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Billy last won the day on January 13 2019

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  1. @BlackBarbaThat guild bank was made by me for Corsairs Online, and isn't public release (and 99% chance never will be public release)
  2. @ECHO OFF :: Declare amount of cores SET /A maxcores=4 :: Declare path to game.exe SET gamepath="system/game.exe" :: Declare game.exe name SET game="game.exe" ::Count current instances of game.exe ::Write number to tmp file. tasklist | find /I /C %game%>tmp ::Read in number from tmp file. SET /p count= <tmp ::Get modulous of count and maxcore. ::We use this to decide which core to run on. SET /A core=(%count% %% %maxcores%) SET coreparam=1 ::If there are no other clients open, ::Always run on core 0 (coreparam = 1) IF %core%==0 GOTO run ::Loop for exponent SET loop=0 :multiply SET /a coreparam=coreparam*2 SET /a loop=loop+1 IF %loop% LSS %core% GOTO multiply :run ::Run game.exe and set affinity. cmd.exe /c start "Process Monitor" /affinity %coreparam% %gamepath% startgame Can try something like this.
  3. https://www.eightforums.com/tutorials/40339-cpu-affinity-shortcut-program-create-windows.html
  4. Looks like you arent in the correct directory. Either try using the full path (eg c:/program files/top/system/game.exe) or use the cd command to change working directory
  5. Billy

    exp problem

    Try reading errors and scripts instead of just begging on forums. Who knows, you might actually learn something.
  6. Billy

    Question NPC

    added pastebin, for future referance if links dont work change daylight-online.ru/xxxxx to pkodev.net/xxxxxx
  7. It's almost as if you should actually read through scripts before copy pasting them into "your" server files... The problem is people like you who know nothing about what you are putting on your server and then turn around looking for someone else to blame when things go wrong.
  8. function MazeChest(Player, Item) local Random = 0 local tab = MazeChestVar[GetItemID(Item)] local errorMsg if not tab then errorMsg = string.format("Please contact administrator since [%s] currently has no use.",GetItemName(GetItemID(Item))) elseif GetChaFreeBagGridNum(Player) <= 0 then errorMsg = string.format("You need at least one free inventory slot to open [%s].",GetItemName(GetItemID(Item))) end if errorMsg then SystemNotice(Player,errorMsg) UseItemFailed(Player) return end while (GetItemName(Random) == "unknown" )do Random = tab[math.floor(math.random(1, table.getn(tab)))] end GiveItem(Player, 0, MazeChestVar[GetItemID(Item)][Random], 1, 5) Notice(string.format("[%s] has opened [%s] and obtained [%s].",GetChaDefaultName(Player),GetItemName(GetItemID(Item)),GetItemName(Random))) end
  9. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms176057.aspx seriously, does no one know you can google questions?
  10. Truncate table [table name];
  11. Billy


  12. This seems to work: http://pastebin.com/CLAcFX7c (Not 100% sure if it will always work, so obviously test it before using)
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