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Everything posted by Ximboliex

  1. Good day comunity, Could someone solve the issue of when you do switch character, do you think that a whole day has passed? I have not made any changes in the game.exe
  2. Hi @V3ct0r, can make a mod whit gems stack. example: that each gem according to its level joins the stack of its level, lv1 whit lv1 and lv2 whit lv 2 etc
  3. Game version? 1.3x or 2.x?
  4. @V3ct0r HI; i have the Co Client .exe what version is this .exe?
  5. @V3ct0r Battle Pass? Or something same ?
  6. Hello everyone, how have you been? I hope it's ok! @V3ct0r I have had an idea for some time but with my current knowledge I have not been able to carry it out Some people will need : GuildLV function Concept the idea is that there are several islands with valuable resources inside(it's up to each owner to decide what there are) they are conquerable by a guild destroying the mother structure in the center of the map, the islands will be neutral if nobody conquers them, when a guild conquers it that only guild will have access to it, the system will notify everyone on the server about it. the islands (map) will have a protection time (adjustable) once conquered. The system will tell players which guild each island belongs to and how long it has left to be invaded. even that there are mobs (few guardians) that attack any intruder and are more resistant depending on the level of the guild that has conquered
  7. HI, have this error where are the symbols for ++ C:\01 New Project\source\Client\Client\src\Character.cpp(452): error C2059: syntax error : 'if' C:\01 New Project\source\Client\Client\src\Character.cpp(460): error C2059: syntax error : 'if' C:\01 New Project\source\Client\Client\src\Character.cpp(478): error C2059: syntax error : 'if' C:\01 New Project\source\Client\Client\src\Character.cpp(485): error C2059: syntax error : 'if' C:\01 New Project\source\Client\Client\src\Character.cpp(492): error C2059: syntax error : 'if'
  8. This need a specific VS?
  9. Bro that dont work fine the mount just slide cant walk
  10. New glow and glow colors Great Sword Gun Dagger Bow Sword Another Bow Glow Staff Gun +27 Join US!
  11. Ximboliex

    [UI] Loot Filter

    Great. Sell you mob drop info code ?
  12. •Fallen Relics Online| 24/7 •Type: Medium Pk Farm • Server Rate: -MaxLv 100 -MaxLV Pet : 100 whit mall and improved 150 -Solo : x35 -Party : x75 -Drop : x45 -Pet Grow : x8000 -Ship exp : x5000 •Swings •Guild Leveling •Guild Bank •Guild Name Color •In Game Mall •Rebirth 4 •New App Every Week •Website: https://oldswordpirates.com/fro/index.php?act=register •Youtube:
  13. As the title says I am trying to make the traveler's marine skills be land but "edit" the line of the skillinfo.txt where it is supposed to verify that if it is sea or land but still leaving the sea, someone can show me where it is exactly what do I have to edit to see if I am in error? thanks in advance!
  14. Very Thanks @1g0rS1lv4!
  15. As the title says, does anyone know how to put music on maps? Thanks in advance
  16. @V3ct0r Error https://gyazo.com/71e0bd6fec5b6c08bbd46b60bf4bce22
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