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BeatsByDr.Dre last won the day on May 12 2019

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About BeatsByDr.Dre

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  1. Hi Everyone! im having a problem with quest. I made a quest using Quest Generator ~ Danny for my server and applied it. I tried to complete my quest but it wont allow me even if i have the item or killed the monster completely.. Here's my quest bellow DefineMission( 2180, "Newbie Quest", 2180 ) MisBeginTalk( "Hello! I will give you 50k in-exchange of killing 30 forest spirits" ) MisBeginCondition(LvCheck, ">", 1) MisBeginCondition(LvCheck, "<", 150) MisBeginAction(AddMission, 2180) MisBeginAction(SetFlag, 2180, 1) MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 21801, TE_KILL, 103, 30 ) MisCancelAction(ClearMission, 2180) MisNeed(MIS_NEED_KILL, 103, 30, 10, 30 ) MisResultTalk("Congratulations! I will now give you the 50k money!") MisResultCondition(HasMission, 2180) MisResultCondition(HasFlag, 2005, 39 ) MisResultAction(AddMoney, 50000, 50000 ) --MisResultAction(SetRecord, 2180 ) MisResultAction(ClearMission, 2180 ) InitTrigger() TriggerCondition( 1, IsMonster, 103) TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 2180, 10, 30 ) RegCurTrigger( 21801 ) it wont allow me to click Complete
  2. by doing that all columns will be in query right? and i will just ok ok got it. thank you!
  3. You need to make your server up and running . then open 1973 port in your firewall to make other players join
  4. what is the best way to wipe a customized database?
  5. i had a custom database with accounts and characters in it. i forgot where i put my custom database clean. so i cant. i really need to wipe and take a clean backup with it
  6. Hello Everyone, Just wanted to ask something. how to wipe a database? is there a query code to wipe database without touching the column names?
  7. @Satan hahaha alright Thank you! i will tag you again if i have questions
  8. Thank you! will try this out! does it work if i use 2008 and restore it on 2012 or 2014 databases?
  9. Is there a way to transfer datas of a database to a new database?
  10. if you have a host that is located in Chicago, Los Angeles. your players from other country like brazil, malaysia etc will get a high ping that cost delay or lag from them. ok i will just test it and see.
  11. try to check some in roso files. it have those logs you're talking about.
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