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DangThao last won the day on April 13 2024

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About DangThao

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  1. make sure you open teampk in your gameserver.cfg map = teampk
  2. DangThao


    Sorry if you feel that way but if you have questions about something just post it. Someone knows the answer might help (no one getting pay so ye just best of luck or buy someone's services). Or you can dig in all those released server file to get whatever features you want and add it to your own or use one as a base. There are many good ones as base but it just hard to find a client/game.exe compatible with the file due to customs script. Check the forum questions section; https://pkodev.net/forum/17-questions-help/ check lucky's/foxseiz archives Check this youtube channel if you're a beginner, it explained all the simple stuff you need to know about the server https://www.youtube.com/@razvakid92
  3. You can enter editor mode and view all effect, some might be missing the effect/par/texture effect and dced you but this is the best way. or if you know a server has the effect you want, just decompile their skilleff and try those custom lines. Here is the line if you need it, if you are using a custom game.exe, you have to change the startgame trigger to yours. system\game.exe startgame editor Hope this helps.
  4. Open your iteminfo with CSVed. Make sure your first line inside iteminfo have the below code so when you target that iteminfo line to edit you will know what the editing value represent. //ID Name Icon Name Model (Ground) Model (Lance) Model (Carsise) Model (Phyllis) Model (Ami) Ship Symbol Ship Size Item Type Obtain Prefix Rate Set ID Forging Level Stable Level Repairable Tradable Pick-upable Droppable Deletable Max Stack Size Instance Price Character Types Character Level Character Classes Character Nick Character Reputation Equipable Slots Item Switch Locations Item Obtain Into Location Determine +STR % +AGI % +ACC % +CON % +SPR % +LUK % +Attack Speed % +Attack Range % +Min Attack % +Max Attack % +Defense % +Max HP % +Max SP % +Dodge Rate % +Hit Rate % +Critical Rate % +Treasure Drop Rate % +HP Recovery % +SP Recovery % +Movement Speed % +Resource Gathering Rate % +STR (Min,Max) +AGI +ACC +CON +SPR +LUK +Attack Speed +Attack Range +Min Attack +Max Attack +Defense +Max HP +Max SP +Dodge +Hit Rate +Critical Rate +Treasure Drop Rate +HP Recovery +SP Recovery +Movement Speed +Resource Gathering Rate +Physical Resist Aftected By Left Hand Efs +Energy +Durability Gem Sockets Ship Durability Recovery Ship Cannon Amount Ship Member Count Ship Label Ship Cargo Capacity Ship Fuel Consumption Ship Attack Speed Ship Movement Speed Usage Script Display Effect Bind Effect Bind Effect 2 1st Inv Slot Effect Drop Model Effect Item Usage Effect Description Remark
  5. Check your gem command list, make sure it goes up to level 9. Certain file still show up to gm command lv3 gems. so you gotta add it manually. Root > Resource> Script > Calculate > AttrCalculate.lua You need to have something like this; as gem is max level 9. function Creat_Item_Tattr(item_type,item_lv , item_event) --[[´´½¨µÀ¾ßËæ»úÊôÐÔ]]-- -- LG("item_1", "Creat_Item_Tattr() type = ", item_type, "\n") -- LG("item_1", "Creat_Item_Tattr() item_event = ", item_event, "\n") local quality = SetItemQua ( item_event ) -- LG ( "item_1" , " quality = " , quality ) if item_event == 101 then Add_Item_Attr ( ITEMATTR_VAL_BaoshiLV , 10 ) --±¦Ê¯ return end if item_event == 102 then Add_Item_Attr ( ITEMATTR_VAL_BaoshiLV , 20 ) --±¦Ê¯ return end if item_event == 103 then Add_Item_Attr ( ITEMATTR_VAL_BaoshiLV , 30 ) --±¦Ê¯ return end if item_event == 104 then Add_Item_Attr ( ITEMATTR_VAL_BaoshiLV , 40 ) --±¦Ê¯ return end if item_event == 105 then Add_Item_Attr ( ITEMATTR_VAL_BaoshiLV , 50 ) --±¦Ê¯ return end if item_event == 106 then Add_Item_Attr ( ITEMATTR_VAL_BaoshiLV , 60 ) --±¦Ê¯ return end if item_event == 107 then Add_Item_Attr ( ITEMATTR_VAL_BaoshiLV , 70 ) --±¦Ê¯ return end if item_event == 108 then Add_Item_Attr ( ITEMATTR_VAL_BaoshiLV , 80 ) --±¦Ê¯ return end if item_event == 109 then Add_Item_Attr ( ITEMATTR_VAL_BaoshiLV , 90 ) --±¦Ê¯ return end Hope this help.
  6. If your client missing character model, u can try find it using the iteminfo line for lance, carcise, phyllis and ami. You should check the client>texture>character and client>model>character for it. If missing just find one and copy paste.
  7. ссылка битая, перезалейте пожалуйста. Спасибо.
  8. Is this the real WPD file? i thought not so many people has it?
  9. They can just open iteminfo with starting line of tab information into CSVed and edit from there.
  10. check the illusion slash end function function Skill_Hyz_End ( ATKER , DEFER , sklv ) This is the formula local dmg = ( ( 1.5 + 0.1 * sklv ) ) * (math.min(3,( math.max ( 1, math.floor( aspd / 70 ) ) ))) * Atk_Dmg ( ATKER , DEFER ) Adjust it to your liking. Below is the one for CA/Mobs dmg = ( ( 1 + 0.1 * sklv ) ) * (math.min(3,( math.max ( 1, math.floor( aspd / 70 ) ) ))) * Atk_Dmg ( ATKER , DEFER )
  11. U can do via characterinfo assign class crusader code 9 to it. Then you add the animation on characterpos and will work(or just take a characterpos from another working client as it doesnt seems to give u any error.)
  12. You can locate the image of the IGS in the client>lua>forms folder and find the IGS. Then find the image in ur client>texture>ui.
  13. Wrong section. Try these 2 youtube guide; Tales Of Pirates Private Server Guide - YouTube Tales of Pirates Server Setup Guide
  14. Thanks man. Very much appreciated. Your da best!
  15. DangThao

    SourceCode Kop135

    Weird haha. I tried incognito too but doesnt work on me. I might be able to download it if it work.
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