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Dan last won the day on November 3

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189 Excellent

About Dan

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    Sea Captain

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  1. Look at Phyllis Crusader, I think there is something in the row/column I forgot which that you change to enable it.
  2. I can't read russian, but what is wrong with NPCScript07.lua?
  3. X,Y 160,150 is the coordinates where it would spawn SetChaLifeTime(Event_Boss,97000000) the 97000000 is the timing of spawn. I believe this is saying boss alive for X seconds.
  4. Dan

    Effect Panel

    I don't remember how vector set it up, but it was like an .txt and then you compile the bin I think so that it reads the new .bin. I don't think you need to add any .tga or .png just the name of the icon.
  5. Dan

    Effect Panel

    If this is Vector's thing, I remember you had to add it in the .txt to load (icon name) .tga or .png
  6. I had copy one from Pirates Online, I had to decompile a different way but I managed to copy it. Starting at 1:38 It can be found in my old server I don't have any TOP stuff anymore so you would have to find someone who has it.
  7. Please provide examples of work for the services that you are offering to ensure other users that you are able to complete the task.
  8. You can create a domain for your server. Masking your I.P or server I.P into a URL example like: talesofpirates-domain.com Your friends will then use an I.P changer in the client you provide and change the I.P to your server I.P Then you can use a website or in SQL, and create an account for them, or they can register on the website.
  9. If I remember it has to be 101 no?
  10. Good to hear, if you ever change to green glow, you can make them white or purple.
  11. I believe there is a value in ItemRefineInfo.txt it was 1-4 I think.
  12. I think it is the file blood.tga
  13. Hello, it looks like your account is currently compromised, please check if you have any malware as you have commented with a spam link.

    I suggest doing a thorough scan of your computer and also updating your password credentials.  

  14. I don't know if this is it, but you can try. https://mega.nz/file/0Ko2QbBK#m3ltEtF3k3i6Lx6CTylvmq4PL5InY6qfcjNnW08biMw
  15. Try to find CSVed and use it, it aligns things for you, and also some files need an extra 0 at the next line for it to be able to compile without error.
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