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Everything posted by Billy

  1. @Angelix Before changing maps, GS runs the remove state function, so it removes the amount added then runs the add function again (for the new fairy). (mouse is slightly desynced on video for some reason, idk why)
  2. Not always, since you can add the amount from poss to your current attrv and record the amount you added. Then when poss is removed check the recorded value and set attrv to attrv - recorded value.
  3. You are setting attrv attributes to equal fairy level, which overwrites attrv attributes from other things, such as uns85 ring glow etc. This could be the problem.
  4. Billy

    Mini Game

    Ublock Origen has an option to disable an element in a page, it works to disable the game and ghe green box about the game.
  5. Since the packet sent from client to server when you use the exchange npc contains the item ID, the ChangeItemList table is required as it contains all the valid exchanges and compares the IDs in the packet received to it. You can edit ExchangeData function to contain something like: table.insert(ChangeItemList,{srcID, srcNum, tarID, tarNum}) To automaticly make this table for you, then you can just use: ExchangeData( srcID, srcNum, tarID, tarNum, timeNum )
  6. Billy

    Gaming Console

    smash (cloud Kreygasm) and mario maker on the wiiu
  7. Billy

    Boss Respawn NPC

    Did you make sure that the path to BossRecord.SavePath exists, but the file itself doesnt?
  8. Billy


    Something like this? (untested)
  9. Using character names as an identifier is never a good idea, since you can make a boat with that name and GetChaDefaultName(role) would return the boats name. That means you could make the system think someone else was duping, and have them be punished. You should use GetRoleID(role) instead.
  10. Billy

    Anti Dupe Method

    A way to easily tell which GS you are on is too rename the system NPC in the .cfg off each GS to be differance (System1, System2 etc), then use local ret, npc = GetEudemon() local GSName = GetChaDefaultName(npc) to get the GS. With your ( @Home ) method, you will have issues with players with a full inv, I had started trying to record a players inv/bank/temp/equips into a file when they leave a map, and then checking this against their current inv/bank/temp/equips when they enter a map, but idk if that would fully work due to order of disconnecting if they enter the same map as their clone. (and web based malls would need to be replaced with IGS)
  11. I think he means feed as in boosting score by killing alts, not feed as in fairy fruits. Main issue you will have is working out if thy are actually boosting, or of its just a coincidence that the same person keeps looking the same person. One solution is just adding a cool down if the same person kills the same person too many times, but his is not perfect. You might be able to set up a SQL trigger to write cha I'd and IP/MAC to a file on row update, and then check on kill, but the issue is Mac can be changed in login packet and IP by proxy
  12. You can use the buy/sell page to make a bank Issue is that you need the amount of gold the item would cost to be able to withdraw it (client side check, so i guess this can be hexed out), also you cant see the quantity/attributes before withdrawing the item (but the attributes are restored once the item is withdrawn).
  13. Untested, but try this: Use EquipInfo.GetItemStat(Item,Stat) to return the items stat EquipInfo.GetItemLevel(Item) to return items level EquipInfo.DisplayItem(role,Item) to display all stats on the item to a player: http://pastebin.com/Ab9JD8U1
  14. If the item has the attribute edited (eg pets, items with collosous/mammoth etc) you read it with ITEMATTR_VAL_XXXX etc If the item does not have the stat as an additional attribute, you would need to read in iteminfo line by line and create a table of item ID and its stat, since these are not stored as attributes on the individual item.
  15. it was like that on official as well, you could use it with those chests that required you to kill a shrub for a gem to get a double drop.
  16. http://pastebin.com/awx5fydQ I made that a while ago (just tried to make it less messy now), it might be useful. (havent tested it in a while, so might be buggy, but is a good base) Whenever a player uses a skill, it check if the level is >10 or if the level is > their stored level, and if it is then the player is jailed. (you need to manually edit poss skillbook/ rb skillbook/ rb npc etc to record the skill once it is given)
  17. Party searching at sea crashes out all players onscreen
  18. Billy

    Set effect handler

    It's working, might be an older version though I'll check later. You shouldn't need to replace anything for kylin bd etc, it just hooks the original functions
  19. If you look in CA ctrl.lua at the function that is called when map is closing, there is a function DealAllActiveInMap(map,func). Make you can add something like this before announcing players: function GetPlayerNames (role) table. insert(PlayersInMap,GetChaDefaultName(role)) end -- PlayersInMap = {} DealAllActiveInMap (map,'GetPlayerNames') local ListPlayers = '' for i,v in pairs(PlayersInMap) do ListPlayers = string.format('%s [%s],',ListPlayers,v) end local msg = string.format('MAPNAME has [%s] players remaining: %s' , GetMapActivePlayer(map) , ListPlayers) Notice(msg) --
  20. Billy

    Maps prob

    Option for if set can be fused
  21. Billy

    Maps prob

    map1 and map2 are just example map names
  22. Billy

    Maps prob

    KickToMap is the map the player is kicked to if they enter in an allowed equip, then change to another equip. Maps = { --Maps is the table of maps ['map1'] = { Fusable = true, KickToMap = 'garner', Equips = { Head = nil, Armour = {2549,192,2920}, Gloves = {2550,1234,678}, Boots = {2551}, LeftHand = nil, RightHand = nil, LeftRing = {82}, RightRing = nil, Necklace =nil, } }, ['map2'] = { Fusable = false, KickToMap = 'garner', Equips = { Head = nil, Armour = {2549}, Gloves = {2550,999}, Boots = {2551}, LeftHand = nil, RightHand = nil, LeftRing = nil, RightRing = nil, Necklace =nil, } }, } } Is the map config, so if you wanted PKmap to only allow people in kylin set, you would add: Maps = { --Maps is the table of maps ['map1'] = { Fusable = true, KickToMap = 'garner', Equips = { Head = nil, Armour = {2549,192,2920}, Gloves = {2550,1234,678}, Boots = {2551}, LeftHand = nil, RightHand = nil, LeftRing = {82}, RightRing = nil, Necklace =nil, } }, ['map2'] = { Fusable = false, KickToMap = 'garner', Equips = { Head = nil, Armour = {2549}, Gloves = {2550,999}, Boots = {2551}, LeftHand = nil, RightHand = nil, LeftRing = nil, RightRing = nil, Necklace =nil, } }, ['PKmap'] = { Fusable = false, KickToMap = 'garner', Equips = { Head = nil, Armour = {825}, Gloves = {826}, Boots = {827}, LeftHand = nil, RightHand = nil, LeftRing = nil, RightRing = nil, Necklace =nil, } }, } }
  23. Billy

    Maps prob

    put it in a .lua file, edit the maps table to have the ItemID and mapname you want, load the lua file
  24. Billy

    Maps prob

    try this: http://pastebin.com/UWM3uPDq Havent had time to test it, but should work (forum wont let me paste in code tags for some reason)
  25. theres still a few bugs, so not yet.
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