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About Rafael

  • Rank
    Cabin Boy

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  1. Hi angelix! im with Igor, u helping us with vps :) hey, change the name of resoudrce for for resource. Ty! 😆

  2. @V3ct0r i got it with help, thank you. Can close this topic
  3. I cant use sa, then i creat another one, but still same... (password 123456789 too) i tried with "master" too
  4. I used sa and put the password 123456789, but another erro happened
  5. i dont use in accountserver too but he works
  6. Is this necessary? I did not use it. How do i enter a db_usr and db_pass?
  7. Account, Group and gateserver works perfectly, but when i open gameserver he close immediately. I try with many gameserver.exe and .cfg any ideia what happens? Mensage in LOG>init.txt [02-02 17:40:03]Define __CATCH [02-02 17:40:03]game map server [] startup... [02-02 17:40:03]start initialization GameApp [02-02 17:40:03]Load Game Config File(Text Mode) [GameServer.cfg] [02-02 17:40:03]initialization DB... [02-02 17:40:03]database init...Fail! [02-02 17:40:03]GameApp initialization failed, exit!
  8. i m looking for a action database to site, where i can find?
  9. when i open the game server this happens, what is this
  10. MisNeed(MIS_NEED_KILL,MOB2 , 10, 20, 10) have MOB2 [ b ] no work put together in this forum lol
  11. @Ximboliex function dd_dd() Talk( 1, "dddddddd" ) AddNpcMission(7783) end its work the random, but when i finish the quest still with the same quest, just change with "updateall" its like this now: MOB1 ={} MOB1[1] = 237 MOB1[2] = 298 MOB1[3] = 225 MOB1[4] = 252 MOB1[5] = 93 local a = math.random(1,5) MOB2 ={} MOB2[1] = 62 MOB2[2] = 100 MOB2[3] = 101 MOB2[4] = 203 MOB2[5] = 45 local b = math.random(1,5) MOB3 ={} MOB3[1] = 83 MOB3[2] = 266 MOB3[3] = 46 MOB3[4] = 130 MOB3[5] = 281 local c = math.random(1,5) DefineMission( 7783, "Travel of Gold", 6089 ) MisBeginTalk( "Kill all this mobs and i go give you my Necklace" ) MisBeginAction(AddMission, 6089) MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 60891, TE_KILL, MOB1[a] , 10 ) MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 60892, TE_KILL, MOB2 , 10 ) MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 60893, TE_KILL, MOB3[c] , 10 ) MisCancelAction( ClearMission, 6089) MisNeed(MIS_NEED_DESP, "<Good Luck!> ") MisNeed(MIS_NEED_KILL,MOB1[a] , 10, 10, 10 ) MisNeed(MIS_NEED_KILL,MOB2 , 10, 20, 10 ) MisNeed(MIS_NEED_KILL,MOB3[c] , 10, 30, 10 ) MisPrize(MIS_PRIZE_MONEY, 500000, 1) MisPrizeSelAll() MisResultTalk("Nice, you follow my words! Here is the Necklace.") MisHelpTalk("In Forgotten Island you can find this mobs.") MisResultCondition(HasMission, 6089) MisResultCondition(HasFlag, 6089, 19 ) MisResultCondition(HasFlag, 6089, 29 ) MisResultCondition(HasFlag, 6089, 39 ) MisResultAction(ClearMission, 6089 ) MisResultBagNeed(1) InitTrigger() TriggerCondition( 1, IsMonster,MOB1[a] ) TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 6089, 10, 10 ) RegCurTrigger( 60891 ) InitTrigger() TriggerCondition( 1, IsMonster,MOB2 ) TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 6089, 20, 10 ) RegCurTrigger( 60892 ) InitTrigger() TriggerCondition( 1, IsMonster,MOB3[c] ) TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 6089, 30, 10 ) RegCurTrigger( 60893 )
  12. thank you, bro! no is my point, but this go work good for me, ty
  13. I need help, i want put 5 items with random quest, click = get 1 random of 5 quest when you finish the quest go for the other item. 5 Items = 5 random quest ea, then 5 items = 25 quests, how i can do a "random quest"?
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