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Everything posted by Wrexor

  1. 1. It says 1.3x because it was said so by files seller, actually its 2.x beta. 2. "1.3x" source does use VS 2003. I thought you were using "2.4" thats why I said VS2008.
  2. You can see VS version in .sln file. Use VS2008 to compile without errors, but you have to rename MP to dr.
  3. You cannot use mysqli extension to connect to a MSSQL server. Mysqli is used for connecting to mysql server. For mssql you have to you mssql or sqlsrv extension.
  4. Wrexor

    Comments cleanup tool

    If someone is interesting in source code: using System; using System.IO; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; internal class a { private static string b(string A_0) { string pattern = "(@(?:\"[^\"]*\")+|\"(?:[^\"\\n\\\\]+|\\\\.)*\"|'(?:[^'\\n\\\\]+|\\\\.)*')|//.*|/\\*(?s:.*?)\\*/"; return Regex.Replace(A_0, pattern, "$1"); } private static string aa(string A_0) { return Regex.Replace(A_0, "^\\s+$[\\r\\n]*", "", RegexOptions.Multiline); } private static void Main(string[] A_0) { Console.Title = "Comments removal tool - Rtz"; Console.WriteLine("Please enter the path to the file:\n"); try { string path = Console.ReadLine(); string contents = a.aa(a.b(File.ReadAllText(path))); File.WriteAllText(path, contents); Console.WriteLine("\nAll comments were successfully removed from - " + path); Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to exit"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } Console.ReadKey(); } }
  5. Wrexor

    LuaSQL (DLL)

    I would do that but problem is that every gameserver has functions at a different location and I have to manually find them. If someone wants this to work on gameserver which currently isnt supported he can send me his gameserver.exe and I will add it.
  6. Wrexor

    LuaSQL (DLL)

    In link below there is an updated version of LuaSQL which should include all required files and its also registering lua functions automatically so after you compile or just copy already compiled dll just follow attaching guide in the first post on this topic. If you want to compile yourself be sure to select correct configuration depending on your server version, currently only 1.36 and 1.38 are supported. If someone wants a different version send me a pm. https://www.dropbox.com/s/3byhodvw2z26ef8/LuaSQL2.rar?dl=0
  7. Wrexor

    LuaSQL (DLL)

    Ill upload new version which will include that file later today.
  8. Happens in some clients after adding swing LGOs.
  9. Did you try to setup a local server? Did it connect fine? How did you set ip of server in client serverset? You can try to use WpePro to capture only packets send from game.exe which may provide better information than wireshark.
  10. Maybe your game.exe uses different port to connect to the server. You can use packet analyzer software to find out to what port it is trying to connect. In firewall you only have to allow port 1973, you should close 1975 and 1971.
  11. You can use gameserver with HandleChat function to get input from user.
  12. In VS2015 variable n doesnt exist after first loop is done so you have to redefine it. for(WORD n = 0; n < _wFrameCount; n++)
  13. Wrexor


    Try to add column with name 'email' in account_login table.
  14. Wrexor


    You only have to open port 1973. The rest arent needed for other players to connect.
  15. Wrexor


    For server files use everywhere except in GateServer.cfg in ToClient section, there use
  16. To decompile stringset you can use StringSet_Decrypt.zip released by @kLabMouse. 1. Compile the project using Visual Studio. 2. Copy stringset you want decompiled in same folder and compiled exe. 3. Open cmd in that folder and run command "StringSet_Decrypt.exe StringSet.bin > StringSet.txt", without quotes. 4. New file called StringSet.txt which contains decrypted string should appear in that folder. @Totoka, 0x0D and 0x0A is usually used for new lines in strings. 0x0A is new line and 0x0A is carriage return
  17. Please stop spamming this topic. Or atleast show some proof to back up your statements.
  18. Wrexor

    LuaSQL (DLL)

    Thats only for adding DLL to gameserver, still have to register new functions.
  19. Port for Gate-Group doesnt match. Did you server files include filter server? If yes, run it, else change Listen_Port in GroupServer.cfg to 1976.
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