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Everything posted by mkhzaleh

  1. Hello there! as all you know all top client has this bug exist you edit music volume >close client> reopen music still playing as max volume until open/apply music edits again so this small fix for that! open: PacketCMD_CS.CPP on header add : #include "UIsystemform.h" :search for: void CS_BeginPlay(const char *cha) add inside it : g_stUISystem.m_sysProp.ApplyAudio(); done: rebuild . :if you have some cool ideas to make for top type them here! some of codes been done lately :
  2. show the script you are using otherwise you can use the exist code of stealth of ss called cloak or something like that 0474 Cloak 1 2,10;12,10 1,-1 1,-1 9999 -1 2 1 1 -1 -1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 SkillSp_Ys 0 0 0 Skill_Ys_Begin Skill_Ys_End 0 0 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SkillCooldown_Ys 1 1 12 0 52 -1 121 0 -1 0,0 0,0 -1 -1 -1 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 x1087.png 0 0 Become invisible to others Conceals for 30s and consumes 5.5 SP every 5s at level 1. Reduces SP consumption by 0.5 SP and duration increases by 5s per skill level Fix consumption of 10 sp 0 or just check how is your function Skill_Ys_End ( ATKER , DEFER , sklv ) works or post it here
  3. if you are using source code can find them inside Character.cpp inline void SetPreName( stNetChangeChaPart& stPart, char* szName, DWORD& dwColor ) otherwise just as he said edit them from StringSet.txt.
  4. hello there! this small optimizing for _evtGameOptionFormMouseDown normal code will run every functions in the list even if its same previous value example: so what we do small optimize to call changed values in system options only " this helpful if you are using hide effects/apps etc" the modification: open UISystemForm.cpp and search for : void CSystemMgr::_evtGameOptionFormMouseDown(CCompent* pSender, int nMsgType, int x, int y, DWORD dwKey) for example we change it to now repeat same steps for the rest options pGroup = g_stUISystem.cbxHelpMode; if (pGroup) { bool bHelpMode = pGroup->GetActiveIndex() == 1 ? true : false; if (g_stUISystem.m_sysProp.m_gameOption.bHelpMode != bHelpMode) { g_stUISystem.m_sysProp.m_gameOption.bHelpMode = bHelpMode; if (!bHelpMode) g_stUIStart.ShowLevelUpHelpButton(bHelpMode); g_stUIStart.ShowInfoCenterButton(bHelpMode); ::WritePrivateProfileString("gameOption", "helpMode", bHelpMode ? "1" : "0", "./user/system.ini"); } }
  5. just change the ip inside GateServer.cfg [ToClient] IP = ***** but even if you keep it as should work fine as well if your port open
  6. if you are not the staff member then stfu and your retard as @Rogue screenshots team asked them nicely to stop using ea compiled client and in return you & your retard friend just changing ip & hiding server from all other server owners so stfu community do not need such bitches like you and your friend , simply if you want to open a server " work on your own files "
  7. what do you expect from a person stealing high rates client after stealing "ea client" and don't even bother to change rates? what can you find in their steal collection ? so you can call it thieves sabotage and we were so kind didn't leak your files yet ""C:\Users\rafa223\Desktop\Meu Server File(Teste da Cheat)"
  8. we leave understanding english for you and why i should share them? if you want something just study it? that's normal newbies never worry about that? i see you are crying out there? its so simple we won't share x things we made ,for someone will use for his benefit & already there is few servers like that kingdom which is stole ea clients to use it even without permission well enough drama from such newbies people like you as well so stop acting as"pro "
  9. another good point so people stop show off with ideas we made for our own anyway mele attack/auto attack / item filter all made for ultimate pirate online and Eternal Abaddon so just stop copying it
  10. his question if can do it without server side , so its simple answer, and wonder why all these lines if can done the code in 2 lines lol
  11. its easy to fix need some logical code fix
  12. yea its so hard guys took 5 mints to make it work lmao https://i.gyazo.com/d2c189bc5fb1519a5023f807fcd6f321.gif
  13. if using source code easy if not you have to make a dll or do it in cave by hxd or can use sql dll to make one
  14. inside gameserver after client send the packet to delete it you will find the level * price etc , you can edit it there plus you have to edit that in client side for display the new amount of gold only look for case CMD_CM_MASTER_DEL and CMD_CM_PRENTICE_DEL
  15. it will not , in client source many places had it as 240 hard code numbers or as they call it "magic numbers"
  16. its true. he sent same incomplete code. and he already showed your refund cases with him lol
  17. code was shared when @MiniMan sold a source to @K1D0 and you have no right to write plus its old undone code and wasn't sold out
  18. its funny sharing code made by me and @Snre3n
  19. just easier to use , also trade server had some exploits
  20. its about some old exploits such tcp flood, change mac on login , guild list flood
  21. search for Skill_Xlpz_End ( ATKER , DEFER , sklv ) and replace statetime to local statetime = 9999 this simple trick will work, don't need to edit source code .
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