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Natta last won the day on May 13 2018

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About Natta

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    Cabin Boy

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  1. @JoJo Thank you for your reply!
  2. Hello! I got an bug/issue with the character class, everytime a character relogs it loses the class. I've been looking in the files for the issue but can't seem to find anything, I even tried to replace with clean files in case its something with my resources but its still the same even with clean files. Does anyone have a clue what it could be or where I should look to fix this. Thank you all! :)
  3. @RedMAN Thank you for your reply and the tip! I didn't get any errors since I removed the objects that were really close the each other, but if I will get this error again then I will know what to do. :)
  4. Oh i think I get it then, I will try remove some objects and remake it. I really hope it will work, if not I am working on a new map that's a bit bigger. Thank you a lot for your reply @Fisal Moha
  5. @Fisal Moha thank you for your reply! The map should be big enough, I have not even finished the whole map so that would be strange :P Im only done with the city and a bit of the outside but there is alot left.
  6. @Onioni thank you for your reply! That was the issue, i am not using cam any cam tweaks. I have the original one and that's why I didn't get why I receive this error. :)
  7. I know, but when I do it removes some of my objects and then I have to do it all over again
  8. Hello! Do anyone have a clue why I get this error message when I use the editor? I had that issue before but I changed my cam tweak to the original one which was in the folder when I downloaded it and now I still receive this message but only when I want to make screenshots for my minimap. If someone knows anything I would be really grateful, thank you!
  9. @x3w0r Regarding my cha_timer and function resume this is how it looks like: function cha_timer(role, freq, time) local resume_freq = 5 local now_tick = GetChaParam(role, 1) local is_role_living = -1 SetChaParam(role, 1, now_tick + freq * time) if math.mod(now_tick, resume_freq) == 0 and now_tick > 0 then JianYuKa(role ,now_tick) ZhongShenTaoZhuang(role,now_tick) if is_role_living == -1 then is_role_living = IsChaLiving(role) end if is_role_living == 1 then Resume(role) end end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Resume ( role ) local role_type = ChaIsBoat ( role ) local srec = GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_SREC ) local sp = GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_SP ) local mxsp = GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_MXSP ) local hrec = GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_HREC ) if hrec < 0 then LG ( "resume_err" , "role = " , GetChaName (role) , "HP recovery rate lower than 0" ) LG ( "resume_err" , "role_hrec_statec = " , GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_STATEC_HREC) , "role_hrec_statev = ", GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_STATEV_HREC) ) LG ( "luascript_err" , "function Resume: character HP recovery rate less than 0" ) return end local hp = GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_HP ) local mxhp = GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_MXHP ) if role_type == 1 then --船只resume --Rem_State_NOSEA ( role ) -- SystemNotice (role,"enter ship recover") if hp <= 0 then LG ( "luascript_err" , "function Resume: Character in dead status" ) return end cha_role = GetMainCha ( role ) if sp <= 0 then BickerNotice ( role , "No more fuel! The ship is being damaged every moment! Get to the nearest Harbor now!" ) hrec = hrec - 0.025 * mxhp srec = 0 end sp = math.max ( 0 , sp - srec ) hp = math.min ( mxhp , hp + hrec ) local ship_lv = GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_LV ) local ship_exp = GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_CEXP ) local boatexpup_count = GetBoatCtrlTick ( role ) if ( boatexpup_count - math.floor ( boatexpup_count / 5 ) * 5 ) == 4 then a = 1 else a = 0 end boatexpup_count = boatexpup_count + 1 if boatexpup_count >= 500 then boatexpup_count = 0 end SetBoatCtrlTick ( role , boatexpup_count ) -- SetAttrChangeFlag( role) if ship_lv <= 30 and ship_exp <= 1000 then -- if ship_lv <= 50 and ship_exp <= 1000 then -- SystemNotice (role,"enter ship expup") if a == 1 then -- SystemNotice (role,"ship_expadd = " ..ship_expadd) -- SystemNotice (role,"ship_exp = " ..ship_exp) local ship_expadd = math.floor ( math.random ( 1, 3 ) + math.max ( 0 , ( 2 - ship_lv /10 ) ) ) -- local ship_expadd = math.floor ( math.random ( 50, 150 ) ) ship_exp = ship_exp + ship_expadd -- SystemNotice (role,"after resume ship_exp = " ..ship_exp) SystemNotice (role,"Ship EXP gained:" ..ship_expadd) SetCharaAttr (ship_exp ,role , ATTR_CEXP ) -- ship_exp = GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_CEXP ) -- SystemNotice (role,"1 after resume ship_exp = " ..ship_exp) end end -- cha_hp = math.min ( Mxhp ( cha_role ) , Hp ( cha_role ) + Hrec ( cha_role ) ) cha_sp = math.min ( Mxsp ( cha_role ) , Sp ( cha_role ) + Srec ( cha_role ) ) SetCharaAttr ( sp , role , ATTR_SP ) SetCharaAttr ( hp , role , ATTR_HP ) -- SetCharaAttr ( cha_hp , cha_role , ATTR_HP ) SetCharaAttr ( cha_sp , cha_role , ATTR_SP ) -- SyncBoat ( role, 4 ) else if hp <= 0 then LG ( "luascript_err" , "function Resume: Character in dead status" ) return end local Elf_SkillHpResume = 0 local Elf_SkillSpResume = 0 if mxhp ~= hp then Elf_SkillHpResume = ElfSkill_HpResume ( role ) end if mxsp ~= sp then Elf_SkillSpResume = ElfSkill_SpResume ( role ) end hrec = hrec + Elf_SkillHpResume srec = srec + Elf_SkillSpResume sp = math.min ( mxsp , sp + srec ) hp = math.min ( mxhp , hp + hrec ) SetCharaAttr ( hp , role , ATTR_HP ) SetCharaAttr ( sp , role , ATTR_SP ) end end
  10. @V3ct0r I re-marked the PvP spot on the map and updated the atr file and it worked! Thank you alot
  11. @V3ct0r Not instantly but when I changed some other stuff in my map I updated the blk and atr but I'm gonna do it again in case since I'm not sure, thank you for your reply!
  12. @x3w0r I can send them here as soon as I get home, but what I did was that I took the scripts @J0k3r wrote here and replaced them to see if it would make any difference.
  13. Hmm and about the cha_timer / function resume scripts everything seems to look as it should there so I have no clue why it didn't fix the issue.
  14. @J0k3r Thank you for your reply! I will fix my HP/SP recovery that way. Regarding the PvP invites I did use the YAMMI tool aswell before, and I marked the whole city with the tool but when I saved it and restarted everything it didn't work so I thought it could be the scripts in the teampk map.
  15. Hello! I have 2 questions which i hope someone can help me with. The first issue is that my HP/SP recovery is bugged so if the character dies it doesn't recover by sitting or standing, does anyone know which files to look at so i can fix this issue? The second issue is that i can't make PvP invites for my map, i guess its under teampk map in rescources either under ctrl.lua or entry but it doesn't matter how much i try to change in these files it just doesn't work so maybe im missing something Thanks
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