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Everything posted by Mesut

  1. how do i host from home i know that if i install windows server 2019 is there another way?
  2. hi dude u have discord

  3. i think im getting issue becuase of the value that restore my account email comes to my mail twice thats why i get this error.
  4. thk u vector but im getting this error massage from this field on php file Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in C:\xampp\htdocs\pages\account\inc.restore.php on line 168 script in php line 168 $hash = md5($name + time());
  5. I have reguest can somebody make a logo for ancient online...
  6. is there any other program i can use to clean the db
  7. in mountinfo there should be swing entiry or script for swing anyone have the script?
  8. What program do u use to clean up your database is there any?
  9. im getting this error here is the script there is same issue on 128 129 130 ''...'' help pls any one have the index file send it to me Creating a client to work with the Facebook API $fb = new Facebook\Facebook([ 'app_id' => $config['oauth']['facebook']['client_id'], 'app_secret' => $config['oauth']['facebook']['client_secret'], 'default_graph_version' => 'v3.2', ]); $fb_helper = $fb->getRedirectLoginHelper(); Give authorization links to the template $smarty->assign('auth_url', array( 'google' => $gClient->createAuthUrl(), 'facebook' => $fb_helper->getLoginUrl( sprintf('%sindex.php?act=login&from=facebook', GetBaseUrl()), ['email'] ) )); }
  10. anyone know how to change discord button on client?
  11. Mesut

    rb 2 script

    no i didnt i try it later i will add rb3 too
  12. yea i know i change it to ancient online but when i save it and start client it does not work but i didnt change the rest of digit to 00 so it was my foult now i know how to hex whit value thkx boss..
  13. where do i find script for item mall in client also script for swing does not work i cant see it at all i can mount it but not see it.
  14. Mesut


    nice one go kent good server recommended from me hehe
  15. i find the line on hexeditor and change it to my server name but my computer does not open game.exe client how do i change it pls help there is a way to fix on hexeditor but when i do it i cant open client?
  16. it,s not working for corsair stingset
  17. register work but when i try to send lost my password send to user it does not work how do i config that, also how do i allow webpage to public?
  18. cool it,s works great now thk u
  19. well file u send have allready tradedb thkx
  20. someone share the tradedb
  21. i need td for this serverfile thats all
  22. any one have the new db pls share it!!!!!!!
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