X,Y 160,150 is the coordinates where it would spawn
SetChaLifeTime(Event_Boss,97000000) the 97000000 is the timing of spawn. I believe this is saying boss alive for X seconds.
I don't remember how vector set it up, but it was like an .txt and then you compile the bin I think so that it reads the new .bin. I don't think you need to add any .tga or .png just the name of the icon.
I had copy one from Pirates Online, I had to decompile a different way but I managed to copy it.
Starting at 1:38
It can be found in my old server I don't have any TOP stuff anymore so you would have to find someone who has it.
You can create a domain for your server.
Masking your I.P or server I.P into a URL example like: talesofpirates-domain.com
Your friends will then use an I.P changer in the client you provide and change the I.P to your server I.P
Then you can use a website or in SQL, and create an account for them, or they can register on the website.
Try to find CSVed and use it, it aligns things for you, and also some files need an extra 0 at the next line for it to be able to compile without error.