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Everything posted by DevMorgan

  1. You need V3ctor Gameserver.exe with HandleChat make addon.lua and put code: <QUOTE> ----------------------- -- Function -- ----------------------- --Commands CMD_HANDLER_GM = {} CMD_HANDLER_NORMAL = {} --Eudaemon pages EUDAEMON_CMDS = 1 LocalChat = {} -- Main chat handling function function HandleChat(role, message) if (string.find(message, "/") == 1) then local command = string.sub(message, 2) if (command == "") then SystemNotice(role, "Unknown command! Type /cmds to see a list of commands.") return 0 end local param = {n = 0} params = string.find(command, " ") if (params == nil) then cmd = string.lower(command) else cmd = string.lower(explode(" ", command)[0]) params = string.sub(command, params + 1) param = explode(",", params) param.n = table.getn(param) end if (CMD_HANDLER_NORMAL[cmd] ~= nil) then CMD_HANDLER_NORMAL[cmd](role, param) return 0 end if (GetGmLv(role) == 99) then if (CMD_HANDLER_GM[cmd] ~= nil) then CMD_HANDLER_GM[cmd](role, param) return 0 end end SystemNotice(role, "Unknown command! Type /cmds to see a list of commands.") return 0 end -- Muting Spammer --[[ local minute = os.date("%M") if (LocalChat[role] == nil) then LocalChat[role] = {} else if (LocalChat[role].minute == minute) then -- 25 messages are maximum if (LocalChat[role].number > 15) then -- Mute player SystemNotice(role, "Don't flood in local chat please! You are now temporarily muted.") return 0 else LocalChat[role].number = LocalChat[role].number + 1 end else LocalChat[role].minute = minute LocalChat[role].number = 1 end ]]-- end return 1 end function trim(s) return (string.gsub(s, "^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")) end function explode(separator, str) local pos, i, arr = 0, 0, {} for st, sp in function() return string.find(str, separator, pos, true) end do table.insert(arr, i, trim(string.sub(str, pos, st-1))) pos = sp + 1 i = i + 1 end table.insert(arr, i, trim(string.sub(str, pos))) return arr end function ShowWindow(role, page) local ret, npc = GetEudemon() local ret, id = GetScriptID(npc) JumpPage(role, npc, NpcInfoList[id].page, page) end function ShowTrade(role) local ret, npc = GetEudemon() local ret, id = GetScriptID(npc) BuyPage(role, npc, NpcInfoList[id].trade) end function ShowText(role, text) local packet = GetPacket(); WriteCmd(packet, CMD_MC_TALKPAGE); WriteDword(packet, -1) WriteByte(packet, -1) WriteString(packet, text) SendPacket(role, packet); end -- User defined commands CMD_HANDLER_GM["cmds"] = function(role, param) HelpInfo(role, 0, "GM Command List:_/online - Check Online Player_/time - Check server time_/buff - Give full buffs_/teleport - Teleport you anywhere_/bank - Open Bank_/forge - Forging System_/socket - Socket System_/fusion - Apparel Fusion System_/appupgrade - Apparel Upgrade System_/combine - Gem Combine System_/extract - Extract System_/setupgrade - Upgrading System_/cash - Gives 1B Gold_/summon - Summon a monster") end CMD_HANDLER_GM["buff"] = function(role, param) Buff_scripts(role) end CMD_HANDLER_GM["make"] = function(role, param) if param.n ~= 2 then BickerNotice(role, 'This command requires 2 paramenters! /make itemid,itemqty') return end param[1] = tonumber(param[1]) param[2] = tonumber(param[2]) local itemid, itemqty if type(param[1]) == 'number' and type(param[2]) == 'number' then itemid = tonumber(param[1]) itemqty = tonumber(param[2]) else BickerNotice(role, 'Parameters of /make must be numerical values!') return end GiveItem(role, 0, itemid, itemqty, 4) end CMD_HANDLER_GM["gmlv"] = function(role, param) if param.n ~= 0 then BickerNotice(role, 'This command requires zero parameters! /gmlv') return end BickerNotice(role, 'Account: '..GetActName(role)..' GM Level '..GetGmLv(role)) return end -- GM commands CMD_HANDLER_GM["online"] = function(role, param) SystemNotice(role, 'Players Online: '..GetOnlineCount()) end CMD_HANDLER_GM["onlinegm"] = function(role, param) local enable = false; if enable == true then if param.n ~= 0 then BickerNotice(role, 'This command requires zero parameters! /onlinegm') return end local a = {} for i,v in pairs(GPBN.role) do if GetGmLv(v) > 0 then table.insert(a, i) end end if table.getn(a) ~= 0 then SystemNotice(role, 'Total gms online:') for t = 1, table.getn(a) do SystemNotice(role, '- '..a[t]) end else SystemNotice(role, 'No gms found online!') return end else SystemNotice(role, 'This command is currently disabled!') return end end CMD_HANDLER_GM["time"] = function(role, param) local Hour = os.date("%I") -- Hour Scripts local Minute = os.date("%M") -- Minute Scripts local Second = os.date("%p") -- AM/PM local Day = os.date("%d") -- Day Scripts local Month = os.date("%b") -- Month Scripts local Year = os.date("%Y") -- Year Scripts local DD = os.date("%A") -- Day Name SystemNotice(role, "--------- Server Status ---------- ") SystemNotice ( role, "Server Time: "..Hour..":"..Minute..":"..Second.." ") SystemNotice ( role, "Server Date: "..Month..":"..Day..":"..Year.." "..DD.."") SystemNotice(role, "---------------------------------- ") end CMD_HANDLER_GM["buff"] = function(role, param) Buff_scripts(role) end CMD_HANDLER_GM["teleport"] = function(role, param) if (param.n ~= 1) then ShowWindow(role, EUDAEMON_TELEPORT) return end for key, map in pairs(TeleMapList) do if (param[0] == key) then GoTo(role, map.xpos, map.ypos, map.name) end end end CMD_HANDLER_GM["bank"] = function(role, param) OpenBank(role, role) end CMD_HANDLER_GM["forge"] = function(role, param) OpenForge(role, role) end CMD_HANDLER_GM["socket"] = function(role, param) OpenMilling(role, role) end CMD_HANDLER_GM["fusion"] = function(role, param) OpenFusion(role, role) end CMD_HANDLER_GM["appupgrade"] = function(role, param) OpenUpgrade(role, role) end CMD_HANDLER_GM["combine"] = function(role, param) OpenUnite(role, role) end CMD_HANDLER_GM["extract"] = function(role, param) OpenGetStone(role, role) end CMD_HANDLER_GM["setupgrade"] = function(role, param) OpenItemTiChun(role, role) end CMD_HANDLER_GM["cash"] = function(role, param) local gm_cash = 1000000000 AddMoney ( role , 0 , gm_cash ) end CMD_HANDLER_GM["forgep"] = function(role, param) local item = GetChaItem(role, 2, param[0]) local itemParam = GetItemForgeParam(item, 1) --print(itemParam) end CMD_HANDLER_GM["forgeps"] = function(role, param) local item = GetChaItem(role, 2, param[0]) SetItemForgeParam(item, 1, param[1]) end CMD_HANDLER_GM["eff"] = function(role, param) PlayEffect(role, param[0]) end CMD_HANDLER_GM["effad"] = function(role, param) AddState(role, role, param[0], param[1], 3600) end CMD_HANDLER_GM["effre"] = function(role, param) RemoveState(role, param[0]) end CMD_HANDLER_GM["summon"] = function(role, param) local x, y = GetChaPos(role) local monster = CreateChaX(param[0], x, y, 145, 3700, role) SetChaLifeTime(monster, param[1]) SetChaAIType(monster, param[2]) end CMD_HANDLER_GM["itemattr"] = function(role, param) if (param.n == 2) then local item = GetChaItem(role, 2, param[0]) --print(item) local attr = GetItemAttr(item, param[1]) --print(attr) SystemNotice(role, attr) elseif (param.n == 3) then local item = GetChaItem(role, 2, param[0]) SetItemAttr(item, param[1], param[2]) else SystemNotice(role, "Error") end end CMD_HANDLER_GM["fusion2"] = function(role, param) local apparel = GetChaItem(role, 2, param[0]) local equipment = GetChaItem(role, 2, param[1]) local equipmentID = GetItemID(equipment) SetItemAttr(apparel, ITEMATTR_VAL_FUSIONID, equipmentID) FusionItem(apparel, equipment) end CMD_HANDLER_GM["dropevet"] = function(role, param) local CoordX, CoordY = GetChaPos(role) local ItemID, Quantity = param[0], param[1] local MapCopy = GetChaMapCopy(role) if CoordX == nil or CoordY == nil or ItemID == nil or Quantity == nil or MapCopy == nil then return end MonsterItem = CreateChaEx(param[2], CoordX, CoordY, 145, 50, MapCopy) SetChaLifeTime(MonsterItem, 1) SystemNotice(role, param[0].."/"..param[1].."/"..param[2].."/"..param[3].."/"..param[4].."/"..param[5].."/"..param[6]) GiveItem(MonsterItem, 0, ItemID, Quantity, 4) RemoveChaItem(MonsterItem, ItemID, Quantity, param[3], param[4], param[5], param[6]) end CMD_HANDLER_GM["attr"] = function(role, param) local attr = GetChaAttr(role, param[0]) SystemNotice(role, attr) end CMD_HANDLER_GM["getido"] = function(role, param) local cha = GetChaPlayer(role) local id = GetPlayerID(cha) --print(id) end CMD_HANDLER_GM["getmac"] = function(role, param) local player = GetChaPlayer(role) local playerID = GetPlayerID(player) local mac = GetMac(playerID) SystemNotice(role, "Your MAC address is "..mac) end CMD_HANDLER_GM["eff"] = function(role, param) PlayEffect(role, param[0]) end -- Players CMD CMD_HANDLER_NORMAL["name"] = function(player, param) if (param.n == 0)then ShowText(player, "Please enter a name"); return; end if (param.n > 1)then ShowText(player, "Cannot use space in name"); return; end if (string.len(param[0]) > 15)then ShowText(player, "Cannot be longer than 15 characters"); return end if (CheckBagItem(player, 9441) == 0)then ShowText(player, "You don't have change name card"); return; end TakeItem(player, 0, 9441, 1); ShowText(player, "Your name has been changed! Please relog to apply changes. Thank you."); ChangeName(player, param[0]); end CMD_HANDLER_NORMAL["cmds"] = function(role, param) HelpInfo(role, 0, "Command List:_/bank - Open Bank_/forge - Forging System_/socket - Socket System_/fusion - Apparel Fusion System_/appupgrade - Apparel Upgrade System_/combine - Gem Combine System_/extract - Extract System_/setupgrade - Upgrading System") end CMD_HANDLER_NORMAL["bank"] = function(role, param) OpenBank(role, role) end CMD_HANDLER_NORMAL["forge"] = function(role, param) OpenForge(role, role) end CMD_HANDLER_NORMAL["socket"] = function(role, param) OpenMilling(role, role) end CMD_HANDLER_NORMAL["fusion"] = function(role, param) OpenFusion(role, role) end CMD_HANDLER_NORMAL["appupgrade"] = function(role, param) OpenUpgrade(role, role) end CMD_HANDLER_NORMAL["combine"] = function(role, param) OpenUnite(role, role) end CMD_HANDLER_NORMAL["extract"] = function(role, param) OpenGetStone(role, role) end CMD_HANDLER_NORMAL["setupgrade"] = function(role, param) OpenItemTiChun(role, role) end</QUOTE>
  2. how to remove "IGS Secury Password" ??? for fast open IGS same old foxlvon2 @V3ct0r
  3. make a mine server with Lobby for Minegames ~~ ;p
  4. Where do you rent your VPS / Dedicated / Cloud? I would like someone to point me to something cheap and good company
  5. I would like to know how to block commands within chaos argent as "/bank"
  6. 9,22usd I have in my paypal could make the first service with 78 cents discount? ahah
  7. Very good! I am very happy someone could upload the files on another website the mega charges $ 5 for power download 1giga +
  8. Everyone wants to contribute after seeing compiled? I find it a lack of respect, some gave his word to contribute I think you should not send files to the speaker you want to "SEE COMPILED First" then it does not work Treuno is the injury? make the application of contributions before sending the files!
  9. My First Map Client* Server* Cordens* NpcLand.rar
  10. thankyou!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  11. How do I change this script to just open the time I want exemple: Time: 15 Minutes: 30 Close: 45 Day: 0,1,3,5,7 for me to leave the portals to appear at different times SetMapEntryMapName(map, "darkblue") SetMapEntryTime(map, "2006/10/19/13/0", "0/1/0", "0/0/40", "0/0/45")
  12. I want only to GM name on a list to use commands! You see ?
  13. I want to protect GM commands I used the 1:38 V3ctor GS but it works not correctly in files 1:36 clean the lucky all GM can use command I wanted commands released only to authorized GM
  14. I use the files 1:36 lucky gameserver which should I use?
  15. ok i'm try check .res account,gate,group,game as conected create char ok bot i'm double click to enter garner,shaitan ou icicle DC!
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