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Everything posted by Dan

  1. I think it’s something to do with Windows Service Pack or hardware issue as I can recall a player having this issue.
  2. Npc Dialogue Base: Normal default color - Dark Blue Use: It can be helpful for players when reading options before clicking. Open Game.exe with any Hex-editor Look for 0xFF0000AF Address: Replace: Value with any R,G,B value you wish. -> Must convert and reverse order Final Result: Change hover color to other color
  3. Dan

    PKO 1.38 Addons

    Pm me your team view info if you have TV. Edit: Solved, faulty : Program generated unaccepted string. Applied Notepad++.
  4. Dan

    PKO 1.38 Addons

    If you changed only the gems at +27 Script, then you are not referring to the correct script of the item. Sure it shows that error, but you mis-edit somewhere else. If you can't find it, I suggest posting the gem script, or replacing ItemEffect.lua (Assuming you didn't edit anything else).
  5. I guess I would have no idea then, I would assist in teamviewer, but in my opinion, working on these files are a waste of time they are nice for display, but without the ORIGINAL owners its sort of a bitter taste. Though the Server executable s are valuable, but require some fixing.
  6. Those interested in getting pass ItemInfo/Illegal Birth, can download the CO client that bypasses those errors, by Corsairs Online post, from Billie. Such bugs like guild disappearing, igs, items not showing etc are fixed through source, and recompiling again.
  7. Dan

    PKO 1.38 Addons

    These have extensions and will save some time finding them. SystemFlood CallSync FaceBug Dupe Server Exe Crash Level Jump Pet Poss Bug with Cloaks etc Also something I just released an hour ago: You can see the addons I've done with these here too.
  8. Dan

    Log Tracking

    This thread post will be used to indicate logs that have weird Chinese alias such as for example: JingLian_ShiBai which correlates to Forging Now in logs you will see if you have "LG" it will generate a file called JingLian_ShiBai.log when you open it, you will see something perhaps that indicates that a player has forged such gems on items but you have no information on what was used nor what gem level etc. Upon playing around, I have made my own I guess you could say, translated to English and more comprehensive/ easier to read. What is the use of this? For example, if the server disconnects or crashes, or rolls back, this is able to help you find if a player is lying about what + or what gem was forged in their equipment. Changed Log name from JingLian_ShiBai.log -> Forging.log Before <- Showed only Player Name, Item ID, success forge Now -> Shows Player Name, Shows the Level/Name of "Gem" used, Shows the Level/Name of "Refining Gem", Shows ItemID/Name and Shows the final + Item has become. Results: Installation: Inspiration: I played a few games where they announced to the whole server of what a player has enchanted etc, so I brought it to TOP Note: This is currently using GMNotice, if you do not have it or you do not want it to announce to the whole server of what a player has forge, you can just Comment it out. Go to forge.lua Find the function - function begin_forge_item(...) Replace or add whatever you want from this -- Notice("Forging completed") local cha_name = GetChaDefaultName ( role ) local Item_Jinglian_name = GetItemName ( ItemID_Jinglian ) LG( "JingLian_ShiBai" , "Player"..cha_name.."Forging successful"..Item_Jinglian_name ) With -- Notice("Forging completed") local cha_name = GetChaDefaultName ( role ) local Item_Jinglian_name = GetItemName ( ItemID_Jinglian ) local ItemBag_Jinglian = ItemBag [0] local Item_Jinglian = GetChaItem ( role , 2 , ItemBag_Jinglian ) local Jinglian_Lv = 0 Jinglian_Lv = GetItem_JinglianLv ( Item_Jinglian ) Jinglian_Lv = Jinglian_Lv -- Jinglianshi_Lv Identifies the level of ref gem you are trying to forge. -- Stone1_Lv identifies the level of the gem you are trying to forge. local Gem_Level = Jinglian_Lv --The + of the equipment local GemName = GetItemName(ItemID_Stone1) --Calls the Gem Name local GemName2 = GetItemName(ItemID_Stone2) --Calls the Ref Name LG( "Forging" , "Player: ["..cha_name.."] used level ["..Stone1_Lv.."] ["..GemName.."] and level ["..Jinglianshi_Lv.."] ["..GemName2.."] on the item ["..Item_Jinglian_name.."] and it became +["..Gem_Level.."]") SystemNotice( role , "Forging successed! ["..Item_Jinglian_name.."] has become: +["..Gem_Level.."]") GMNotice("["..cha_name.."] forged level ["..Stone1_Lv.."] ["..GemName.."] and level ["..Jinglianshi_Lv.."] ["..GemName2.."] on ["..Item_Jinglian_name.."] and successfully enchanted to: +["..Gem_Level.."]")
  9. Client Skins for sell [SOLD AS IS] Credits: SPO/PO A color scheme can be requested, but will take time. Price: $50 SPO Theme'd (Modified for Corsairs Online, with extenstions) Price: $50 SPO+PO Theme'd (1.3x) Price: $50 PO Theme'd (1.3x)
  10. Make sure this says Connected and not Try... (GameServer)
  11. function init_entry(map) SetMapEntryMapName(map, "darkblue") SetMapEntryTime(map, "2006/10/18/14/0", "0/4/0", "0/0/30", "0/0/45") end function can_open_entry_garner2( map ) local hour = os.date ("%H") local hournum = tonumber(hour) if hournum == 10 or hournum == 14 or hournum == 18 or hournum == 22 then return 1 else return 0 end end
  12. Thread has been updated with a 2nd option for website.
  13. As @DangThao mention, comment the Specific portal time to open, my apologies.
  14. function can_open_entry_garner2( map ) -- Specific portal time to open local hour = os.date ("%H") local hournum = tonumber(hour) if hournum == 10 or hournum == 14 or hournum == 18 or hournum == 21 then -- (I would recommend change 21 to 22, just to keep it consistant.) return 1 else return 0 end end
  15. The issue is not having the Game Client It is the client source. As it holds on what can be added/removed/modified for the players eyes to see. I think Kong is saying that if someone spills or "leaks" out the client source for a 1.3X version which I doubt anyone can then that is when he will release the client source so that people can eat the food. There are about 3 people who hold this that I am aware of. I believe CO stuff shouldn't be released anyways as CO's team worked hard and delicately on the stuff, just for people to come and grab their shit. They spent time with knowledge learning and working on it.
  16. Ya'll better use it for good and not evil.
  17. Dan

    PKO 1.38 Addons

    Thread has been updated with Client Link. Make a patch using server file .txt and compilining then replace the ones in client. (You may need to use your own Game.exe)
  18. Dan

    PKO 1.38 Addons

    IF USED, DO NOT TAKE CREDIT, the purpose of this release is to help new coming developers. Refer to the .txt files for information. Download 1.38 Addon File Client Download To unlock the password for the file you need to watch the video, it is the title of the video beginning with One and ending with World "It is case sensitive including (spaces)" Video
  19. Just grab from archive ? And work on it, or just make it from scratch to avoid backdoors and such... https://mega.nz/#F!OUMUgTYb!jtCsqh7halK_O9uzWyaG0g
  20. Not necessarily, unless you are making a custom like the one I displayed above. I don't know which version 1.36 or 1.38 had the fix but it was sceneeffectinfo. I remember asking @KONG about this, and his solution worked. Which is what I explained above.
  21. ### Carsise 02 -1 0 0 0 3 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 210 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ^ skilleff.txt Line 210 01040028.par Any Name Sea Wave 0 0 -1 -1 0 1 0 -1 ^ sceneeffectinfo.txt Line Compile:---------- Results:
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