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Everything posted by Billy

  1. Billy

    WIP Website

    Current working features: Login/Register News (but its ugly, so will be changed) Ranking (orders by exp, which is why the order looks wrong in the video) Inventory/equips viewer with full info Admin page to add new news items Current online count/list Update password (Update) Assigning items now works, including extra attributes/gems/forge etc. Trying to assign 2 items with sockets in a row bricks your character though. Mall/storage box still not done though. (Update 08/04/16) Overflow/underflow bug on socketed items fixed. Missing features: Mall/credits etc Maybe name change Any suggestions? Mall working: (interface needs a lot of work, but all functions working) Basic points wheel with rewards added. Going to make it look nicer/actually rotate eventually. Updated points wheel: New features: Option to weight chances on wheel on config (eg, 10% grey chest, 20% purple, 50% blue, 1% orange etc) Option to weight individual items per chest, eg 40% chance for AJR, 60% for sword in orange chest. Prizes list generated from config.
  2. 1) Neon Genesis Evangelion.. only anime i've ever watched
  3. IIRC in gamedb.dbo.account you need to update vote_time
  4. IIRC, it was on the gold/platinum/titanium/diamond necks. ID 9184/9185/9186/9187
  5. GetChaTypeID gives the characterinfo line, so 1 for lance, 2 for carsise, 3 for phyliss, 4 for ami, so you can give the correct set if it is different per character.
  6. Temp bag method makes gemming them awkward, as you need to update gems each time it is equipt/unequipt. I would just have them put in certain slots in bag (eg slots 5/6/7/8) to get effect. If you used a table to remember which one was there last, you would only need 4 lines in skilleff for any amount of sets of bracelets/gems. Made this a few months ago:
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