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Everything posted by DangThao

  1. As long as players like it and willing to spend their time to play and no bugs. Its all good.
  2. So far only spend $10 on Zankza host throughout playing top ps. Never bought any website from anyone but SnowCrash pkosite is release as a starter/free to use website, if using his is a problem then idk. Furthermore, i did stated that there is no addons.
  3. Don't pkosite is a free to use website for top/kop/pko? If not, please correct me. Also i wonder how many people have bought other people works aka ripped other website to sell it off and so.
  4. Steal others people works? Is this first time u tell someone that they steal someone's works? What sup with top stuff? I wonder =P. Don't tell me y'all make server and etc by yourself. If ripped is considering stealing then hmmmm...I wonder what will come next =P.
  5. Offering website rip services. Any website u want will be ripped into pko site clean(using pko site styling --No addons aka mall,award and etc ) - no backdoor or whatsoever. There will be no custom pages included. Web ripping = $10.00 USD **Paypal Payment Only ** Any other content will be discuss. This thread will be updated upon works and buyers.
  6. Why does some content is like FoxLv? Any idea?
  7. I think u can do getguildid and check if the player is in a guild, if the atker is in guild or in a pt full of guild members, it will send it directly, but this will require another code of getting the deadID and if the deadID = blablah, it will send to it but not sure how @Billy was able to use a trade page to store item =D <--- SO COOL and GOOD
  8. DangThao

    Simple Archive

    Can you you guys (owner of mega) please recheck some of the archive because some wasn't wat it was. And if i remembered correctly, there are some stuff that are duplicates. Maybe try remove those duplicates too.
  9. Maybe those main pokemon such as pikachu, bulbasaur, charmander, squirtle, chikorita, cyndaquil, totodile, Treecko, Torchic, mudkip, Turtwig, chimchar and Piplup. =D. All new character will get a random pokemon from this list, they will level up these pokemon using the exp gain from monster =D.
  10. Tick everyone second? good luck spamming system =D map tick? what u mean? like Chaos Argent map tick for monster spawnining while there are active players? or map tick for map close down time? If like CA, What's your purpose for make a ticking that is faster than usual? If you really do, u can just do every_5_minutes - certain time so it will be faster. Try to play around with Every_5_minute = Every_5_minute+1 if Every_5_minute == 2 then -- ³õ¼¶±¦Ïä --direct monster create end like instead of going +(plus), you will go -(minus). there should be another way for ticking. maybe ask someone to make u one that will tick after seconds (ofc, it will spam your system if the time is short but mainly depend on what u tick on)
  11. Back in 2k10 when i first interest in top, i use Raz Video. But now those doesnt help me much cause as you're interest in top more and more, u will eventually learn from mistakes while trying.
  12. There are many guides out there from configuration to playing it. There also manual guide here to for some stuff. Please checkout the guide section otherwise, watch as much youtube guide as possible on how to. If still need help, feel free to state your problem(specific) on what you need help on. Guide 1 - How to setup: Make your Own Tales of Pirates Private Server by Gatero Guide 2 - How to setup: How To Make Tales Of Pirates Private Server No Hamachi by Jehisson Collante Guide 2 - How to setup: Tales Of Pirates Private Server Guide by Raz Razvan Check out these links above and don't forget to read each video descriptions incase something is not clear to you. This guy Raz Razvan should have all the basic guide for TOP stuff. from starting to ending with website, here and there modify on server file and etc. For crusader phyllis isn't much of a problem because you need to modify your iteminfo + animation of it.
  13. Don't understand something? You can always reply back on your topic on what you dont understand, there are active members that are willing to help new developer out =D. Feel free to ask =D
  14. Check upo file, i remember it got some items with custom text letter color.
  15. Change item description color? you can change client side font color and font while as far as i know, you can change item name color.
  16. Weren't these from Sultan's Server? If so, check his server with the iteminfo and locate the texture and model of the champ set u want =D
  17. check your GMCommand.txt, it should show all of the command that are logged, even if they run lua (if i remembered correctly.) If they can run command, then maybe try to get @V3ct0r getgmlv, this way it will detect the player, if its not gm then command would be disable.
  18. TBH, maybe list the full features of addons, type of dupe added, rates and etc (such as things that are modified so whoever bought will know what exactly to expect, otherwise, the files is random even though it uses the sell server file name). Wanna sell but lacking many stuff isn't good for buyers. Unless buyer just want the features that are to be sell within the server file + website. Just like Kong stated above, some server with little modify/add new stuff into the server will makes the server good enough, it doesn't really mean that the server + web with alot of stuff (top2 stuff + alot of custom addons) will make it way better(it does but do realize that you're the server developer while they're the player. You might like it but player might not, cause if players doesn't then the server not gonna go anywhere), its more about how you manage the server and if people like it. Unlike others server (I seen), online players mainly ALT characters that are to be use for AFK.
  19. If i remember it correctly its divisible by 8. Maybe if u're trying to go over MO, DB, Ascaron city map size, then maybe test some workable map size before u decide to place object and enhance the map. Otherwise, maybe try stay like MO, DB, Ascaron city map size.
  20. Not sure if this is cropped argent though, its best if he can open yammi and let us see the landscape of it. Cause it is the chaos argent > main map or custom map to main map, he can just manage the mapinfo and mapname.obj and mapname.rbo and mapname.map. Then on server file side, make sure the atr and blk are the same as the your client map. If not, u should able to walk freely on land but there will be unpassable/passable objects within map. If both side (server file and client) map is not right, u should still able to walk on most area with texture and etc if the birth are right.
  21. Mapinfo line of the new map, resource > mapfolder + everything need it, Scriptdefine line, birth_conf, groupserver.cfg manage to custom map, string set line to edit: [39] "Argent City" [40] "Shaitan City" [41] "Icicle Castle" [42] "You must select Argent City \n as starting town?" [43] "You must select Shaitan City \n as starting town?" [44] "You must select Icicle Castle \n as starting town?" To like your custom map or an exist map. Make sure everything is done correctly otherwise it will not work (u can still login but wont able to complete character creation due to birth error). Yes you can change all 3 main city into 3 different map or just one, the more u change, the more work need to be done even though repeating the same steps =D. **Note: If your mapinfo line is over your gs/game.exe mapinfo limit, then you can do direct bin compile, check Lucky's Archive. Make sure your game.exe is compatible with it too otherwise u wont able to do direct compile. Good Luck
  22. Ideas not sure if its included already or not yet: -Show Online players + IP + Mac IP on GS.exe loadout (if account is banned/temporarily ban, it will display next to it & if it try to logged in, the game.exe itself will exit out due to logged into a banned account or keep it normal as banned (unable to login)) -Ingame show current host time (vps time) + the player time so they know the difference (help them to know map and etc better) + date too but not necessary -Ingame when a player logged back into their character, it will show their last login time, date, ip, mac ip -Ingame everyday the inventory will be locked, if they logged in the next day, their inventory will be locked so hacker cant delete anything/touch anything without their pins. -Make client side .bin not modifiable (), if anything of the client>scripts>table .bin is modified the game itself will not launch. -Client side: Chaos Argent Ranking (there will be another chaos argent ranking which it will display player name, their level, chaos points (something similar to original top)). I believe this need to be done with client + server side. Server side: Player teleport(include ticket + npc + portal) it will consume 1/10 HP / SP to prevent spam ticket and etc Server side: Player activity logged (each player will be recorded into a folder with their character id, it will record trading between characters + item sold to npc + item bought from players) -Anti Bot captcha (If it is possible) otherwise, if player no longer move for like 5mins, it will disconnect the player -Anti bad words, if someone type a bad word, it will be mute for word length+ 30 + if any other words come up, to refresh the player mute time back to 0, they will have to do something to refresh it(idea: a whole day talking without any bad words will refresh the player mute time (their mute time will be stored in seperate file) such as root>resource>script>mutelog>characteid.dat or something) -Daily Rewards (everyday you get something, 1st day of logged in unique items, 2nd day of logged in food items, 3rd day of logged misc items and then the rest will be random id from 1 to the max id (it will load the iteminfo.txt or a custom made file and use it for the reward, if it is iteminfo, make sure it doesnt read the blank iteminfoid -iteminfoid that doesnt exist because they skipped the iteminfoid) ) If player are team to kill boss, the last hit will able to get the reward, if bag full it will send to temporary bag otherwise it will disappeared (teammate wont able to pick up beside the last hitter) These are some ideas =D. TBH, if it's possible, maybe open all jobs that are available but will also need to be balance too. Each class got its own job, this way all classes will be played, i will list the jobs to-do list while need think about their class balance as well =(. Artisan = idk Merchant = sales item for 2x price (system will check if the player class == merchant, if true then if player buy a item from his staller, it will be 2x higher --they can change the price ofc ) White Knight = high defense, lower hp, more attack, lower attackspeed Animal Tamer = only Animal Tamer can do pet marriage and obtain pet, ofc they will have to go through quest to become a animal tamer -Animal Tamer will have a chance to get 4th slot fairy Captain - catch more fishes, wood, and able to commerce trade to npc for a higher prices (mainly voyage the sea and getting resources as a pirates - can build ship to sell to other player or give them the boat recommendation for a ship of their choices) Upstart - This player will mainly be for banker, if u are a upstart, u will able to have more gold and can announce news/etc to players (to prevent spam, there will be a seconds), if not use wisely, it will cost xxxxgold * total characters length * delayed seconds. Engineer - able to craft and manufactured items to sell to players This is my idea for now, a lot of these are just ideas and myself haven't even attempt/don't even wanna try to code these yet due to lacking knowledge about the lua of TOP/PKO/KOP eventhough i can do basic stuff to chill with =D. Offend no one but just ideas recommend to the list. If u dont like it, keep it to urself and if you do, please contribute more so everyone will have a good base file in the future, no need modify and u're good to go with your file. Or you can modify/add new stuff to your server file just like Lucky's Clean file. Bro @KONG hopefully this list isn't too much if so, take your time if you think something is good then plz do add, if not then plz dont add it. Its just ideas overall =D. No need to rush =D.
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