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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Simon

    list for servers.

    What @KONG and @Blanquitoh said is totally true,majority of us,developers ain't trusting other people codes,and this applies to newbies as well like yeah everybody wants their server files(dude,seriously why are you naked?),why would somebody want a full copied server files or website or is already shared on the MEGA Archive or somewhere else,no but really this became a cancer on TOP/PKO Community,the thing is Victor would already break servers that are using his protection exes or using the PKODev Monitoring program he created,but he didn't,this is what proves that Victor is a trusted and responsible Forum Administrator. Best Regards
  2. Requesting a meme about OldHero and his servers
  3. Simon

    list for servers.

    Well,i am planning to use it for my future server,if the community was huge it would be always used.
  4. Simon

    list for servers.

    Woa woa woa,why?
  5. Make memes of OldHero please
  6. Oh yeah,and nobody asked you if it made you laugh or not.Facts~.
  7. This is the best guide created ever to manage a server properly,unlike yours that dies on its first week.
  8. Putting your Server Files inside and the provider is the one controlling it from Hosting Control Panel,which means he can do w.e he wants as well as leaking the files.
  9. Yes,this is totally true but there's a high risk of getting scammed.
  10. Post GameServer.cfg and your MSSQL Version.
  11. This one seems like ROSO Files,AddonPart0X(I don't remember which one but...) find the RB 4 glowing effects script,change the rd_slot to whatever u want for example rd_slot = 4 it means it will work in slot 5 if rd_slot = 0 then it will work in the first slot. And since ROSO uses 2x Glows on these wings(one in iteminfo) and one in the server side,just remove the iteminfo part about the sceneffectinfo glow and it should work as you asked.
  12. @DevMorgan I don't know why the hell people are shoving their ass on what does not concern them,if the admins makes updates or no,10-25% of donate,i believe this is a Children class not a hosting service,the way you proposing it smells to me a scam.
  13. If you can't,use photoshop for it then.
  14. Everybody does,the thing you need is viewing the animation file ID and find it in search bar into textures folder,this should do the job for the monster E.g: X Boss animation file id is 805 which means its 805.lab in animation client folder and it means its 0000805000.bmp in the textures or what so ever.
  15. The monsters textures can be viewed on a BMP Image file,however,this is not possible to run the monsters looks on a JPEG File,but if you have the monster's OBJ File or have it converted,you can run it to check it inside Adobe Photoshop or 3DSmax 2010,I highly recommend Adobe Photoshop C5.1 on doing such stuff.
  16. I don't really recommend teaming up with Kyren nor that CN guy,afterwards since they're not known on the top community & the reason Kyren being really so annoying on a partnership (dis is so serious lel).
  17. Simon

    forum was down.

    Need to mention it as well in the forum's offtopic atleast or news for these who are not having a discord neither able to create an account inside.
  18. So if we are going to create a new apparel or some new stuff for our selves,how are we supposed to get LGO files working already?
  19. yes on kissanime.ru , but it isnt aired in that web yet,but in cinemas yup.
  20. This is an useful system if you will be handling an event on your server or wants to forge your equipements to any gem level,however,credits to the original owner:Troller Add in directory variable in Base.lua the Directory location of your GMSystem Addon Folder Load base.lua in skilleffect using(dofile(GetResPath("script/yourdirectory/GMSystem/Base.lua")) In Variables Folder/Variables.lua add your Admin or GM Accounts,Password & Character name in order to get this plugin working. Don't forget to read "HowToUse.lua" to know what are the used commands. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
  21. Simon

    Serverdev archive

    It would be awesome if we could port every serverdev thingy to a clean XenForo.
  22. They all are having errors,just ignore them.It will show you them as long as the binnaries to compile aren't all there(E.G:AreaSet,CharacterInfo etc...)
  23. There is no ToP2 Server File,only PKO 2.x,although he needs the full script,so Skillinfo isn't suffisant. ****Skillinfo 0475 Newbie Mighty Strike 1 -1,1 1,-1 1,-1 1,-1 -1 2 1 0 -1 -1 0 1 1 400 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 Skill_Xs_Begin Skill_Xs_End 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SkillCooldown_Xs 1 1 10 0 42 2 187 0 0 218,0 0,0 -1 -1 -1 0 0 43 2 196 0 0 0 s0085.tga 0 0 Newbie Skill, will disappear after class transfer. 75 physical damage Consume static 7 SP 0 ****Skilleffect.lua(script/calculate/) function SkillCooldown_Xs( sklv ) local Cooldown = 5000 return Cooldown end function Skill_Xs_Begin ( role , sklv ) -- local sp = Sp(role) -- local sp_reduce = 7 -- if sp - sp_reduce < 0 then -- SkillUnable(role) -- return -- end -- Sp_Red (role , sp_reduce ) end function Skill_Xs_End ( ATKER , DEFER , sklv ) hpdmg = 75 Hp_Endure_Dmg ( DEFER , hpdmg ) --Notice ( "Xs", "新手技能等级 = " , sklv , "技能伤害 = " , dmg , '\n" ) Check_Ys_Rem ( ATKER ,DEFER ) --判断是否隐身 end Skill icon LINK(goes to texture/icon):https://mega.nz/#!kUBwyShb!e4exsWZyJwVR7YtF7lAn7wvdCNjIEVtcGyiwuHOaN-I
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