp srec = 0 end sp = math.max ( 0 , sp - srec ) hp = math.min ( mxhp , hp + hrec ) local ship_lv = GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_LV ) local ship_exp = GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_CEXP ) local boatexpup_count = GetBoatCtrlTick ( role ) if ( boatexpup_count - math.floor ( boatexpup_count / 5 ) * 5 ) == 4 then a = 1 else a = 0 end boatexpup_count = boatexpup_count + 1 if boatexpup_count >= 500 then boatexpup_count = 0 end SetBoatCtrlTick ( role , boatexpup_count ) -- SetAttrChangeFlag( role) if ship_lv <= 30 and ship_exp <= 1000 then -- if ship_lv <= 50 and ship_exp <= 1000 then -- SystemNotice (role,"enter ship expup") if a == 1 then -- SystemNotice (role,"ship_expadd = " ..ship_expadd) -- SystemNotice (role,"ship_exp = " ..ship_exp) local ship_expadd = math.floor ( math.random ( 1, 3 ) + math.max ( 0 , ( 2 - ship_lv /10 ) ) ) -- local ship_expadd = math.floor ( math.random ( 50, 150 ) ) ship_exp = ship_exp + ship_expadd -- SystemNotice (role,"after resume ship_exp = " ..ship_exp) SystemNotice (role,"Ship EXP gained:" ..ship_expadd) SetCharaAttr (ship_exp ,role , ATTR_CEXP ) -- ship_exp = GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_CEXP ) -- SystemNotice (role,"1 after resume ship_exp = " ..ship_exp) end end -- cha_hp = math.min ( Mxhp ( cha_role ) , Hp ( cha_role ) + Hrec ( cha_role ) ) cha_sp = math.min ( Mxsp ( cha_role ) , Sp ( cha_role ) + Srec ( cha_role ) ) SetCharaAttr ( sp , role , ATTR_SP ) SetCharaAttr ( hp , role , ATTR_HP ) -- SetCharaAttr ( cha_hp , cha_role , ATTR_HP ) SetCharaAttr ( cha_sp , cha_role , ATTR_SP ) -- SyncBoat ( role, 4 ) else if hp <= 0 then LG ( "luascript_err" , "function Resume: Character in dead status" ) return end local Elf_SkillHpResume = 0 local Elf_SkillSpResume = 0 if mxhp ~= hp then Elf_SkillHpResume = ElfSkill_HpResume ( role ) end if mxsp ~= sp then Elf_SkillSpResume = ElfSkill_SpResume ( role ) end hrec = hrec + Elf_SkillHpResume srec = srec + Elf_SkillSpResume sp = math.min ( mxsp , sp + srec ) hp = math.min ( mxhp , hp + hrec ) SetCharaAttr ( hp , role , ATTR_HP ) SetCharaAttr ( sp , role , ATTR_SP ) end end
  18. ItemInfo = 0x00098523 SkillInfo = 0x000985CC SkillEff = 0x00098841
  19. you need to hex game.exe which in client side
  20. for gmnotice you need vector exes, and here is how to add gmnotice & track lvl find script/calculate/AttrCalculate.lua find:- function BsAttrUpgrade( role ) add this if lv == NEW_LV_LIMIT then GMNotice('Congratulations to '..GetChaDefaultName(role)..' for reaching the max level.'); end below local lv = GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_LV ) where NEW_LV_LIMIT is the variable that equal to the lv you want to track/maxlv. we will say your server's maxlv is lv100 so NEW_LV_LIMIT will be:- NEW_LV_LIMIT = 100 NEW_LV_LIMIT = 100 add it wherever you want. or you can add it into Variable.lua
  21. @Billy solution ALL STATES that are to be added must NOT have the ALLExAttrSet(role) or AttrRecheck(role) lines, as this would cause an overflow error.
  22. how do you expect being helped without posting scripts?
  23. there are visible/invisible tweaked models and two ways for this, first method replacing models 2nd method decompiling character info and replacing lines which is bad.
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