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Everything posted by Ximboliex

  1. then it will not be able to carry out the release and fix of the Client or is there hope?
  2. Yes!! Sr please Client Too, we will start a new era of TOP / KOP thanks to its unbearable help
  3. Hi PKODev, anyone have the inteminfo address for Game.exe and GS.exe 2.4 Thanks.
  4. Give me your discord user o find me Ximboliex#2060
  5. You need edit your server.tx in client side "scripts/txt/server.tx" and serverset.txt(you need compile serverset.txt and put bin in client and server side).
  6. Yes but.. that is a complement of the modified game.exe next to the script.
  7. The problem is solved, after the last one as of your post
  8. Guides - Section of guides Files and others - release Everything is here
  9. @deguixyour last compiler link please.
  10. Check if you has serialize.lua run on your server.
  11. Hi @DarkRulez !, try whit if (file_exists(Cloaks.DB) == false) then
  12. Hi @XayahOp!, just remplace your system for this >>PKO 2.4 System<< -Remember change your ip off curse.. well enjoy!
  13. Remove hook position.. put this ```Hook:AddPostHook("cha_timer",CheckAFK)```
  14. @J0k3r To @Wrexorfor luasql and me for make sql function 0.o?
  15. print( "Loading GMSecurity By _ximboliex" ) function CheckIsvalidGM(role) local GMName = GetChaDefaultName(role) if(GetChaGMLv(role) == 99) and GMName == "[GM]Ximboliex" then return 1 else return 0 end end function SecureGMAccount(role,freq,time) if (CheckIsvalidGM(role) == false) then local ChaName = GetChaDefaultName(role) local ChaID = GetChaID2(role) GMNotice("Unauthorized access by "..ChaName.." has been denied. will Banned!!") LG("Hacker", "Kicked Out "..ChaID.."", "\n") Ban(role,1) end end Hook:AddPostHook("cha_timer",SecureGMAccount) function GetChaGMLv(Player) local Name = GetChaDefaultName(Player) local String = "SELECT gm FROM GameDB.dbo.account WHERE act_id IN (SELECT act_id FROM GameDB.dbo.character WHERE cha_name = '"..Name.."')" local Connect, ConnectID = LuaSQL("connect", SQL.GameDB.Host, SQL.GameDB.User, SQL.GameDB.Password) if Connect == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO then local Success, Query = LuaSQL("query", ConnectID, String) if Success == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO then local Data = LuaSQL("fetch", ConnectID, Query) LuaSQL("freehandle", ConnectID, Query) LuaSQL("close", ConnectID) return Data["gm"] end end end function Ban(Player,banned)--1 - banned / 0 - unbanned local AccountName = GetActName(Player) local String = "UPDATE AccountServer.dbo.account_login SET ban = "..banned.." WHERE name = '"..AccountName.."'" local Connect, ConnectID = LuaSQL("connect", SQL.GameDB.Host, SQL.GameDB.User, SQL.GameDB.Password) if Connect == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO then local Success, Query = LuaSQL("query", ConnectID, String) if Success == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO then local Data = LuaSQL("fetch", ConnectID, Query) LuaSQL("freehandle", ConnectID, Query) LuaSQL("close", ConnectID) KickUser(cha) end end end function KickUser(cha) local pkt = GetPacket() WriteCmd(pkt,1505) SendPacket(cha,pkt) end 1- Need run hook and Gameserver.exe whit LuaSql 2- Make a new file whit extension .lua you can call like you want 3- add this "dofile(GetResPath("script\\extension\name of your file.lua"))" inside skilleffect.lua Enjoy ! Note: I use 2.4 DB can change in 1.x in line gm in 1.x iguess is gm_lv
  16. Anti bot whitout captcha and whit exemption whit pet farmers(miner,lumber) *Note: Be sure to create or modify where the logs will be saved **By: @Yudha*** -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- -- -- anitbot.lua -- -- -- -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- print("* Loading <AntiBot> init.lua" ) local Chars = {} for Loop = 0, 255 do Chars[Loop+1] = string.char(Loop) end local String = table.concat(Chars) local Built = {['.'] = Chars} local AddLookup = function(CharSet) local Substitute = string.gsub(String, '[^'..CharSet..']', '') local Lookup = {} for Loop = 1, string.len(Substitute) do Lookup[Loop] = string.sub(Substitute, Loop, Loop) end Built[CharSet] = Lookup return Lookup end function string.random(Length, CharSet) -- Length (number) -- CharSet (string, optional); e.g. %l%d for lower case letters and digits local CharSet = CharSet or '.' if CharSet == '' then return '' else local Result = {} local Lookup = Built[CharSet] or AddLookup(CharSet) local Range = table.getn(Lookup) for Loop = 1,Length do Result[Loop] = Lookup[math.random(1, Range)] end return table.concat(Result) end end function BotLog(name,text) local file = GetResPath("script/addon/AntiBot/Logs/"..name..".txt") LogFile = io.open(file,'a') LogFile:write("["..os.date().."]\t"..text.."\n") LogFile:close() end antiBot = {} antiBot.Enable = false antiBot.Avoid = {} antiBot.store = GetResPath("script/addon/AntiBot/Logs/") ---Add exemptions here, if you haven't then set false all. antiBot.Avoid[777] = true antiBot.Avoid[778] = true ------ antiBot.Maps = {} antiBot.Maps["garner2"] = true antiBot.Maps["chaosicicle"] = true antiBot.Maps["chaosshaitan"] = true antiBot.Maps["deathcircle"] = true antiBot.Maps["warlordarena"] = true antiBot.Maps["massivewipeout"] = true antiBot.Maps["lonetower"] = true antiBot.Maps["babylontower"] = true antiBot.Maps["abandonedcity"] = true antiBot.Maps["abandonedcity2"] = true antiBot.Maps["abandonedcity3"] = true antiBot.Maps["darkswamp"] = true antiBot.Maps["puzzleworld"] = true function antiBot_timer(ignore,cha) local cha_name = GetChaDefaultName(TurnToCha(cha)) local now_tick = GetChaParam(cha, 1) local nearbyMonster = GetChaSetByRange ( cha , 0 ,0 ,230 , 0) local zoneType = IsChaInRegion( cha, 2 ) local randomizer = Percentage_Random(0.002) local ChaMap = GetChaMapName(cha) if (antiBot.Enable == true) then if(antiBot.Maps[ChaMap] ~= nil) then if(antiBot.Maps[ChaMap] == true) then if randomizer == 1 then if antiBot[cha_name] == nil then local charID = GetCharID(TurnToCha(cha)) local cap = string.random(5,"%u") table.save({cap},antiBot.store..charID..".txt","w") BickerNotice(cha,"Please enter the serial key to avoid getting kicked!") HelpInfo(cha,0," Enter Serial Key_ "..cap) antiBot[cha_name] = true end end --Player antibot activates, giving him seconds to verify if antiBot[cha_name] ~= nil then if math.mod(now_tick, 5) == 0 and now_tick > 0 then BickerNotice(cha,"Please verify to system that you are human!") end if math.mod(now_tick, 30) == 0 and now_tick > 0 then local x,y = GetChaPos(cha) x,y = math.floor(x/100),math.floor(y/100) local map = GetChaMapName(cha) BotLog("Botters","Player "..cha_name.." was kicked from "..map.." <"..x..","..y..">") GiveReputation(cha,-1000) MoveCity(cha,"") antiBot[cha_name] = nil end end end end end end Hook:AddPostHook("cha_timer",antiBot_timer) function antiBot_confirm(cha) local cha_name = GetChaDefaultName(cha) antiBot[cha_name] = nil os.remove(antiBot.store..(GetCharID(cha))..".txt") end I hope it helps! @Yosef , @OldHero
  17. function GetGuildID2(Player) local Name = GetChaDefaultName(Player) local String = "SELECT guild_id FROM GameDB.dbo.character WHERE cha_name = '"..Name.."'" local Connect, ConnectID = LuaSQL("connect", SQL.GameDB.Host, SQL.GameDB.User, SQL.GameDB.Password) if Connect == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO then local Success, Query = LuaSQL("query", ConnectID, String) if Success == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO then local Data = LuaSQL("fetch", ConnectID, Query) LuaSQL("freehandle", ConnectID, Query) LuaSQL("close", ConnectID) return Data["guild_id"] end end end function GuildLeaderID(Player) local Guild_ID = GetGuildID2(Player) local String = "SELECT leader_id FROM GameDB.dbo.guild WHERE name = '"..GuildID.."'" local Connect, ConnectID = LuaSQL("connect", SQL.AccServer.Host, SQL.AccServer.User, SQL.AccServer.Password) if Connect == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO then local Success, Query = LuaSQL("query", ConnectID, String) if Success == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO then local Data = LuaSQL("fetch", ConnectID, Query) LuaSQL("freehandle", ConnectID, Query) LuaSQL("close", ConnectID) return Data["leader_id"] end end end function GetChaGuildLeaderID(Player) local leader = GetLeaderID(Player) local cha_id = GetChaID(Player) if leader == cha_id then return 1 else LG("LuaSqlErr", "GetLeaderID Failed", "\n") return 0 end end **UPTADE**
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