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About StaffEN

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  1. Hi, i know this maybe sucks for someppl, but i was looking some guide about this in the forum and didnt found it, so, im gonna post this, maybe it help to someone 1.- Open the NpcDefine.Lua from SrvFiles>Resource>Script>MisScript 2.-Scroll down or search for "AddBerthPort", then scroll down to make another port, lets try 16, "AddBerthPort(16,"X Harbor")" "X Harbor" = The name of the Dock u want 3.-For new dock at x map you need to open the "xEntity.lua", and add this in the function initx() CreateBerthEntity( "Docked", 455, 2, xxxx,xxxx, z, A, yyyy, yyyy, z ) A = Dock ID (in this case is the port 16) xxxx = Coords for the Dock at sea (in this case 341,104) yyyy = Coords where the player spawn at the city when docked (in this case 320,116) z = The angle where the player is looking 4.- Now Create the NPC for the dock, you gonna need 1 for build the ship and other to Set Sail, can copy the same at argent city but gonna change the port of the dock, something like this: function r_talStaffEN() Talk( 1, "Sinbad: Yo! Want to get out to the sea? How can you do so without a good ship? I offer the best ship around here. Come have a look!" ) InitTrigger() TriggerCondition( 1, IsBoatFull ) TriggerAction( 1, SystemNotice, "Ships limit reached. Unable to build more ship" ) TriggerFailure( 1, JumpPage, 2 ) Text( 1, "Build Ship", MultiTrigger, GetMultiTrigger(), 1 ) InitTrigger() TriggerCondition( 1, HasBoatInBerth, 16 ) ---Check the boat is in this port, TriggerAction( 1, BoatLevelBerthList, 16 ) ---Change the port here to make sure upgrade boat works TriggerFailure( 1, JumpPage, 3 ) Text( 1, "Upgrade ship", MultiTrigger, GetMultiTrigger(), 1 ) Talk( 2, "Sinbad: What type of ships you wish to build? I have a few varieties. Please have a look." ) InitTrigger() TriggerCondition( 1, BoatBuildCheck, 1 ) TriggerAction( 1, CreateBoat, 1, 16 ) ---16 is to create the boat dock at 16 (x harbor) Text( 2, "Build Guppy", MultiTrigger, GetMultiTrigger(), 1 ) InitTrigger() TriggerCondition( 1, BoatBuildCheck, 2 ) TriggerAction( 1, CreateBoat, 2, 16 ) ---Same here Text( 2, "Build Transporter", MultiTrigger, GetMultiTrigger(), 1 ) InitTrigger() TriggerCondition( 1, BoatBuildCheck, 3 ) TriggerAction( 1, CreateBoat, 3, 16 ) ---same here Text( 2, "Build Flying Fish", MultiTrigger, GetMultiTrigger(), 1 ) InitTrigger() TriggerCondition( 1, BoatBuildCheck, 6 ) TriggerAction( 1, CreateBoat, 6, 16 ) ---same here Text( 2, "Build Swordfish", MultiTrigger, GetMultiTrigger(), 1 ) Talk( 3, "Sinbad: I guess your ship is not docked here. You need to dock here to upgrade the level when it has gained enough experience from sailing or killing monsters out in the sea." ) end function r_talStaffEN1() Talk( 1, " Shirley: Hi! I am the Harbor Operator for Argent. I am in charge of all ships that is docked in this harbor. Look for me if you want to set sail." ) InitTrigger() TriggerCondition( 1, HasAllBoatInBerth, 16 ) ----16 is the port of the dock TriggerAction( 1, LuanchBerthList, 16, xx,xx, 177 ) ------xx= Coords where the ship gonna spawn TriggerFailure( 1, JumpPage, 3 ) Text( 1, "Set sail", MultiTrigger, GetMultiTrigger(), 1 ) InitTrigger() TriggerCondition( 1, HasLuanchOut ) TriggerAction( 1, RepairBoat ) TriggerCondition( 2, HasBoatInBerth, 16 ) ---need to put the port of the dock (in this case is 16) TriggerAction( 2, RepairBerthList, 16 ) --- same here to repair if need TriggerFailure( 2, JumpPage, 4 ) Text( 1, "Repair Ship", MultiTrigger, GetMultiTrigger(), 2 ) InitTrigger() TriggerCondition( 1, HasLuanchOut ) TriggerAction( 1, SupplyBoat ) TriggerCondition( 2, HasBoatInBerth, 16 ) --- need to edit this to the port of the dock to refuel TriggerAction( 2, SupplyBerthList, 16 ) ----same here, put the port (in this case is 16) TriggerFailure( 2, JumpPage, 5 ) Text( 1, "Refuel", MultiTrigger, GetMultiTrigger(), 2 ) InitTrigger() TriggerCondition( 1, HasDeadBoatInBerth, 16 ) ---this is for salvage ship, need to put the port TriggerAction( 1, SalvageBerthList, 16 ) --- same here, in this case is 16 TriggerFailure( 1, JumpPage, 6 ) Text( 1, "Salvage Ship", MultiTrigger, GetMultiTrigger(), 1 ) Talk( 3, "Sorry, you do not have a ship at the harbor or it was sunken. Please salvage it before setting sail again!" ) Talk( 4, "Sorry! I only repair ships docked in this harbor. Please pay 1000G." ) Talk( 5, "Sorry, you need to dock your ship in our harbor in order to refuel. Please pay 200G" ) Talk( 6, "Sorry! We only salvage ships docked in our harbor. You have to pay a fee of 1000G." ) end and thats all, New dock added, dont need to add birth point ****YOU NEED THE BOAT TRIGGERS ACTIVE!****
  2. someone have the skilleffect addres for game.exe version 1.38?
  3. Solved, the skilleffect.lua was "limited" to x lines, so when i pass the x lines, it make a bug, so everything says the same problem "Operation failed, request rejected!", i just need to move or remove some effects i didnt use, and it will works fine
  4. Im using 1.38 files, cant forge items, add sockets and when i combine gems this msg appears : ... same msg when forge an item, or try to add socket, i try to change the forge.lua but still same problem....
  5. StaffEN

    F Skill

    Maybe this can help u, but if ure looking to change f13-18 to numpad or other keyboard, idk how to do that jeje
  6. This msg appears when i try to combine any gem, ref, unique, gr8, azz, any gem, some1 know how to solve?, thx for your time
  7. @V3ct0r can u help me ?, i still missing some icons, even when i delete the item info and compile again
  8. Hi. i have this problem too, can someone help me ? i deleted the iteminfo.bin and compile new .txt, and still same problem
  9. Solucionado, disculpen las molestias y muchas gracias por su atencion, el problema estaba en eso mismo que comento Angelix pero no fue problema del archivo functions.lua, sino que yo para otro mapa tenia una funcion tambien llamada "is_friend", con la cual al activar esa funcion, todos se pueden atacar entre todos, que es como un tipo "purga" o algo similar, solo tenia que cambiar el nombre de esa funcion jeje, nuevamente gracias por su atencion y por su apoyo.
  10. function is_friend(cha1, cha2) -- SystemNotice ( cha1, "transferis_friend" ) local friend_target = 1 local Map_type = GetChaMapType( cha1 ) if CheckChaRole( cha1 ) == 0 and Map_type ~= 2 then --Èç¹ûcha1Ϊ¹ÖÎïÇÒ²»ÔÚ¹¤»áµØͼÖУ¬Ôòcha2Ϊ¹ÖÎïΪÓÑ·½£¬cha2ΪÈËΪµÐ·½ if CheckChaRole( cha2 ) == 0 then return 1 else return 0 end end local map_name_cha1 = GetChaMapName(cha1) local map_name_cha2 = GetChaMapName(cha2) if (map_name_cha1 == map_name_cha2 and map_name_cha1 == "CTF") then if (GetChaSideID(cha1) == GetChaSideID(cha2)) then return 1 else return 0 end end -- SystemNotice ( cha1 , "1" ) -- SystemNotice ( cha1 , "Map_type ="..Map_type ) -- if Map_type == 4 then --ÃÔ¹¬PKµØͼÓÑ·½ÅÐ¶Ï -- local team = is_teammate(cha1, cha2) -- if team == 1 then -- return 1 -- end -- else -- return 0 -- end if Map_type == 1 then if CheckChaRole ( cha1 ) == 1 then if CheckChaRole( cha2 ) == 0 then return 0 else return 1 end end end if Map_type == 4 then --ÃÔ¹¬PKµØͼÓÑ·½ÅÐ¶Ï if Is_NormalMonster (cha1) == 1 then --Èç¹ûÊÇÆÕͨ¹ÖÎïÔòÓë¹ÖÎïÊÇÓÑ·½ if Is_NormalMonster (cha2) == 1 then return 1 end end local team = is_teammate(cha1,cha2) if team == 1 then return 1 else local guild_id1, guild_id2 guild_id1 = get_cha_guild_id(cha1) guild_id2 = get_cha_guild_id(cha2) if guild_id1 ~= 0 and guild_id2 ~= 0 and guild_id1 == guild_id2 then return 1 else return 0 end end --local team = is_teammate(cha1,cha2) -- if team == 1 then -- return 1 -- else -- return 0 -- end end -- SystemNotice ( cha1 , "2" ) if Map_type ==3 then --ÊǶÓÎéÕ½µØͼÔò¶ÓÓÑΪÓÑ·½ -- SystemNotice ( cha1 , "1" ) local team = is_teammate(cha1, cha2) -- SystemNotice ( cha1 , "2" ) if team == 1 then -- SystemNotice ( cha1 , "3" ) return 1 else return 0 end end if cha1 == 0 or cha2 == 0 then --Ö¸ÕëΪ¿Õ return 0 end -- SystemNotice ( cha1 , "3" ) if Map_type == 2 then --¹¤»áPKµØͼÅÐ¶Ï if Is_NormalMonster (cha1) == 1 then --Èç¹ûÊÇÆÕͨ¹ÖÎïÔòÓë¹ÖÎïÊÇÓÑ·½ if Is_NormalMonster (cha2) == 1then return 1 end end local guild_id1, guild_id2 guild_id1 = get_cha_guild_id(cha1) guild_id2 = get_cha_guild_id(cha2) if guild_id1 ~= 0 and guild_id2 ~= 0 and guild_id1 == guild_id2 then return 1 else return 0 end end if Map_type == 5 then --¹¤»áPKµØͼÅÐ¶Ï -- if Is_NormalMonster (cha1) == 1 then --Èç¹ûÊÇÆÕͨ¹ÖÎïÔòÓë¹ÖÎïÊÇÓÑ·½ -- if Is_NormalMonster (cha2) == 1then -- return 1 -- end -- end local guild_side_1, guild_side_2 guild_side_1 = GetChaSideID(cha1) guild_side_2 = GetChaSideID(cha2) --if guild_side_1 <= 100 and guild_side_1 > 0 and guild_side_2 <= 100 and guild_side_2 > 0 then if guild_side_1 == guild_side_2 then return 1 --elseif --guild_side_1 > 100 and guild_side_1 <= 200 and guild_side_2 > 100 and guild_side_2 <= 200 then --return 1 else return 0 end end -- SystemNotice ( cha1 , "4" ) return friend_target end espero tu respuesta
  11. Alguien tiene idea del porque pasa esto?, los mobs se atacan entre ellos mismos, ya cambie el tipo de mapa pero aun sigue pasando eso, igual con los skills de area, afectan incluso a los mobs mismos
  12. Tocara hacer test para ver en que region es mejor alojamiento para todos o almenos la mayoria de los usuarios, muchas gracias por tu ayuda
  13. Por lo que veo Estados unidos es la mas recomendable, habia escuchado que Europa es buena region tambien, mas nunca lo he utilizado
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