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Everything posted by Angelix

  1. You're wrong, the thread is about the fairy itself, not the fairy possession skill/effect. A fairy can go without fairy possession like the first generation fairies (fairy of life, love, darkness, etc.). If you're going to publish a an effect that need an equipment, you have to put it all if you state you're releasing the function of the effect. In the thread it was never mentioned anything you said about possession, or do you see it in the title "Fairy X with Possession" or "Fairy with extra functions"? It just says "Fairy Hamburger" and he released the models of the fairy, no more, no less, everything stated in the title.
  2. I'm sorry, but the thread is only about the fairy itself, so it's complete release. Whether a person wants to add that fairy for use of possession, then that's not up to the person that released the fairy. You're only confusing yourself.
  3. There was an item like that, can't remember the name, but it was a sword that could be obtained from treasure chest by using the hunter npc from ToP2. You obtained the sowrd with X durabilty, if you died, sword dropped and its location was brodcasted in system for others to grab it, if its durability went to zero, the sword was removed from your inventory.
  4. Reviving this thread a bit in a search for suggestion and guidance, hahah. For the unseal, I have a done the following (left being main and right being secondary stat): Voyager: Constitution / Spirit Cleric: Spirit / Constitution Seal Master: Constitution / Spirit That includes weapon, armor, gloves and boots. For the rest of the class I'm a bit doubtful, I kinda want to stick with the two stat equipment, so I was thinking these for the rest of the classes: Sharpshooter: Accuracy / Agility Champion: Strength / Constitution Crusader: Strength / Agility That kinda focuses of their role per class. Sharpshooter and Crusader might not not have the Constitution bonus as before, but the overall boost on defense and physical resistance compensates that I guess, as well as Champion with their lack of Agility of any kinda of equipment will push them more on the look for Agility since equipment gives them the other stats. Another idea I had was revamping FC/DS/DW, remove unseal 35 equipment, moving 45 to FC, 55 to DS, 65 to B1 on DW and that leaves me with a empty B2 on DW. What do you guys think of this?
  5. It's not auto bolt, ToPII implemented that feature and used the gun skill from the normal attack of sharpshooters and added it to the CharacterInfo for Phyllis/Ami. It uses strength to increase its damage.
  6. That's why I placed two separate code tags, first goes within cha_timer and the other can go anywhere. The main function can be easily modified to adjust minutes/hours and the amount of items and their quantity without making a much more messy code like the one you posted.
  7. OnlineItemEvent(role, now_tick) function OnlineItemEvent(Player, Tick) local Minutes = 0 local Hours = 1 local Time = (Minutes * 60) + (Hours * 60 * 60) local EventItems = {} EventItems[1] = {ID = 0, Quantity = 1} if math.mod(Tick, Time) == 0 and Tick > 0 then local Random = math.random(1, table.getn(EventItems)) GiveItem(Player, 0, EventItems[Random].ID, EventItems[Random].Quantity, 4) BickerNotice(Player, "Congratulations, for being online "..Hours.." hours and "..Minutes.." minutes, you've received "..EventItems[Random].Quantity.."x "..GetItemName(EventItems[Random].ID)..", enjoy!") end end By the way, I don't think this should go here, maybe in "Releases".
  8. @Ximboliex, that may probably work (I haven't tested it though) on common items, but an issue my arise when trying to apply it into items or equipment that use some stats for placeholders, such as: black dragon items (equipment and altar), medal of honor (I think it uses URE besides the strength and constitution attributes, not sure) and some others I can't remember at the moment. This script can be applied as long as you don't try to add more placeholders within that item, at least that they don't interfere with URE probably MAXURE as well.
  9. You're loading some scripts wrong, typed something wrong or forgot to properly close a function. Whatever that "getn" is trying to get was not I guess properly.
  10. You'll need unique identifiers for items if you're talking about having more than one of the same item that can expire since with logs it'll be kinda hard. Otherwise, if it's one item per inventory, then just apply a timer (with logs if you really want) and when it expires, make a check for that and then use "RemoveItem" function.
  11. Common thing to check is: errors on console and on logs, do you get any errors on one of those?
  12. Angelix

    [1.0.0] topCMS

    @Perseus, can you make it so that the initial page text (Tales of Pirates) and the home button text (topSite) can be edited to our server's name? Thanks!
  13. Angelix

    Create a Quest

    Glad to hear that, if any issue shows up regarding that, please let me know so I can see if there's fix for it.
  14. You do know a "fair" team does not go by the experience/level gained, since a player level 75 can have gemmed +12 equipment while another player can be level 80 with gemmed +6 equipment. Your system will place the level 80 as the highest and the level 75 as the next one, while the reality of things are the way around in terms of power, the level 80 does have more base stats, but it doesn't compensate to the gems on the other player's equipment.
  15. Mind giving an example of that? Maybe I can help if you can explain a bit more and it's regarding LUA.
  16. Angelix

    Create a Quest

    The guide has been updated, enjoy! Updates: Fixed some typos in the guide. Add a triggered BIckerNotice to the custom quest when killing players, you may adjust that now to your needs. Issues: The BickerNotice persists even after completing the amount of kills needed. Small Update Edit: Apply this and it should fix the above mentioned issue of the spamming of BickerNotice, although it was tested a bit, an issue may occur when having two of the same flags; example being your first flag being 10 and the amount needed being 11 resulting in 20, while your second flag being 20 with the amount needed being 1, resulting in 20 as well. Well, that's also an issue with normal monster killing quests though, not my issue. Other than that, I don't think any more issues will arise, if they do, please let me know by making a comment and I'll try to see if the fix is within my knowledge. I was editing the whole thread on custom quests with the new modifications and had a little error when trying to save, I lost all the progress and I'm too lazy to go again and edit it, so just use the following piece of code to fix the issue. Please use this as the base and modify to your needs. function CustomQuest(ATKER, DEFER) if HasMission(ATKER, <MISSION_ID>) == 1 then if IsFlag(ATKER, <MISSION_ID>, <FLAG_PLUS_AMOUNT_MINUS_ONE>) == 0 then AddNextFlag(ATKER, <MISSION_ID>, <MISSION_FLAG>, <AMOUNT_NEEDED>) end end end Small Note (to myself): Save the thread after every single edit made, never know when there's going to be a quick blackout and won't be able to save the thread later. Enjoy!
  17. Aren't they in the public files within MEGA?
  18. Angelix

    Create a Quest

    The guide has been updated with more custom features, enjoy! The following has been added: Ask players to kill within a certain map. Ask players to kill a certain class (ex: crusader, champion, etc.). Ask players to kill a certain type of character (ex: lance, carsise, phyllis or ami). Ask players to kill a certain class within a map (ex: abandonedcity, darkswamp, etc.). Ask players to kill a type of character within a map (ex: a crusader in abandonedcity). Ask players to kill a type of class and character type (ex: a lance crusader). Ask players to kill a type of class and character within a map (ex: a lance crusader within abandonedcity). Make daily or weekly quest. Please notice that this has been untested and may not work, although I think daily quest should work, not sure about weekly. Note: Even after been told where to look and explained a bit, I haven't got around messing with the randomized quest, that is what I'm going to do next, I think.
  19. Angelix

    [1.0.0] topCMS

    @Perseus, now using the account search function, it's kinda weird as well though. It shows characters that don't belong to that account anymore (deleted characters) and the side text goes vertically as well.
  20. Angelix

    [1.0.0] topCMS

    Sorry for double posting, some rankings are still a bit weird on some long values though, look.
  21. Angelix

    [1.0.0] topCMS

    Barely got around to testing this out. I have a few issues though, I reinstalled the website to try and get updates directly from the GitHub desktop application and I don't know how to properly update I think, how can I do that? I tried to used "sync" function and I'm getting and error at website. Look, I get this when trying to search for a certain character name.
  22. Angelix

    Create a Quest

    Thanks for the sticky as well! I've been busy with some final things at school this week, so probably on the weekend I'll update it a bit including the randomizer example/request given by @Maximilian and @SoundX. I'll also try to add to make daily and weekly quests, along with more derivations from the "kill players" conditions, such as map, class and character type specific conditions.
  23. Angelix

    Create a Quest

    Guide has been updated with a custom feature, I will later amplify more requirements on that function, enjoy. I'll take a look when I can and then write here how to make them as part of the guide.
  24. Angelix

    Create a Quest

    I don't know yet how exactly they work, give me some minutes since I'm currently updating this guide in another tab, hahah. Adding a new type of quest.
  25. That's what I'm doing for completion of unseal sets, gather other gloves/boots from other sets and add them as unseals, haha. The thing is, when wearing a Panda cap for example, when Phyllis wear it, it won't show a Panda hahah. That'll be way off, but I'll consider it, just a long task of finding all caps and add a new texture for it and modify ItemInfo character requirements.
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