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Everything posted by mkhzaleh

  1. and now became more kiddo drama with most dumb person in this community another good reason to not support this community with people with that mentality lol anyway not into your drama , i just repliaed to confirm what anglix says about his owning files . done go sleep kiddo
  2. that's shows how you do not own what you sell , means you can't give support for anyone willing to buy from "you" and seems you live in world where never read rules in this world? did i? i remember helped your "friend once after he begged for help in forum " and what i helped was already global bugs in these files you can read rest of threads in this forum to find them lol few reasons shall stop people from dealing with people like you 1- many names / discords 2- do not respect copyrights for people workd on files, 3- you do not know what exist in files 4- you closed your server due many bugs but you mention it as "fixed " there is few more , anyway not into kiddo drama just to make it clear for who read these posts
  3. this guy was working with a guy called > Zizo < not sure what his name in forum his discord name Martix > also have 2 different names as i see < their server side was developed by someone else, none of them worked/touched it and that's clear once you see the source the old deves used >OpenSSL-Win32 libs for client/server side< and i'm sure the seller has no knowledge about that for client the real owner used zip libs to compress/uncompress script folder before start client and delete after closing, and as i remember they paid for me once to make it as optional > the one who contacted with me was > Zizo#8017 < for mounts and rest they didn't put a line of codes in them as Zizo bought from me once> then they had internal fight seems between each other and closed their server/team < so literally they sell what they do not own vip thing i also made it for them gamesetting as i see >shadow< made for them but those people thinks if paid for something have the right to resell it whatever server side has bunch of issues and backdoors client has bunch of leaks and errors and crashes their discord server name called Leage Of Pirates
  4. not sure how we could know what bugged from this error without full code?, but as it says value is nil so if you're using table.load could be nil table/ no values / could be no file anyway if you're using the public code of respawn boss npc without optimize your table.load or the code itself then do not use it, code itself so bad ,as it call table.load for each request and reload files to return a value for you, this could cause hangs for servers if has multi actions in same time you could fix that with storing returned table in temp table and use it instead of table.load each time and update that temp table on first call or on kills when updating the file
  5. - Offline System - Top2 Camera built in ,in co files already
  6. not yet, didn't try to fix that , may try again soon o.o hope so
  7. o.o selling as 2.5k and puts lame exploits for them? fr ;p?
  8. talking of rights you don't even own the rights to offer him ea client project and ask almost 2k lol mounts/drop info and rest of that client codes is mine items filter owner is @Perseus but expected he did changed vector website copyright before to his own name well he was selling it as well
  9. well seems not so true tbh, i will share small method to do it could be helpful for someone so first its related to skills as he said what easier way to do this bug? there is 2 ways so far i know , first one about monster has respawn time less than 1min , for example some monster has respawn time as 30sec , 15sec some has 10 sec to respawn how is that related? well it's kinda lame way but you can use 2 skills to test this bug first one magma skill ? how? the bug happen mostly when you you use magma for example the magma kills a monster with these kind of monsters with low respawn cooldown >10/15/30 etc < after magma kill that monster you do "Switch character " login same character again, magma will kill another monster once that happen all monster now will do insta respawn and to avoid people drama > this development testing bug way < so don't reply as "hard to happen etc bla bla" this methos for you as deve to test the bug another skills could be used like voyger rb skills that easier to test the bug even as the damge bigger than magma skill so it doesn't take so long to bug monsters there is another methods? no clue? if someone has more methods just throw them here workaround to fix it? i would say if you don't use source code easier way to workaround make all monsters minimum respawn as 1 min , should work fine for you
  10. maybe it works in old version of 3rd max but it can be a base for someone if want write same kind of tool ogre exporter use different type of formatting don't think it works for top,
  11. maxexp for exporting character's/ seems but it missing files from source
  12. few people interested in 3d models that's why you will not find a lot of info about this topic and who spent time on it /created his own tool will not share it mostly for public that's why there is zero public tools for models you can find the info you're looking for inside top model viewer source code which is already public in forum too for > how to load models< export them to ..obj files i remember Perseus was working on such tool few months ago and shared the repo he works in it , you can give it a look or just inside source code: you can look inside CCharacterModel class there it handle all models and bones loading and how playing them/ get dummy/pose playing etc then the rest inside MPCharacter class for Matrix etc i'm not fan of 3d models so didn't bother before to try working on that so good luck
  13. yea sure, but its same method you already found form/label address for your dlls for uiminiform , so same steps ;p?
  14. that's easy to do , just label / load image then set it from lua on kill/change refresh players clients i done that like 2 years ago like this: & dungeons :
  15. its just as i explained above ,bad refactor ,
  16. he seems refactoring / copying _sprintf without reading how it works so buffer limited to < 3 > so mostly his issue inside CTableMapMask::GetColNameByMapName which is char* szColBase = "content"; so as he post i can see he use sprintf like this: _snprintf_s(szColName, sizeof(szColName), _TRUNCATE, "%s%d", szColBase, chIndex); which suppose to be _snprintf_s(szColName, lColNameLen, _TRUNCATE, "%s%d", szColBase, chIndex); still can use (long)strlen(szColBase) but as it above will works just fine!
  17. well i don't even know who is this kid so what ever if he can't handle sarcasm "drama word" and skipped the rest of explaining how the bug works shows how kiddo he is
  18. so mad kid? your way of reply shows how kiddo you are don't you? and i say what ever i want and yea i see its drama comments and i already shared such a fix 3 years ago so what ever and nope not everything there to v3ctor or wrexor credit dude , that's show how kid and useless you are all credit goes to real top team , if you like this truth or not .. people does mods, fix exploits that's their credits , no less no more? what is your impact in this situation ? zero? big mouth? useless ? that's is you
  19. so much drama for such old bugs tho? but you mentioned that for combine only so you should know its also called as gold hack as other name? and can use same method for the rest of any process ingame as most checks in top base on client side and they were so dumb to check one type of locks top have 4 type of locks: 1- inventory > most codes check it< 2- trade locks >GetTradeData() < most codes doesn't check it in server side, just in client 3- stall locks > GetStallData() < most codes check that in client side, not checked on sell items/ forge/combine analyze 4- item lock stone Block states so if you server owner and wrote a code you should start with small check for item itself if locked or not item =GetChaItem(role,2,slot) if(IsItemLocked(item)) then create new code for check all states at one function inline int lua_IsChaLocked(lua_State* L) { BOOL bValid = lua_gettop(L) == 1 && lua_islightuserdata(L, 1); if (!bValid) { E_LUAPARAM; return 0; } CCharacter* pChar = (CCharacter*)lua_touserdata(L, 1); if (!pChar) { E_LUANULL; return 0; } if (pChar->GetPlyMainCha()->m_CKitbag.IsPwdLocked() || pChar->GetPlyMainCha()->GetStallData() || pChar->GetPlyMainCha()->GetTradeData()) { lua_pushnumber(L, LUA_TRUE); } else { lua_pushnumber(L, LUA_FALSE); } return 1; } or just create it in lus side and use in your codes function IsChaLocked(character) if KitbagLock(character, 1) == LUA_TRUE or GetChaStateLv(character, STATE_BAT) >= 1 or GetChaStateLv(character, STATE_JY) >= 1 then return true else return false end end
  20. that called inside worldscenes , if you want change it, you can find inside areaset.bin to change use yammi >mark island to new areaset<
  21. skillinfo -> effect on use for fbs skilleff -> dizzy effect of shadow stun for fbs
  22. guess all using gemini but never had the source of it. so i did decompiled it may be useful for someone project written in net c# i used vs 2022 link here
  23. (*it) its pointer for form itself so you can get form name and compare to which one you want etc (*it)->_FindForm("frmname")
  24. yup understand guess i did mix that for "after login_ " that was in gift mod not rewarder because i remember seen someone ask about something like that anyway great job some ps: we still can use that or just create extra lua function from enter_map "for people who use source" or want to create dll for it" as if(chLogin == 0) g_CParser.DoString("Enter_Map_FirstTime", enumSCRIPT_RETURN_NONE, 0, enumSCRIPT_PARAM_LIGHTUSERDATA, 1, this, DOSTRING_PARAM_END);
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