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Everything posted by iZae

  1. imo, it's dead. And that's logic: The game is ancient, the player's community is awful, and the dev community already lost enthusiasm. You can say there's a base of 5000 players (being sooooo generous) distributed in 5 or 6 stable servers, and Zankza's one is leading by far. So new servers wont last long, mainly 'cause the only players who will join are the toxic ones who can't catch up, cheat or so on stable and more secure servers. And, in the case players arent bad, well, you'll have to deal with DDoS or Hackers. Yes, maybe ToP players have money to waste, but I really can't imagine any further progress on this game, and if you think it's not dead yet, well, just wait another year.
  2. function HandleChat(role, message) if (string.find(message, "/buff") ~= nil) then buff(role) end end I guess it should work, not sure tho.
  3. Use a code editor such as notepad++ and search for a typo Go to line: 21435 and you'll find your error.
  4. go in exp_and_level.lua and search for exp_up = exp_up * EXP_RAID_STATE under that add: local lvPerson = GetChaAttr(t[i] , ATTR_LV) if lvPerson > 99 then exp_up = 0 end With that players won't get exp if they're lv 100 or +. And search for daily quests on forum.
  5. iZae

    Forum request

    Hey @V3ct0r and staff. I'm sorry about my dumb question, but is there a way to set a language filter to the "Unread content" ? And also, I can see like 1 page of unread stuff, but it always miss some posts, 'cause when I press show more activity it ALWAYS says "there's no more activity to display?"
  6. He never left a clue about he being french. As far as I remember.
  7. Thank you V3c! What about the bugs of other players don't see the model? Is it just a bug that randomly and rarely happen or everytime that function is called other players don't see the transformation?
  8. Thanks guys for the answes. So, if this is buggy (mainly 'cause other players won't see the model change), is there a way to do an ingame model switch? I was wondering about using LuaSql to change character table, but I can already imagine it is going to have way more bugs.
  9. Hi guys! I was wondering if TransformCha was working fine at some server files? Which ones? It can be used to change player's models can't it? What are its default params? I'm sorry if this is explained somewhere else, I've tried to search and also I've looked at serverdev archive but could find anything. Thanks in advance!
  10. iZae

    Item dupe

  11. Client's map editor works client side. So using map editor to set unpassable blocks to a plain map made with yammi, will be wall-hackable unless it's added to blk file. My question is: if you make a plain map with YAMMI, can you edit it with map editor and then reopen it with yammi to save blk with the unpassable blocks you made with editor's f9? Many years without touching yammi, or anything about client, so sorry for this dumb question.
  12. iZae

    Item dupe

    any way of reuploading this?
  13. I remember that lag used to cause that non attacking bug, but it's wierd if it happens with local host. When you talk with npcs, the talk box opens at the first click?
  14. yep, i wasn't sure if it was atr or blk. But, I was right wasn't I? If you only change the .obj players can tweak it right?
  15. I think it was what we all understood when you titled the topic "I need scripter FREE I have vps and files".
  16. As far as I remember, if you add an unpassable area with map editor, you'll only change the .obj file (client side). That means that someone could manually edit and make passable the unpassable. If you set the restriction with yammi, it will be set server sided, so if someone tries to change it, it'll fail. As Shako said, better to draw it with yammi then add the desired objects with the editor.
  17. Cool I was just curious. I'd like to take a look at those scripts, but once again just for curiosity. I'm not really into ToP development, but I like when someone innovate and merge features from another games. *cough* CS:GO *cough* Great Job!!
  18. A question, does plant the bomb has also the script for what you've detailed?
  19. I just don't get why would you look at someone who does it for free. Knowledge and experience are expensive qualities. Free doesn't mean bad but definetly doesn't mean commitment. I mean, you don't seem to know how to script, so I think, you should offer some reward, maybe after you cover your costs (like rent vps, domain, etc).
  20. Give us more information about that. You can't target mobs? You don't see the player attacking mobs (missing animation)? Do u see the damage when you attack mobs? maybe a screen of the problem would help.
  21. iZae

    IP Changer

    whenever you compile your BINS, just don't replace serverset.bin.
  22. I think the problem is not the function itself, it may be that you deleted an end of another function. Paste here the full entry.lua you've modified.
  23. My first suggestion, read the guides section of pkodev, also check for serverdevs archives. About the patchs, that's up to the changes you've made in your server. If you made ingame changes, making a patch with the bins will be enough. If you added new stuff like mobs, appareals and so on, you'll need to add texture and models also. 1.36, 1.38 and 2.4 are ToP versions. If you're running a 1.36 (ToP1) server, your client should also be 1.36. If you don't know how to find what version your server files are, just check inside the cfgs you'll find a line like "VERSION = 136" or something like that. I have no clue about most of the Tools you've said, I can only tell you YAMMI is a tool to make ToP maps from scratch, quite useful. With that being said, here goes a personal suggestion. DO NOT DOWNLOAD EVERY FILE YOU FIND. Just stick with only 1 server files you know deeply (like Base 1.36 files) and start playing with it: first make a npc, then a mob, then an item, then add an appareal, then add a new map, add new functions, and so on. You won't learn that much if you just copy+paste features you find in another files. And if you're just starting with a programming language keep reading https://www.lua.org/ .
  24. Made by me and LazyKid like 5 or 6 years ago. Sorry to revive something as old as shit, I saw the post date after replying.
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