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mkhzaleh last won the day on December 19 2024

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138 Excellent

About mkhzaleh

  • Rank
    Sea Captain

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  1. Satisfy Rework combat fonts to use render instead of images

  2. export wings effect example


  3. must add it to gameserver maskmap or remove it fully from server+client to make all maps open without mask request
  4. * we are offering our rework text outline method as well
  5. we are offering two of our mods for sell 1:Render wings inside Ingame shop or ui Inventory 2#-we are offering our DirectX 8 to 9 upgrade process for sell upgrade fully done and works fine if anyone interested in one of these mods leave a message or dm in discord mothannakh
  6. u should guard it with nil check or using or to avoid updateall replacing easier check to use PZW[1] = 0 or PZW[1]
  7. using global variable will leadsto multi issues when u use updateall
  8. its all already in guide sections, one written by angliex for quest, there is few items sample codes<and many inside source/lua parts> same for skills u can find all examples inside skilleffect.lua
  9. only co source 1.38 rest sources in forum 2.x versions
  10. not sure if that's what u mean , i did write that mod i guess 4years ago and another for chat
  11. all top sources has it u can check any of released sources in forum just search for same name and will find
  12. its not model as u think it contain models(object ids,pose,x,y highest etc info > this how it reads info long CSceneObjFile::ReadSectionObjInfo(int nSectionNO, SSceneObjInfo* SSceneObj, long* lSectionObjNum) { if (!m_bInitSuccess) return 0; if (nSectionNO >= m_SFileHead.iSectionCntX * m_SFileHead.iSectionCntY) return 0; if ((*lSectionObjNum = m_SSectionIndex[nSectionNO].iObjNum) > 0) { m_fRdWr.seekg(m_SSectionIndex[nSectionNO].lObjInfoPos, std::ios::beg); LG("readmap", "Seek Offset [%d %d] = %d\n", nSectionNO % m_SFileHead.iSectionCntX, nSectionNO / m_SFileHead.iSectionCntX, m_SSectionIndex[nSectionNO].lObjInfoPos); m_fRdWr.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(SSceneObj), sizeof(SSceneObjInfo) * m_SSectionIndex[nSectionNO].iObjNum); for (int i = 0; i < m_SSectionIndex[nSectionNO].iObjNum; i++) { const int nSectionX = nSectionNO % m_SFileHead.iSectionCntX * m_SFileHead.iSectionWidth * 100; const int nSectionY = nSectionNO / m_SFileHead.iSectionCntX * m_SFileHead.iSectionHeight * 100; if (SSceneObj[i].nX < 0) { int jjj = 0; } SSceneObj[i].nX += nSectionX; SSceneObj[i].nY += nSectionY; const SSceneObjInfo* pObj = SSceneObj + i; if (pObj->GetID() == 0) { LG("error", g_oLangRec.GetString(364)); } } // } return 1; }
  13. if just local download any co public clients/servers and use them
  14. https://discord.com/developers/docs/rich-presence/how-to you have to build discord sdk, and see their examples
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