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Found 6 results

  1. Hello fellow developers, server administrators and players! Open this topic so that we can find a solution to the severe DDos attacks that have been happening lately with private servers, with South American servers as the main target. - I believe that many here sell their services, mods, scripts, server files, etc.. with what has been happening with servers, consequently these services are becoming increasingly difficult to sell, and we have our extra money. Note: in the last 15 days, servers have been attacked directly on the gate server port. Where the proxy (filter) changes the value of connections (value), consequently preventing the player from connecting to the server (CONECTION FAILED). 80% of private servers today use all exes from our friend V3CTOR. Has anyone found a tool to mitigate these attacks working in conjunction with the V3CTOR gate server?
  2. [Mod] GateServer extension for "offline" stall server (StallServer) This modification of GateServer is designed to determine the IP addresses of clients that are behind the "offline" stall server (StallServer). Since StallServer is essentially a proxy server through which the client (Game) connects to the game server (GateServer), the GateServer will not "see" the real IP address of the client, and in logs and database all players will have the same StallServer IP address (for example, if both GateServer and StallServer are running on the same machine). To solve this problem, StallServer writes the client's IP address to the login packet, which requires GateServer to be modified to read the IP address from the packet and bind it to the client. Requirements Installed mod loading system for server and client (PKOdev.NET mod loader). Modification information Name: pkodev.mod.stallip; Version: 1.0; Author: V3ct0r; Type: for client (Game.exe); Supported executable .exe files: GATESERVER_138. Installation Place the mod DLL "pkodev.mod.stallip.gate.138.dll" into the "mods" folder in root GateServer directory. Download 1) Binary release (.dll); 2) The source code of the mod for Visual Studio 2019 Community (C++). If you encounter any problem, bug or have any questions, then feel free to write in this thread.
  3. [Мод] Расширение GateServer для сервера "оффлайн" ларьков (StallServer) Данная модификация GateServer предназначена для определения IP-адресов клиентов, которые находятся за сервером "оффлайн" ларьков (StallServer). Поскольку StallServer по своей сути является прокси-сервером, через который клиент (Game) подключается к игровому серверу (GateServer), то последний не будет "видеть" реальный IP-адрес клиента, а в логах и базе данных у всех игроков будет одинаковый IP-адрес StallServer (например, если GateServer и StallServer запущены на одной машине). Для решения этой проблемы StallServer дописывает IP-адрес клиента в логин-пакет, что требует модификации GateServer для чтения IP-адреса из пакета и его привязки к клиенту. Требования Установленный Загрузчик модов для сервера и клиента (PKOdev.NET mod loader). Информация о моде Название: pkodev.mod.stallip; Версия: 1.0; Автор: V3ct0r; Тип: для сервера (GateServer.exe); Поддерживаемые исполняемые .exe файлы: GATESERVER_138. Установка Поместите файл DLL-библиотеки мода "pkodev.mod.stallip.gate.138.dll" в папку "mods" GateServer.exe. Скачать 1) Бинарные файлы мода (.dll); 2) Исходный код мода для Visual Studio 2019 Community (C++). Если Вы столкнулись с какой-либо проблемой, багом или у Вас возникли вопросы, то пишите в данной теме.
  4. Hello community, I have been a little absent in helping others, but if someone has problems, I will try to help more, but now someone could help me is that I work in version 2.5 and everything has been fine, what happens is that my network made it DMZ opened all the ports deactivate my firewall the website is seen from the outside and everything is ok; but the problem lies in the CFG since when I configure them with the hamachi ip, radmin VPN or everything works fine but when I put my public ip these errors appear in gateserver try to leave everything in and only in gateserver [ ToClient] IP - my ip but this produces an error try to put ip duck but it is the same error if I use gateserver in that same place my private ip if it works, if someone could help me how to fix it or how to correctly use IP Duck in advance thank you I leave images of CFG and errors.
  5. Can not speak? Print : http://ap.imagensbrasil.org/image/jGudU2 I cannot speak in game. Help-me. @mkhzaleh @Ximboliex @Sk3let0n
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