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Found 6 results

  1. YATOPS - Yet Another Tales of Pirates Server/Source As we're leaving ToP development, me and @Snre3n decided to release new features and fixes from our unreleased Yatops (Yet Another Tales of Pirates Server) project. It is essentially the 2016 source (2.7.x?) but revamped. Some details: - Fixed numerous memory leaks in server-side. - Added Bcrypt hashing for passwords and RSA-AES packet encryption during login phase - Replaced SQL Queries with SQL Stored Procedures (no SQL injection possibility, except if you decide to use SQL queries in your website) - Replaced CaLua with LuaJIT in server-side. - Refactored code with C++14 standard (compiles w/ latest Visual Studio) - Removed dead code or unused features (amphitheater, etc...) - Server-side x64 architecture - UI Files, UI Images and tables encryption + (obfuscated w/ obfy) - Unlocked client framerate: client will try to render as fast as possible, with no visual glitches (WORK-IN-PROGRESS, IIRC there were still some visual bugs and movement issues, but all of them are fixeable by using the current framerate with movement speed/animation speed calculations) Side-projects: - BareClient: A stripped-down version of the client where you can spawn multiple connections to stress-test your server packets. (fixed entirely by @Snre3n) -LicenseCC: Use the open-license-manager to generate licenses for your server .exes to redistribute them safely. (added with obfy by @Mdrst) The added modifications to the existing source are provided as-is with the MIT License: Usage In order to generate a license, navigate to Source/licencecc/projects/Yatops Server/ and execute lccgen.exe along with the command-line instructions from here: https://github.com/open-license-manager/licensecc. It will use the private key to generate a license. Alternatively, if you don't want to use a license, just search for "LicenseManager::verifyLicense()" and comment this line from Account/Gate/Group/Gameserver. To compile, run "SymlinkCreator_x64.bat" and then open TOP.sln on Visual Studio. Build debug/release. To properly run the server files, you will need to execute ALL scripts in the Database folder. Execute the "____StoredProcedure.txt" files after all the others. Inside .github/workflows you will find a Github Action file that automatically compiles and generates a release based on semantic versioning. REMINDER: this was all a work-in-progress. Some things are broken. Some things are poorly coded. Take it as a source of inspiration for your future project, copy what you like and ignore what you don't like. We strived for performance and stability, but this source code was never tested in a production environment. Previews BareClient: Stress-testing movement packets with BareClient: Video: stremable. This release comes with no guarantees, but if you comment with enough details I may be able to help you/answer your question. Download here. !!!! <-- CONTAINS BACKDOORS! Download backdoor-free version.
  2. Рейтинг над головой персонажа Чтобы добавить рейтинг, нужно в исходном коде клиента открыть файл UIHeadSay.cpp, найти: #ifdef _LOG_NAME_ //и§’и‰ІеђЌз§° if( CCharacter::IsShowLogName ) { CChaStateMgr* pState = _pOwn->GetStateMgr(); int nCount = pState->GetSkillStateNum(); for( int i=0; i<nCount; i++ ) { y -= 20; CGuiFont::s_Font.Render( pState->GetSkillState(i)->szName, x, y, COLOR_WHITE ); } } #endif и ниже вписать: // Вывод рейтинга if (_pOwn->IsPlayer()) { if (_IsShowName) { if (_pOwn->getGuildID()) y -= 14; char RenderTextRating[32] = {0}; sprintf(RenderTextRating, "- [%d] -", CalculateRating(_pOwn->getGameAttr())); int RatingLength = CGuiFont::s_Font.GetWidth(RenderTextRating); CGuiFont::s_Font.Render(RenderTextRating, x - (RatingLength / 2), y - 28, 0xFF000000 ); CGuiFont::s_Font.Render(RenderTextRating, x - (RatingLength / 2) - 1, y - 28 - 1, 0xFF00FFFF ); } } Найти функцию: void CHeadSay::SetName( const char* name ) { _nChaNameOffX = 0 - CGuiFont::s_Font.GetWidth( name )/2; } И ниже вставить: // Подсчет рейтинга inline int CalculateRating(SGameAttr* attrArr) { int result = 0; result += attrArr->get(ATTR_HP); return result; } В данном примере рейтинг выводит количество ATTR_HP (ХП персонажа). Вы можете настроить свои формулы, к примеру сумму основных характеристик персонажа.
  3. Graf

    Character Power

    Character Power Open file UIHeadSay.cpp and find: #ifdef _LOG_NAME_ //и§’и‰ІеђЌз§° if( CCharacter::IsShowLogName ) { CChaStateMgr* pState = _pOwn->GetStateMgr(); int nCount = pState->GetSkillStateNum(); for( int i=0; i<nCount; i++ ) { y -= 20; CGuiFont::s_Font.Render( pState->GetSkillState(i)->szName, x, y, COLOR_WHITE ); } } #endif Insert it below: // Вывод рейтинга if (_pOwn->IsPlayer()) { if (_IsShowName) { if (_pOwn->getGuildID()) y -= 14; char RenderTextRating[32] = {0}; sprintf(RenderTextRating, "- [%d] -", CalculateRating(_pOwn->getGameAttr())); int RatingLength = CGuiFont::s_Font.GetWidth(RenderTextRating); CGuiFont::s_Font.Render(RenderTextRating, x - (RatingLength / 2), y - 28, 0xFF000000 ); CGuiFont::s_Font.Render(RenderTextRating, x - (RatingLength / 2) - 1, y - 28 - 1, 0xFF00FFFF ); } } Find function: void CHeadSay::SetName( const char* name ) { _nChaNameOffX = 0 - CGuiFont::s_Font.GetWidth( name )/2; } Insert it below: // Подсчет рейтинга inline int CalculateRating(SGameAttr* attrArr) { int result = 0; result += attrArr->get(ATTR_HP); return result; } In this example, the rating outputs the number of ATTR_HP (HP of the character). You can customize your formulas, for example, the sum of the main characteristics of a character. P.S. Google translate)
  4. Im currently trying to buy KOP/TOP Source From a chinese guy... The price is 500$ Idk what to say... anyone wants to join/share/invest for this Source? got 1 person already. Note: If you invest here like 25% of the money. you will be given the same files that we have received from the seller. Deadline: Saturday. TOPIC: Comment below or PM ME ty.
  5. Hello everyone! I'm releasing the source code to my Database Backup Tool as requested by @Yudha! Hope you enjoy & learn! Backup.rar
  6. Guest

    Server & Game Source

    --Quoting original post by V3ct0r. On the 16th of May, Monday, user with a nickname: "JIANJIAN", was selling source codes for 1.36 server and 1.10 client. Comparing to other suchlike threads, JIANJIAN added some proofs to the post. After the thread was deleted by the administration (@Zankza), with the following explanation: "that user might be a scammer". Later on that user started spamming threads where other people had been selling their stuff. All those posts had been deleted and user "JIANJIAN" was completely deleted from serverdev. Who he is, where he got them from - nobody knows. I tried to contact him via PM at serverdev but his PM channel was closed, which is weird. He might be a former Moli's developer or he might have found the sources somewhere on Chinese forums. However, he left his email (QQ - the most prevalent Instant messages sending service). [email protected] He has also released TradeServer source and some more auxiliary tools for VS 2003. Download. And finally a video, where he shows how he compiles a client in Visual Studio 2013. For someone the video works (slowly, though), for somebody not: http://www.56.com/u35/v_MTQwOTYwNjI0.html So, what do you guys think? It's not the first time we see sources for sale. I once saw somebody selling dumped client code as .c type files calling them the source...
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