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StaffEN last won the day on June 17

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About StaffEN

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  1. Someone know how to put 2 or 3 different textures? Im using blender but have x.png for eyes, y.png for hair, z.png for face, but when i convert obj to lgo appears just 1 png texture, need to remodel or something?
  2. can post some photo of the pet?, cuz i was searching for "hopping egg" and appears the normal pet... or thats what u need?
  3. buts similar, just need to add another "ff" or if its RGBA need to add "(r,g,b,1)" or something like that, right ? or check some rgb>argb converter (ty for remember me that)
  4. Thanks alot, it works, that color code is rgb right?, and another thing, did u know how to add the server time? client its just with the label but stay on "00:00"
  5. Hi can someone help me with this?, every text mission looks like this, when i put the cursor in the text, dissapear, need to modify some uiform at source?
  6. Hi, can someone help me with this?, i add the boss info npc, but i can check some mobs info, but cant see others mobs info... is there some function that limit the id for monster info? or something? Some Image here about the problem, Thanks
  7. For someone who need this: Open the file.tga of the effect you want, in this case lets take "TOPneck.tga" (i use photoshop 2023) Change the main photo,icon, effect, whatever you call it, to your new photo in this case you want to change "TOP" to "HERO" Make your custom "HERO" effect, select your "HERO" effect, copy and paste at "Channels">"Alfa1", then you need to paint full white your "HERO" effect and paint with black the rest (this is in alpha section) then, just save replacing the old effect (MAKE A COPY OF THE ORIGINAL FOR BACK UP!!)
  8. i think u can use the same function, just changing the mobs respawn, in CA respawn every 60 seconds, if u want to kill x mob and didnt respawn, something like: function map_copy_run_special_MapName( map_copy ) Every_5_minute = Every_5_minute+1 if Every_5_minute == 2 then -- Time for spawn mobs when maze open (in this case when have past 2 mins) local Monster2 = CreateChaEx(MobID, XX00, YY00, 180, RespawnTime,map_copy) SetChaLifeTime(Monster2,299050) if Every_5_minute == 3 then local Monster3 = CreateChaEx(MobID, XX00, YY00, 180, RespawnTime,map_copy) SetChaLifeTime(Monster3,299050) if Every_5_minute == 4 then local Monster4 = CreateChaEx(MobID, XX00, YY00, 180, RespawnTime,map_copy) SetChaLifeTime(Monster4,299050) end this funcion make the previous wave disappear and stop respawning, or idk what u want to do, just have to change the map name and adding to the file ctrl.lua of that map
  9. Crees que puedas ayudarme a conectarme bien?, ya he intentado todo este tiempo y la verdad sigo sin entender, ya busque tambien en otros server files y algunos si funcionan pero otros no, nose si tengas tiempo para ayudarme, te lo agradeceria bastante
  10. NVM, i fixed it hehe
  11. Hey, im trying to change the item type for necks and rings, just to make the effectiveness visible, it bring all the stats when is unfused, but when i apply the app on the neck, didnt bring any att, need to change some at forge.lua?, im trying with item type 27 (tattoo, cuz i wont use tattoo on my srv)0 Or if someone can help me with the address for hex it, or have game.exe 1.3(0) with that patch and can share, will appreciate it alot
  12. U know some game.exe 1.3(0) with this patch? Or can help me doing this?, wanna learn more about this please
  13. El lua que tengo es el de sultan y vector, version 0.2, pero igual si recomiendas alguna actualizacion de este mismo y es posible que la compartas estoy dispuesto a aprender de esto, claro, si estas dispuesto tambien a brindarme tu ayuda
  14. Por ejemplo intente con este metodo: pero al momento de testear igual me deja entrar con mas de 2 alts en CA, obvio cambie el name del mapa de "halloween" a garner2 que es el de CA ChaosArgentMAC = ChaosArgentMAC or {} function check_can_enter_halloween( role, copy_mgr ) ----------Player characters check inside the maze------ local PlayerMac = tostring(GetAccountMAC(role)) local limit = 2 if ChaosArgentMAC[PlayerMac] == limit then Notice("you can't enter") return 0 end ------------- return 1 end function after_enter_halloween(role, map_copy) local PlayerMac = tostring(GetAccountMAC(role)) if ChaosArgentMAC[PlayerMac] == nil then ChaosArgentMAC[PlayerMac] = 0 end ChaosArgentMAC[PlayerMac] = ChaosArgentMAC[PlayerMac] + 1 Notice(""..ChaosArgentMAC[PlayerMac].."") end function before_leave_halloween(role) local PlayerMac = tostring(GetAccountMAC(role)) if ChaosArgentMAC[PlayerMac] == nil then ChaosArgentMAC[PlayerMac] = 0 end ChaosArgentMAC[PlayerMac] = ChaosArgentMAC[PlayerMac] - 1 Notice(""..ChaosArgentMAC[PlayerMac].."") end function map_copy_close_halloween(MapCopy) ChaosArgentMAC = {} end
  15. Hola Wolfen, de casualidad tienes o sabes como hacer para que CA o garner2 sean 1 player por ip o mac?, he intentado con las opciones que encontre aqui mismo en el foro pero no me han funcionado, espero tu respuesta y gracias por compartir tus conocimientos
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