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Everything posted by Dan

  1. This is what your NPC will display ExchangeDataX( 3989 , 99 ,  3457 , 1 , 1 ) -- In your NPC Script And what the character needs to be able to exchange even if it shows the above. ChangeItemList[ ### ]= { 3989 , 99 , 3457 , 1 } -- Variable.lua
  2. You are changing Ash Wood 99x for 1 kal ExchangeDataX( 3989 , 99 , 3457 , 1 , 1 ) Don't Copy and Paste mines. Make a new number ChangeItemList[ 249 ]= { 3989 , 99 , 3457 , 1 } 249 -> ###
  3. Example: ExchangeDataX( 7410 , 99 , 222 , 1 , 1) ChangeItemList[ 249 ]= { 7410 , 99 , 222 , 1 }
  4. ChangeItemList[ 250 ]= { 3989 , 99 , 854 , 6 } -- Wood 99x for 6x Million notes ExchangeData( 3989 , 99 , 854 , 6 , 250 ) -- This is your problem here.
  5. Yeah try Kal_Exchanger Wood_Exchanger Your ExchangeData should look the same as your ChangeItemList
  6. Try renaming the functions like garner_lance garner_carsise garner_ami garner_phyllis Otherwise, pm me your Team View Info.
  7. Wings ID - Correct, iteminfo wing ID State - Yes SkilleffID Cha_timer - Same as cloaks, you are checking if the item is there, if true activate state Example: Check if the item is in 1st slot if Is_NormalMonster ( role ) ~= 1 then local Item_bg = GetChaItem ( role , 2 , 0 ) local ID = GetItemID ( Item_bg ) for i,v in pairs(WingID.ID) do if ID == v then AddState ( role , role , WingID.State , 1, 3600 ) Usually for testing try doing Notice() and see if it spams system. when wing is on/off.
  8. Then the only thing I think would interrupt the function is because of the # the NPC is residing with. try changing to a different number, or maybe you are using another NPC that has that number. 166 Ami Apparel
  9. 166 Ami Apparel 1 881 0 229925,275525 229925,275525 270 Argent City 8 0 garnerappami 00 Though, I don't know if it will solve your problem, but at the end its 00.
  10. Need more details such as what Exe's, your using what files etc. Item ID Game.exe etc Many reasons why this would be a problem. Make sure Client + Server Side share same ItemInfo, compile etc. As from what I can see, there is no 100% effectiveness.
  11. You need handle chat GameServer.exe and functions in functions.lua Another method you can do that uses same function is make an item ItemEffect You can find the rest of the functions if you HEXED the Game.exe, they contain the rest like OpenBank etc https://pkodev.net/index.php?/topic/924-note-scripts-instant-110-apparel-reforge-buff-bank-repair-forge-etc/
  12. Don't have TOP stuff installed anymore so can't help.
  13. @saa0d Buying Any Gem According to Level 1-9 This is what you're seeking for, but the extra step is that you need to open the item before getting it. This is the only possible way I can think of it doing this idea. You buy the item in a container, and double click it gives whatever level that itemeffect is given. You will then sell the Item in the "Buy Page" with Weapon(####) Lv1 ID Weapon(####) Lv2 ID Weapon(####) Lv3 ID Weapon(####) Lv4 ID Weapon(####) Lv5 ID Weapon(####) Lv6 ID Weapon(####) Lv7 ID Weapon(####) Lv8 ID Weapon(####) Lv9 ID Weapon() -- Separates the Slot Example: Make an Item Info Line: XXXX Lv1 Rage CustomIcon 10130005 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 99 0 0 -1,-2,-2,-2 0 -1,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2 0 0 -1,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2 -1,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0 0,0 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ItemUse_CustomGemLvl 0 0 0 0,0 0 0 Double click to obtain level 1 Rage function ItemUse_CustomGemLvl( role , Item ) local Item_CanGet = GetChaFreeBagGridNum ( role ) -- Checks Inventory Slots if Item_CanGet <= 2 then -- Inventory Space Needed SystemNotice(role ,"Failed to open obtain lv9 Gem, please make sure to have inventory slots") UseItemFailed ( role ) return end GiveItem ( role , 0 , XXX , X , XXX) --Gives Gem to players inventory -- XXX - Gem ID -- X - Quantity -- XXX - Quality - 101-109 - 109 = Level 9 end
  14. Don't really care anymore, TOP community toxic as fuck. I do what players request and I still get bashed on, my kindness in the past was taken for granted so I started not giving a fuck. Used to help people there and here but now I don't give a flying fuck. Used to work like a fucken dog for past servers, now I hope to see other admins work just as hard and not go after money and shit when I don't see any improvements on their servers.
  15. Dan

    New Neck Effect

    Edit the .par/ .eff to read the new filename with hex.
  16. Dan

    New Neck Effect

    file name should be kept as vip neck or edit the lgo with hex edit to read new tga file name.
  17. @V3ct0r There is no sign up or register for pkodev? A person asked because they can’t view content without having an account. Only existing users can log in.
  18. He has it in his thread https://mega.nz/#!WNp2AaLA!Y6kUomp2XyM8YMFHahi9laML4bg_gbOsVpdIS_oGxmk
  19. Where did you get the scripts from? Might be outdated Also what version of files running?
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