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Everything posted by DangThao

  1. Sell my new redesign web of pkosite v1.0.0 clean no addons. Check this link for screenshots.

    If you're interest pm me

    1. Maniek


      wo! I Can Ask, how much for website ?

    2. DangThao


      private msg me with an offer

    3. Maniek
    4. Show next comments  30 more
  2. @BlackBarba may i know the program u used to make that video promotion for One Hit?
  3. Check those npc error see if it shown as error. Sometimes one little thing will show a lot of errors. But once u fix that little then there wont be any more errors.
  4. Do u got Deathcircle/deathalley aka deathage installed? if so, there's a functionhook of cleric/sm skill in there that bugged it. Check the post i posted for help and use that. It should works after u fix it. Or disable the hook in functionhook and go to skilleffect.lua and find the ts and assign the map to like: if map_name == blahblah then return 0 or something
  5. I remembered ROSO file got a newbie chest for newbie equipment that is gemmed and cant extract gem from it. Check Lucky's Archives for ROSO file and it should got what u're looking for.
  6. As far as im aware. Once they bought it the imp, they will send u a message of like: Account: IGN: How much: Transaction #: Date: Screenshot of prove and soo.... Then you would go add it via website (if u got it enabled and can give pts to player) or add it via DB
  7. @Blanquitoh can you make a patcher that allows u to set setting to your liking? after u launched the patcher, u will have setting buttons and etc. If u click on it, for example, setting, it will popup another patcher box that allows the player to set their game to 1024x768 or so. and check server status and such? I realized Roso patcher is like this but ofc its not for public and so for us to use. And make sure the patcher is editable like thor patcher too. It would be nice if u can do something like this since u're bored =D
  8. @Ximboliex is this the script of angela marriage for angela jr?
  9. It should already been released to public. Try check the archive dev web link. It should be in there still.
  10. This the mentor/disciple script lines inside attrcalculate > find: function Shengji_Shuxingchengzhang( role ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------- Mentor and Disciple Script -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local ret = HasMaster(role) if ret == LUA_TRUE then AddMasterCredit(role, PlayerCredit[lv]) -- Add Credits to Mentor for each lv up of Disciple until lv 100 if lv <= 40 then GiveItemX( role , 0 , 1128 , 1 , 4 ) -- For each lv up until lv 40, Disciple will get 1 Mini Amplifier of Strive end if lv == 41 then -- Disciple rewards SystemNotice(role,"Congratulations, you are now able to Mentorship!") AddCreditX(role, 300) -- Adds 300 credits to Disciple AddMoney(role , 0, 200000) -- Adds 200.000g to Discicple GiveItemX( role , 0 , 3345 , 1 , 4 ) -- Adds 1 Firecracker A to Discicple GiveItemX( role , 0 , 3346 , 1 , 4 ) -- Adds 1 Firecracker B to Discicple GiveItemX( role , 0 , 3347 , 1 , 4 ) -- Adds 1 Firecracker C to Discicple GiveItemX( role , 0 , 0855 , 49 , 4 ) -- Adds 49 Fairy Coins to Discicple -- Mentor Reward AddMasterCredit(role, 500) -- Adds 500 credits to Mentor end end
  11. Unseal 95 set: check ur skilleff.txt see if u got zhongshen effect, then variable for STATE_Zhongshen then skilleffect.lua see if it add any bonus stats when set is fully equipped. and lastly check ur function.lua see if there is a function for zhongshen and if it loads the check for zhongshen to play effect bbring7. If not u can add it manually using one of the guide on how to add new custom set effect. Mentor / Disciple: attrcalculate.lua > function Shengji_Shuxingchengzhang( role ) and u will see it. 85 / 95 Fuseable 85? u mean the weapon? cause i never knew there is unseal 85 equipment beside the weapons. For fusable weapon, put id below 4999 or edit your forge.lua of the fuseable id and should works. 95 fuseable: if u dont got the zhongshen, u can install it manually and use the below script inside cha_timer but u will need skilleff.txt line of bbring7, variable of bbring7 + skilleffect.lua bonus effect of bbring7 and use the below script for fuse or unfuse set: local Get_Armor = GetEquipItemP(role,2) local Get_Armor_ID = GetItemID (Get_Armor) local Get_Glove = GetEquipItemP(role,3) local Get_Glove_ID = GetItemID (Get_Glove) local Get_Boot = GetEquipItemP(role,4) local Get_Boot_ID = GetItemID (Get_Boot) local Fusion_Armor_ID = GetItemAttr ( GetChaItem(role,1,2), ITEMATTR_VAL_FUSIONID ) local Fusion_Gloves_ID = GetItemAttr ( GetChaItem(role,1,3), ITEMATTR_VAL_FUSIONID ) local Fusion_Boots_ID = GetItemAttr ( GetChaItem(role,1,4), ITEMATTR_VAL_FUSIONID ) --Unfuse if Get_Armor_ID == 825 and Get_Glove_ID == 826 and Get_Boot_ID == 827 then local statelv = 1 local statetime = 3600 AddState ( role , role , STATE_EffectName , statelv , statetime ) --Fused elseif Fusion_Armor_ID==825 and Fusion_Gloves_ID==826 and Fusion_Boots_ID==827 then local statelv = 1 local statetime = 3600 AddState ( role , role , STATE_EffectName , statelv , statetime ) else local statelv_EffectName = GetChaStateLv ( role , STATE_EffectName ) if statelv_EffectName~=0 then RemoveState ( role , STATE_EffectName ) end end Note: I used kylin set as example, u can change id and the EffectName to ur own. This is tested and working.
  12. Some file got but u gotta look for it and some old version are stolen and published to public. Try contact him via Skype or something =D. Good luck!
  13. Check ur lua_err.txt and functions.lua. I sometimes encounter help no regenerates because of functions.lua. Im dont know myself but yea i think its functions.lua cause thats where i fixed mine =D
  14. As far as i know, all file should got when pet growth, it will send FC and Elven Signet and Royal Elven Signet to player temporary bag. I think your function.lua is modified or .exe. Check your functions.lua @ where it gives player FC and Elven Signet and Royal Elven Signet and see if it giveitemx or something like that. If not, change to GiveItemX so it will go to temporary bag.
  15. may i assist u through teamviewer? if so, private msg me your tv id and pass
  16. which mysql are u using? open ur query and see ur user and pass. Use that for ur website configurations. Also, is JamesDB is the one for all your database? such as gamedb, accountserver and so? or JamesDB = GameDB?
  17. 350 Account during beta? Unique IPs? Im impressed!
  18. Yea make sure u install with apache and mysql. After that transfer your web file into htdocs(remove everything from it first). Then open includes/inc.conf and set ip/db user/pass and so then you're all set.
  19. Nvm, only in function.lua only. Sorry for the mistake.
  20. Change pet max level in init_attr.lua and make sure to change pet fruit feedable level as well. Some file fruit are set to i think 42. After 42 you will need improved fruit. To change the fruit feedable max level. You will need to go to your function.lua and find the fruit function such as: function Elf_LvUp ( role , Item_Num , Item_Traget , attr_type ) and so... Good luck!
  21. I think OOP is Order of Pirates. If i remembered correctly, that's the file got player killed player, player drop his stuff.
  22. Check OOP server file. It got a script for player to drop items of his equipment(i think or was it inventory items?)
  23. Some game.exe wont let u compile 8000 iteminfo id. So u need one that ill let u if u're doing direct compile.
  24. Client texture? are you referring to character equipment looks? or in-game terrain looks or client new_login or ...?
  25. No problems. Hopefully it helps =P. I couldn't locate whats wrong with it so i have to fully remade the exchange.
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