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Everything posted by Andy

  1. using 1.35 gameserver.exe & V3ct0r gateServer using 1.36 gameserver.exe using 1.35 GameServer with normal gateserver, not v3ct0r ones
  2. well, you can still using it even if the licence is expired (ofc customs features of zend will be disable) but i don tthink this is a problem
  3. its because of vector protection.. i just tested without protector and cargo trade works perfectly. idk why is this @V3ct0r
  4. post your fairy body skill scrip. the whole script please'?
  5. i had this problem sometime ago, its your VPS. OVH -VPS host is not recommended to run top server. OVH Dedicated YES. this is because theres some trouble on sql server /windows drive and processor
  6. just use windows UAC and stop runing exes with admin rights lol. thats why "hackers" can get into vps by Lua commands.
  7. some miniboss drops cards. like ones from ds, fc, check it out.
  8. i tryed this before and working, but gateservers crash random time. so i removed it
  9. there are 3 ways, add these alt codes in ChaNameFilter.txt or use 1.39 Ru Game.exe in your client side (it can be traslated to eng) or change gamedb collation to chinese.
  10. i will show an example. you get No definition DoString (0) because of Skilleffect undefined example, intence magic line: unfixed 50 Intense Magic -1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 343 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fixed 50 Intense Magic -1 0 State_Mlch_Add State_Mlch_Rem 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 343 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 you need to make sure states are added in the skilleff line and skilleffect.lua also. function State_Mlch_Add ( role , statelv ) end function State_Mlch_Rem ( role , statelv ) end
  11. Andy


    it's the other way . sorry. prevent fuse clean apparel to equipment apparel, like sword apparel to sword apparel +27. by this way you lose your original equipment. game client lets you do a wrong fusion, this is what i want to fix. im kinda confuse too... do not killme haha. hope you understand now.
  12. Andy


    if your equipment already had apparel, you can "re-fuse" it to app clean ( this means you lose your whole equipment/gems)
  13. by serverset compile, idk if there is any ip changer for v2 version. old one doesnt work
  14. Andy


    try clean sceneeffectinfo.txt, you can get it from 1.36 pko files.
  15. make sure you have this line in your string line GP_FRIEND_H_00001 {"Friends" } in your en_US Compiled in server side.
  16. maybe your gs does not support 239+ lines
  17. you need add lines to variable.lua too.
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