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Everything posted by Julio

  1. EDIT: I made new tests, I really think this will not involve
  2. Increasing will cause Game.exe to overload ... according to the playing time of players NPC Items and Structures "lgo" and "dds" will also be invisible
  3. Please Offset 1.36 <3
  4. Julio


    The error was on the cloak. I modified it. function cloak.getCloakLv(item) local getLv = GetItemAttr(item, 55); if(getLv ~= nil) then return getLv; elseif(IsPlayer(role) == 1) then if getLv > nil then return 0; end if getLv > 0 then return getLv; end return 0; end end for: cloak.getCloakLv = function(item) local getLv = GetItemAttr(item, 55); if(getLv ~= nil) then return getLv; end end
  5. Julio


    thank you so much @V3ct0r @Fisal Moha
  6. I'm facing some problem I can not see error in my script so it's something overloaded on cha_timer has anyone had this problem? lua expand function [lua_isplayer] parameter number or type error!
  7. I tested with Reflexil + .NET Reflector and I did not succeed I find it impossible
  8. VPS comes with Firewall disabled check your port in cfg
  9. 888 Defoliate Pine Tree 4 6 139 0 1....... 139 for :animation / 139.lab model\character : 0139000000.lgo texture\character : 0139000000.bmp 0139000000 for model/texture if it is a custom monster you need the id in CharacterAction.tx
  10. Dragon Pet - Mega.nz Stuffs - Mega.nz
  11. [AccountServer] AcctEnable =1 //0:关闭AccountServer连接;1:打开AccountServer连接 Password =GroupServerAndor1 IP = Port =1978 Change in GroupServer.cfg: Port ="1656" for "1978"
  12. Julio

    PK Mode - HandleChat

    I really liked this conflict with V3ctor CTF
  13. Can I fix it for you by teamviewer. https://www.facebook.com/cesar.jsi
  14. this bug has been fixed for years just convert to .ogg
  15. maximum work occurs until id 6999 to overtake this id needs extra work in hex
  16. Julio

    TOP 2 CLient

    MEGA: top2-setup_1.0.70.exe
  17. I have installed cloak for @william20 , there is no bug! when using poss or teletransport the stat does not show any change. You have made a correct installation or the cloak is in conflict with other addons Sorry for my bad english.
  18. You can drop gameserver.exe from: 1 - WPE 2 - cha_timer overloaded "Old game files" 3 - bad configuration Gameserver.cfg "Entity: Impact of memory occupation" 4 - Many maps open on the same GameServer 5 - Overloading in the LOGS folder
  19. I wonder if anyone knows where the ranking of Chaos Points is stored
  20. This cloak that I sent 100% without bugs
  21. I do not use the gems because I do not see any effect and I'm pretty sure that the servers that use cloak gems have no effect either obs: problem is in add / remove function "need to add state_YOUCLOAKEFF_rem function" YOUCLOAKEFF = code of the effect of your cloak added in skilleff
  22. Hello @Rinor I think this is the best version https://mega.nz/#!69BAUCZC!_MyhwCzp3y5GaAtzjdljwxUJFjkeAATlmYqTzuwEclo
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