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Everything posted by Billy

  1. Features: Class requirements Min/Max level requirements for equips to be equipped/give stats. Generates equips from iteminfo line, no lua configuring necessary Supports all stat modifiers in iteminfo, aswell as +%PR (wont show up on the item, will on the npc) Only uses 1 skilleff line for any amount of equips Supports gemming. Persists over &updateall, relogs, fairy poss etc Equipping an item in an already used slot swaps the items over. New slots can be added just by editing a table. So you could have 2 types of items that go in the same slot, but you can only have 1 item per slot equipt. Issues: Needs a NPC to see currently equipped/to remove all equipped. Equips with requirements can be bugged if you no longer meet requirements (will give stats, until you relog/change map/change eq/get stats updated etc) Future: Rework gems, currently gems need to be configured differently to work on these equips. Allow use of itemattrs Allow use of states for wings,cloaks animation etc Easy upgrade system Chat handler commands for view/remove Rework viewing slot to be based on what you have equipt, not just show default slots to check Any suggestions welcome. Updated: Now supports ItemAttrs and any gem on equips: Added an option to add states to the equip 4 values seperated by commas (lance,carsise,phyliss,ami), so can be used for capes etc: Added upgrade function: in iteminfo column 7 controls the function that will be called when upgrading in furnace of immortality (parameters are role,slot1,slot2). Using this you can easily make cloaks, rear pets etc. Updated (7/6/16) : (NPC will automaticlly add more pages etc)
  2. Billy

    Question NPC

    Customisable question NPC. Table for questions/answers/prizes. Function to refresh questions. Function to clear answer records. Player can only answer each question once (until records are cleared). (EDIT: Added auto refresh after X seconds, set delay to 0 to disable) (EDIT: 17/05/16 : Added MinLevel and MaxLevel parameter to questions) http://pastebin.com/c2T5530V
  3. Split the string by @#, the third split is the items. Then take the items and the crypt key, for each char in the string of items take its decimal value and minus the decimal value of the char in position (position in first string mod length of crypt key) in the second string. This will give you a string in the form of SLOT,ITEMID,(attrs);SLOT,ITEMID,(attrs).....;checksum where the checksum is the total of all numbers in the string. To encrypt, you do the same in reverse, and add the encrypted form of the amount of slots to the start (going off memory here, so might not be 100% accurate, I'll post the script for it later)
  4. floor : round number down to integer ceil : round number up to integer abs : make the number non negative (absolute value) sqrt : square root min : selects the smallest number of the parameters max : selects the largest number of the parameters mod : remainder after a divide
  5. Billy

    Special apps

    Using cha_timer and a state for that isn't a great idea imo, due to extra operations per second per character and space in skilleff. You are better editing/hooking ExAttrCheck.
  6. Billy

    Guild ID

  7. Its not an attr, it is in the "look" column in character database, but this also contains current equipped items
  8. Use pairs() Eg For i,v in pairs(Example_Variable) do print(i.." "..v) end
  9. You can save role to a variable at some point, eg in cha_timer, AttrRecheck, etc and then use that variable later. Just note that if the server restarts you wont be able to run commands on that user until the variable is reset. Personally I use AttrRecheck for this, since it runs whenever the player logs in or changes their stats/changes map etc.
  10. You can use to generate items with cardic etc, growth/max growth is the prefix for items.
  11. Billy

    Extended Make Item

    Usage: ExtendedMakeItem(role,ID,AttrTable) Role is the player who will be given the item. ID is the ID of the item to be given. AttrTable is a table of attributes for the item. (example tables are included) This allows making of items with 5 editable stats, or to give items already gemmed /fused etc. Example table: ExampleFairyTable = { Attr1 = 26, Attr1Num = 2, Attr2 = 27, Attr2Num = 77, Attr3 = 28, Attr3Num = 9, Attr4 = 29, Attr4Num = 20, Attr5 = 47, Attr5Num = 1, MaxGrowth = 640, Growth = 620, MaxStamina = 32000, Stamina = 16000 } A fairy created with this table has editable str/agi/acc/con/PR , 26 str, 77 agi, 9 acc, 20 con, 1 pr, 640 max growth, 640 max stamina. Making an item this way overwrites the default editable stats, so if you wanted to give a fairy with editable str, but no base str stats, you would need to have an attr for 26 and num as 0. Download : Extended Make Item.lua
  12. SetItemOneAttr / SetItemTwoAttr / SetItemThreeAttr control which prefix goes to which stat
  13. What do you mean by "the text that describes it"? And yes it is possible to make cardic etc items on demand
  14. In ItemPre.bin each line corresponds to the prefix (text only, not colour). Then you put it on an item with attr 53/56 iirc. First digit is colour, next two digits are the id from itempre, last digit does nothing (AFAIK) (cant remember all colours off the top of my head) This doesnt actually add the stats though. To edit the stats of an item you need to edit Creat_Item_Tattr in attrcalculate.lua, but bear in mind you can only have 5 editable attributes per item (not counting energy/forge/durability/level etc)
  15. Billy

    Does it worth it?

    I would say it depends what you mean by create. If you are just copy/pasting serverfiles and a random website , there is really no point. And if you are just trying to get money its not worth it. If you are making something unique and know what you are doing, then go for it
  16. @Jones when a player kills a player, set the dead players entry time to nill.
  17. Using GetChaDefaultName when in a boat gives the boats name, not the chars name. (I used to use this to mess with servers that had an older version of tele delays to tele other players)
  18. It lets you run &lua commands with a role as a parameter, or if you have chathandler you can use it to make GM commands, like give item to a player etc
  19. Something like this: StunTime = {} StunTimeDiff = 5 function CheckStun( role , level) local NowTime = os.clock () local PID = GetRoleID(role) if StunTime[PID] ~= nil then if (NowTime - StunTime[PID]) < StunTimeDiff then RemoveState ( role , STATE_XY ) return false end end StunTime[GetRoleID(role)] = NowTime end Hook:AddPreHook("State_Xy_Add",CheckStun) In this example there must be a 5 second gap between stuns, change StunTimeDiff to whatever amount of seconds.
  20. essentially, lua tables save the index and the value. eg array["index"] = value Item[27] = 855 Item["new"] = "hello" eg for i,v in pairs(Item) do print(i.." "..v) end Would output 27 855 new hello
  21. Record time stunned in state_xy , then whenever you would add the state to someone, check the last time stunned and if it is too close to the current value, dont add the stun.
  22. Billy

    Mystic Wheel

    I have a basic one working. Just need to make it look good and add the rotation animation.
  23. Billy

    WIP Website

    How would you go about getting the messages on a clean gs?
  24. Billy

    WIP Website

    Just php and HTML with bootstrap.
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