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About MrWick

  • Rank
    Cabin Boy

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  1. New Server - Celestia Pirates Online Rates Server Solo: x100 Party: x15 Fairy Exp: x3000 Player Max: Level 150 Instant Level 150 Pet Max: Level 64 Starter Item: Kylin Level 10 Ring - Necklace: Level 10. Best Equipment: Grandiose Set Lv120 Weapon Gem Type: Normal / Unique / Great / BD / Azrael / Greater Max Gem: Normal Gem Level 9 Unique Gem Level 9 BD Gem Level 9 Advanced Gem Level 9 -VIP System -Corsair Based Server -Medium/Farm Server -Upgradable Mounts System (soon) -Upgradable Rear Pet System (soon) -New Game Settings -60 FPS -Show and Hide Apps -Show and Hide Effects -Show and Hide States -Show and Hide Mounts -New TOP 2 Camera -Show and Hide Players Name -Show and Hide HP/SP -Enemy On/Off -Show and Hide Mounts -Right Click to check Monster Information & Drop Information -Check Mobs Drop Rate Percentage Mazes: Chaos Argent Chaos Icicle Darkswamp (Lv 55) Forsaken City (Lv 45) Bounty Hunter Sacred Chaos Aurora Isle I - II Dark Area I - II Arena I - II - III Black Dragon Lair Arena Island CTF (Capture the Flag) - Bosses on all the islands - Starter Pack - Items Ds - Fc Argent FT - Pk - Farm come and have fun with us, What are you waiting for to enter this adventure? Discord: https://discord.gg/FaJDSwCvV4 Website: https://www.celestiaxonline.com/index.php?act=index Downloads: https://www.celestiaxonline.com/index.php?act=downloads Server Rules: https://www.celestiaxonline.com/index.php?act=rules Weekly events, we look forward to seeing you. Will you miss them?
  2. Hi, I don't have much experience, but I do have some knowledge. It is not necessary for it to be 2014, on my recommendation, and for typical use, I use the 19 but it is to each person's taste, if you check the forum you have guides on how to install If you have any questions, tell me and I will help you.
  3. Alguien que me pueda ayudar, e intentado miles de configuraciones y me sigue dando el mismo error, e revisado hasta el cansancio "Version" en GateServer, en Game.exe por medio de HxD En GateServer es Version = 136 en Game.exe es Version = 136 intente con otros clientes y el que no me da el mismo error de version me dice username invalid link del screen, https://mega.nz/file/8QM1xLwB#pNs3vXfqdiW6wFUUttLSc99bkl9ihI3v0VgXSBTPTxQ lo subi asi porque no se subir imagenes al foro Gracias ♥
  4. I'm not very knowledgeable, but at the time I had that problem and it was due to a mod that had gone wrong, and it was the cause of that, maybe if you have mod installed check that they work well
  5. MrWick

    Server time

    i send u im mrwick
  6. MrWick

    Server time

    Mesut, do you have discord? I have a question to ask you
  7. I have a problem with my client, it says incorrect version, but they match as well as the gateserver port and the client tells me why it could be
  8. Actually what I want is to free up space in the inventory, like using wings, but without ceasing to have the effect of the rb4, or swing, and allocate rb4 wings with effects-stats, swing + stats, go to the temp bag and have them that effect If you want, I'll leave you my discord, so we can chat more about this, because I'm new to this topic, and I have many questions Discord: gmcelestiax and thanks for responding
  9. Dan Hello, would you help me with the tempbag issue? Discord: mrwick7028
  10. I have this problem with the app, would you help me? add you to discord
  11. How can I do, for example, put the swing item in my temp bag and still give me the stats, as well as change the slot number of the items?
  12. or have some way to talk to you to inform me more
  13. Good, how can I edit the tp commands, eg /home /ca among others to give them new names and create more commands like those, thanks in advance
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