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Found 82 results

  1. Hi friends. Do you guys can sugest a good vps or dedicated server for pko server?
  2. Hello, I ve got a question about birthplace to spawn character as: In Spring Only. Currently its on Argent,Shaitan,Icicle. So when you create character you click on argent you spawn there. I want to make when you click any ,argent,shaitan,icicle it spawns in Spring. How can I make that? Please help!?
  3. Hi my friends, is a Dedicated Server really necessary for a server or a good VPS can be enough?
  4. Servers Monitoring Hello friends! Today, I want to represent servers monitoring service by PkoDev.NET community. servers.pkodev.net For the idea and its realization I'd like to thank @Duduf! Features Real-time mapping of operable & registered servers. Servers that do not respond for a certain amount of time will be automatically deleted; Displaying of every server's features - version, language, rates,...; Displaying of every server's statistics - number of: accounts, characters, guilds; You can check how many players do play a server in real-time; Filters using which players could find the most attractive servers in their opinion; Widgets for your website. In this way servers' administrators are provided with an opportunity to attract the players on a server, and for the players - to find the most suitable server to play in the shortest duration of time. How it works A special PKODevStat service is started on your server which automatically requests statistics and data from the SQL server every 90 seconds and then sends it to PkoDev.NET; The service itself is an executable that you start together with your: GameServer.exe, AccountServer.exe, GroupServer.exe and GateServer.exe; On the basis of the data our website creates a list of currently operable server with basic information. You can also install a special widget on your website that should display the same information of any page of your website. If server hasn't retrieved data for 24 hours, it gets automatically deleted. In the top of the list our service stores servers with the highest number of online players (if it retrieved data during the previous hour), otherwise ranking is carried out by the last reference to the PkoDev. Servers with 0 online are placed at bottom of the list by the default. Important PKODevStat.exe service does not send any extra data (for instance, logins or passwords of your server players). Also, server does not do any edits in the SQL server. Moreover PKODevStat is an open source and you can easily find it out on your own. We are not interested in breaking any server! How to get your server being monitored? That's quite simple. Head to "For servers admins" section on the service's website and click "Download". PKODevStat will be downloaded on your PC which which later has to be configured and opened manually. You would have to edit config.json file which consists of 3 sections: 1) Server section - basic information about your server: name - name of the server. From 5 and up to 55 symbols are allowed, do not use any special symbols; url - server address, should start with either "http://" or "https://"; lang - server language. Use the two-letter ISO code in lowercase: ru, en, br, etc; timezone - timezone of the server. Example: UTC +4 or Europe/Moscow; version - server version, strictly in double type: 1.3, 1.39, 2.0, etc; since - date and time when your server was first open publically (launched). Format: YYY-MM-DD HH:mm; rates - server rates: exp - solo rates; drop - drop rates; pet - pet rates; ship - ship rates; party - team rates; resource - resource rates; lvls - max levels in game: char - max character level; pet - max pet level; ship - max ship level; 2) db section - configurations required to establish SQL server connection: server - SQL server hostname; port - SQL port; user - DB username; password - DB user's password; 3) tbl section - names of tables in AccountServer and GameDB databases. Edit them only if your table names are different from original. If that you've edited the config, save it and run the program (PKODevStat.exe). Run only one copy of .exe file and make sure you see a label: Runing PKODev service... If there are no errors & mistakes in configuration, there will be no extra notices after the label and you should be able to see your server at servers.pkodev.net. Otherwise, fix the errors and restart the application. If you do any edits in config.json, you should always restart the program. If you have any suggestions, notes or questions regarding the work of the monitoring system, then you leave a comment and we will certainly review it! Thanks to @qwerty for news translation!
  5. Hi, im looking for beta testers for my server if u interested, please imbox here.
  6. Hi All I decided to make a new server with a friend (cause we all know its hard to let go of TOP) Anyway since neither of us got a lot of free time am looking for a dependable and trustworthy person who has experience with how TOP private servers work, how to code and having owned servers before is a plus ** The host/site and everything else is pretty much done, only thing left is few npcs/drops and making sure that all features are in place(basically easy stuff) -->> OVH Host Speed Test so please comment in here if you are interested (!!!! been a trustworthy is a big thing) a Recap !--<< what has been done>>--! 1-host has been sat up with everything 2-files/sites are ready 3-Alpha stage patch/client is ready !--<< what needs to be done>>--! 1-recheck everything (npcs/drops) 2-write down all the features in an easy and eye catching way 3-add what needs to be added 4-Pay for Advertisement in Facebook for the page and posts inside it(will reach an est of 20k people who are interested in the server)(which i will be paying ofc) 5-any bugs found !--<< what is required from you>>--! 1-know how to edit lua file inside the serverfiles and also know your way around the client 2-you dont have to pay anything 3-since the server wont be solely based on mall dont think about joining the team just for money That is all
  7. Drop Rate Calculator Credits: razvakid92 With this program you can calculate the drop rate of items from monsters. Server drop rate (MF_RAID) taken as x1. Download
  8. Hello guys!! i tested Zero The World and i summon some mobs and they were big, my question is that pko server has the same option? i try to use the CharacterInfo line to adapt to PKO and fail also i thought it was animation or somethign and nothing XD, it has to do with the gameserver.exe?
  9. Hi guys i wanted to know if is posible this 5 scripts 1. GM teleport all players (example: EVENT). 2. Teleport all party members to a selected map, if party leader goes all team goes. 3. Mob apear in map 1 every week or another day with out GM command. 4. NPC that teleport players to map, but the option will be activated every week or semithing. and the last one 5. Its posible to make a maze and 20 mobs will be there, but if you kill them they will not respawn and when you kill the 20 mobs you recibe bouns exp and you get teleported to the maibn city if you do this on solo or party I wanna know if is posible Thanks
  10. Hello guys i found this ui image on client and i wanted to know how to activate on game Thanks in advance
  11. hello i wanted to know how to add my own items on npc scrip i found ExchangeData( 2608 , 100 , 2682 , 1 , 1) ExchangeData( 2609 , 100 , 2683 , 1 , 1) ExchangeData( 2609 , 1000 , 2684 , 1 , 1) ExchangeData( 2608 , 100 , 2692 , 1 , 1) ExchangeData( 2609 , 100 , 2693 , 1 , 1) ExchangeData( 2609 , 1000 , 2694 , 1 , 1) ExchangeData( 2608 , 100 , 2702 , 1 , 1) ExchangeData( 2609 , 100 , 2703 , 1 , 1) ExchangeData( 2609 , 1000 , 2704 , 1 , 1) ExchangeData( 2608 , 100 , 2712 , 1 , 1) ExchangeData( 2609 , 100 , 2713 , 1 , 1) ExchangeData( 2609 , 1000 , 2714 , 1 , 1) and i saw in variable ChangeItemList[ 248 ]= { 855 , 600 , 803 , 1 } buti still donth understand and i got lost, can some one guide me please
  12. Hi dev like the title said if there is a way to limit accounts? by mac or ip?
  13. Please how to fix this problem, it keep announcing portal is open
  14. Hi friends, Istart a youtube game play channel, just for pko private server... If you want me to gameplay your server just let a message in my box with your server link... channel link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL7S34TCB8zg8jlcpsnmT8Q DONT FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE
  15. Hello pkodev member i wanted to know if there is a way to se Chatlogs or something or an addon to see every conversation from players, I think the players of my server is conspiring against me XD, this is only to prevent if they talk about hacking or something Thanks in advance
  16. Hello i wanted to know what is the map order to open on each GameServer.cfg i am using pko 1.38 please
  17. Hi everyone. With all the servers i have worked on i have always used SQL 2000. Now i find everyone says that 2k14 is the way to go. Could anyone link me a guide to installing 2k14 for a TOP server? Sorry if its a odd question. Im a real old school SQL 2000 user.
  18. Hi everyone. I want to make sure of something. Is the best way to create a server to take the current 1.38 files by @KONG and simply add the quests and items you want. Or is it better to take already modded server files and just edit those? Im looking to see if its easy to add physillis crusader to 1.38 and if there are server files of 1.38 with most of the bugs fixed but still unedited in game wise. If anyone has any links or news for me please let me know Thank you so much!
  19. Hi everyone its been over 2 years since i edited/designed PKO servers. I took some time off to get my work going and get ahead in life. Well i think im far enough now and would love to start my PKO editing agian. The last time i made a server i used SQL Server 2000. If someone could link me a updated guide on starting a fresh clean server with client ( if possible with the female crusader class ) that would be amazing. Thank you once again and i really appreciate it. Please let me know if you need any help Code wise. Regards Jurgen "Red" Hof
  20. Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express is a powerful and reliable free data management system that delivers a rich and reliable data store for lightweight Web Sites and desktop applications. Download from official Microsoft website
  21. Chudik

    Pirate Life

    Добро пожаловать на сервер онлайн-игры "Пиратия Онлайн"! Сервер, полных интересных нововведений с абсолютно новыми возможностями. Сборка, содержащая в себе целую кучу интересных моментов и квестов, в которой можно найти невероятно красивые места и локации. Сервер абсолютно бесплатный. Название: Piratia Life: Возвращение! Версия: 1.39 Время сервера: Московское Онлайн: 24\7 Стадия: Официальное открыт Рейты: Соло - 6х Пати - 6х Дроп - 4х Фея - 15х Корабль - 10х Квесты - 3х Макс уровень персонажа - 100 Макс уровень Феи - 50 Сила - 100 Ловкость - 105 Телосложение - 110 Точность - 115 Дух - 150 Особенности: Новые подземелья Новые цепочки квестов Новые локации Банк Гильдии Совместная покупка рейтов Торговая лавка Уникальная атмосфера Опытная администрация и многое другое.. Локации: Аргент Шайтан Ледынь Хаос Аргента (решаем) Хаос Ледыни Одинокая башня Мир демонов Затерянный город Темная топь Континент сезонов Остров Искателей (решаем) Небеса Остров Зимы Край Авроры и Тьмы Церковь Захват флага Барбароссы Абаддоны 1-18 + Вечный Абаддон Баунти (решаем) Снежные войны Миражи и многое другое.. Баланс классов: Воитель: Без изменений Целительница: Увеличен урон от Призрачного удара "Сила" дает больше прирост маны Увеличена регенерация маны от "Благодать господня" Увеличен прирост здоровья и защиты от телосложения Добавлена дистанционная атака Стрелок: Увеличена прибавка скорости атаки от "Воодушевление" Увеличен прирост здоровья и защиты от телосложения Увеличена прибавка атаки от "Мастер оружия" Возможность ковать +3 самоцветы в оружие Колдунья: Увеличен прирост здоровья и защиты от телосложения Увеличен урон от "Призрачного удара" Добавлена дистанционная атака "Сила" дает прибавку к восстановлению здоровья "Росчерк тени" наносит урон в зависимости от духа "Печать старейшин" останавливает на 2 секунды Покоритель морей: Увеличен прирост здоровья и защиты от телосложения Увеличен прирост маны от духа Увеличен диаметр и длина луча рея Увеличен урон от рея Убраны кораллы Исправлены комплекты экипировки 45-70 уровня Чемпион: Увеличен прирост атаки от "Мастер большого меча" Увеличен прирост атаки от ловкости Теперь возможно одевать 55 перчатки и ботинки Дополнительно: Полная защита от дьюпа. Исправление шифрования пакетов. Новый фильтр от sql-инъекций. Профессиональная защита от Ddos-атак. Исправление поиска пати на воде. Защита от WPE/RPE и прочей нечисти. Трансформация Защита от рисовки скиллов и айтемов Резервное копирование базы данных - 4 раза в сутки. Резервное копирование сборки - 1 раз в сутки. Защита от рисовки 20 уровня скиллов. Сайт: http://www.piratia-life.ru Форум: http://forum.piratia-life.ru
  22. The source code is available! Dear PkoDev.Net community members, Today we are releasing TOP/PKO source codes and it means that they will be available to everyone. I'd really want to thank our friendly and cohesive community for helping us in the fundraising event. Thank you for your help! I wish you best of luck in the studying process and I hope they will help us to make the game better! Congratulations! Special thanks to: RU: ZEST Online Team (@e1mer), World of Chaos Team (@NMS3RR), Mordo Online Team, @Chad, @insider, @V1tor, @Chudik, @BotPRO, @BETEP/macs509, @lyon, @Am*n9ma (Pastuh). EN: @KONG, @Wrexor, @Yudha, @Jones, @Andy, @Foxseiz, @Andrew, @Lucky, @Sea King, @DevMorgan, @LazyKid, @Sultan, @TheLegend, @Onioni, @7n6, @GustavoHMA, @Xeon, @Ishcurry. Soon you'll see different kind of tutorials regarding work with the source code (code modifications, explanation). You can get link to download the source code from attachment (Source Code.txt)
  23. Foxseiz

    Simple Archive

    This archive might be useful for you if you're looking an old files. I'm also trying to update it whenever there's a new releases from members. Enjoy! https://mega.nz/#F!OUMUgTYb!jtCsqh7halK_O9uzWyaG0g
  24. Fundraising for official client & game source code Hello friends! As you might already know there are people who sell official game & client source codes (with C++ as a programming language). It seems like there is a huge interest around this topic, as people keep asking me questions about the source every other day. Despite all the doubts and risks user from our forum @Treuno86 acquired them from a CN guy. We asked him whether he's going to share them or not. Treuno replied that he had spent 480$ and nobody had contributed at all. After that we have decided to make a deal: if our community gathers 300$ and then sends him the money, he shares all the original stuff, as he received from the original seller. Sounds quite fair, since he had spent a lot of money alone. So, our community should collect all together 300$ to get source files. If somebody has doubts regarding the source (fake files, wrong sources, etc...), Treuno can provide the proofs. To make sure that these are the original source files I checked them via TeamViewer. Here is one of the files: Character.cpp (GameServer.exe). Why would we need source files: 1. To fix different bugs & backdoors. 2. Improve the game by adding brand new features. The source files include the client and server versions 1.10 and 2.4 In this thread we shall decide who wants to help by donating and how much. Also, we have to decide where to store the money (Paypal most likely, though). UPDATE 06.06.2016 4:30 PM @Treuno86 asked to rise up the price to 400$, I don't think anybody will mind. Also I want to recall that the source files are going to be shared publically to everyone whether people contributed or not. Users who are ready to help (25): RU: ZEST Online Team (@e1mer) World of Chaos Team (@NMS3RR) @Chad @insider @V1tor @Chudik @BotPRO @BETEP/macs509 Mordo Online Team EN: @xtc @Wrexor @Yudha @Jones @Andy @Foxseiz @Andrew @Lucky @Sea King @DevMorgan @LazyKid @Sultan @TheLegend @Onioni @7n6 @GustavoHMA
  25. Protect your GM Commands Thanks to @c0d3x for translate from Russian Hello! Let's pretend as if your server has been hacked and the hacker received access to the GM account afterwards. In this thread I'll try to explain how you can secure GM commands and make the hack nearly pointless. Attention! You must pay the most attention to &lua and &lua_all commands(!). If you have got them enabled on your server and somehow hacker manages to get into a GM account, he could get control over every thing, including your root folder; rdp access and so on and so forth. You can read more about those commands HERE. Be as safe as you can, and after reading this thread try Not to use the same commands as I'm gonna use as an example! 1st way. No GM commands - no problems! If you either use commands rarely or don't use them at all, then complete removal makes sense. You could edit characters or give them items using third party software or manually via database. To disable GM commands you should do some edits in GameServer.exe Version | Size (KB) | Address --------+--------------+------------ 1.36 | 2 040 | 0x000DE1E8 1.38 | 2 088 | 0x000E6852 2.0 | 3 000 | 0x00161349 Open GameServer.exe in any HEX editor and goto the address from the table above. I will be working with 1.38 GameServer.exe using HxD editor. Replace 23 bytes starting from this address to 0x90. Save your edits and make sure GM commands don't work in game. 2nd way. Rename gm commands. The hacker will not be able to use GM commands if he doesn't know their names. So, you have to change every command's name. Takes time but it's worth it To change GM command name, open GameServer.exe in any HEX editor. Find GM command and then change its name. New command's name length must be the same as the older one had (keep the same size!). For instance, let's rename &make to &give. Please note that 'make' and 'give' have the same length (they both have 4 symbols). Open GameServer.exe in HEX editor and find a string "make": You will find more strings that contain "make" in it ("MakeItem", "make failed!", "GMmakeLog" and such - we do not need them!). Simply ignore them and continue searching. When you find the needed one you'll see another GM commands' names there, too: Change it to "give": Save current edits. Do the same procedure for another GM commands. UPDATE! You can use this program: GM command address list GameServer.exe version 1.36 (2 040 KB): GameServer.exe version 1.38 (2 088 KB): GameServer.exe version 2.4 (3 000 KB) 3rd way. GameServer.exe with HandleChat(), GetGmLv() and SetGmLv() functions. To use this way you have to use modified GameServer.exe which has the functions above in it. Function HandleChat(userdata role, string message) works out when a character writes messages into local chat. Since all GM commands are being written into local chat, too, you can create a script that will control their execution. Like, you can make so that GM commands work only if the character, who executes them, has a specified ID or name. In addition to this, you can make so that the character has to be in a specified guild, where only administrators and/or GMs could enter. It all depends on your fantasy! To find out if character is a GM, use function GetGmLv(userdata role). Using function SetGmLv(userdata role, number level) you can edit account's gm level to which the character is attached to. Also, using the same function you can set GM level to 0 (ordinary player) in HandleChat() function in case the character hasn't passed the verification. Let's make a simple system to control GM commands: 1) GM commands can be used only if your name is: "V3ct0r", "pkodev" or "Administrator". 2) If the character is GM and he/she hasn't passed the verification, set GM level to 0, kick the character and send the message for Administrator to the GameServer.exe console. Firstly, let's create an array inside variable.lua with characters' names that could use GM commands, we'll call it PlayerCanUseCmd: PlayerCanUseCmd = {} PlayerCanUseCmd["V3ct0r"] = 1 PlayerCanUseCmd["pkodev"] = 1 PlayerCanUseCmd["Administrator"] = 1 Then let's make a script inside HandleChat() in functions.lua: -- Local chat handler function HandleChat(role, message) -- Check whether the character is a gm or not if (GetGmLv(role) > 0) then -- Check if the character has executed the command if (string.find(message, "&") == 1) then -- Check character's name local cha_name = GetChaDefaultName(role) if (PlayerCanUseCmd[cha_name] ~= nil) then -- The character can use the command return 1 end -- The character isn't allowed to use the command -- Set GM level to 0 SetGmLv(role, 0) -- Kick it from the server KickCha(role) -- Send a message to the console print("Player [" .. cha_name .."] tried to use GM command!") -- Don't let the character execute the command return 0 end end return 1 end To kick a character we have to add a KickCha() function, add it anywhere into functions.lua: function KickCha(character) local pkt = GetPacket() WriteCmd(pkt, 1505) SendPacket(character,pkt) end Thread is open for the further discussion. You're welcome to ask questions or give ideas in the comments. Thank you and best of luck!
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