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Everything posted by Shako

  1. Shako

    Monster Names Library

    No I haven't. It works,
  2. This is what i was talking about:
  3. Download: https://mega.nz/#!OVZDHITb!0YW6xTFghn7pFwwuVEoZCGl_FUqSSZS2K0gnM5wauQI You can load it as an extension or add it to your variable.lua Preview: Drop a like if you like it
  4. GetChaDefaultName ( monster ) only works when you have the monster role, that's true, but something like GetChaDefaultName ( 333 ) won't work in getting a monster's name. However, GetItemName ( 333 ) does. I'm trying to figure out how to get that same thing as the GetItemName >.<
  5. Hello, I was wondering if there is a function for getting the monster's name. Like GetItemName, where it gets the name of the item from ItemID Is there the same thing for monsters?
  6. For example, to insert a table with all guild members ids. Like Guild ID 1 has 3 players: ID: 222, 234, 255 The table will be created: Guild_ID_1[222] = 1 Guild_ID_1[234] = 1 Guild_ID_1[255] = 1 or create a notepad file in storage, with names of "222.txt" "234.txt" "255.txt" The amount will be according to the amount of players in the guild.
  7. Is there a function that will get all the player ID's of the members of a guild? Or to list every member of a single guild? How would we write it? Any ideas? Thanks
  8. it would be an Intel Xeon E5-1620v2 core, 6-8GB. But it is without anti-ddos game, just anti-ddos pro.
  9. Hello guys, I was just wondering what the community wants: Cheaper / Affordable VPS or More Expensive (but still cheap), Powerful VPS? Cheaper - 19$ Powerful - 28-34$ Both will be able to run a server. Your feedback is appreciated
  10. @nectrouler the solution the map times u can edit in ctrl.lua.
  11. V3ct0r @ the after installation: error logs folder PHP Notice: Undefined index: search_main in /htdocs/index.php on line 13, the referer: the PHP Fatal error: of Call-time pass-by-the reference has Been removed in /htdocs/_central_menu.php on line 100, referer:
  12. I think some GameServers work and some don't. I don't understand it well either. Maybe a broken code, but you can make your own gambling game which may be easier to do than this.
  13. Shako

    Mini Game

    My ad block doesn't block it
  14. @KONG I think he means you can only enter if you have a full party
  15. It can be because when you don't download in .rar, it will download individual files, which can take longer like how when you're transferring a file and theres many 1KB files it takes a long time.
  16. How is that different from the original one in clean client files?
  17. Now the question: Is there a better way to do this?
  18. @Covadola U have to add to NPC, and then add that exchange to ChangeItemList in variable.lua. Warning: Long post below
  19. Can you explain a more? Would this just be for automatically creating a table for ChangeItemList? How would you implement that? With a new function or with an existing one?
  20. Groupserver.cfg "WorldInterval = 60 TradeInterval = 300"
  21. Hello Guys! I've set up a website hosting service in its development/beta phase, so for now, I'm offering FREE HOSTING on websites (during testing phase). Make back-ups, as it is not a fully stable server yet. https://www.pko.host - My hosting website. http://example.pko.host - Mssql and PHP compatible for typical PKOSites http://example2.pko.host http://example3.pko.host http://example4.pko.host http://example5.pko.host http://example6.pko.host (credits to @DangThao for the PKOSite Template 1) Other website files gotten from toperunlimited. Credits to all the creators. All you have to do is: PM me for an account, and I will make one with the "Mini Plan", which is: 1 Domain 100 MB Disk Space 1000 MB Bandwidth Limit 100 Mbps Connection Speed Login Details will be sent to your e-mail. You will be able to add your domain through a control panel, and transfer your files through FTPS. It's enough to host a PKOSite, do you guys think it's enough? I'm open to feedback. Why am I giving people free hosting on websites? - Because I'm testing the stability of the server I set up, and to find any bugs that I might not have known. Cheers! ShaKo
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