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StaffEN last won the day on December 29 2024

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About StaffEN

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  1. Check the garner folder, ctrl.lua, and check the config function, copy the same as magicsea and paste at garner, garner hasnt map config, check this video, config needed maptype(3) something like that
  2. Something like phy_dmg or physicaldmg or something like that
  3. Thats the map config, u need to check scripts>calculate>functions.lua maybe some maze physicdmg or something like that
  4. Check those Maps top, maybe theres some end missing, or something like that at dmg function
  5. maybe ure missing some function that make the dmg at map “garner” get bugged, check at functions.lua, or something like that
  6. u need to check the other gems, looks like gem of rage or other gem, i remember that ref gem is purple, check all the gems with that problem
  7. Может ли кто-нибудь объяснить мне, как добавить систему времени сервера? Я хочу знать об этом исходном коде Could someone explain me how to add the server time system? i want to learn about this source code
  8. check your iteminfo, theres some column that can make pickeable,tradeable,stackeable....
  9. I checked but can't find the problem, lance and carsise cant be cleric or sm too, cuz cant mele, skills works fine, but cant mele
  10. recuerdas como colocar todas las clases para todas las razas? he estado buscando pero no encuentro solucion, edite el characteraction, characterinfo y nada, me aparece el icono de atacar pero no puedo dar mele
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