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Posts posted by Myruni

  1. On 6/28/2023 at 3:46 AM, kyleflow said:

    Good day. Would like to know why this is not working when some of the files that I patch works fine. The details. Currently I used clean 1.38 ServerFiles with 1.38 Client build. The only files changes that I do is replacing game.exe and game.pdb of 1.38 into 1.36.


    Moving on with the issue, I'm able to transfer the patch info from 1.36 into the 1.38 to add items and the other items working well as intended except some of the gems. This is the original stoneinto.txt that come with clean 1.38 files.

    1	Fiery Gem	0878	1	1	ItemHint_LieYanS
    2	Furious Gem	0879	2,3,7,9	1	ItemHint_ZhiYanS
    3	Explosive Gem	0880	4	1	ItemHint_HuoYaoS
    4	Lustrious Gem	0881	1,2,3,4,7,9,23	1	ItemHint_MaNaoS
    5	Glowing Gem	0882	11,22,27	2	ItemHint_HanYu
    6	Shining Gem	0883	11,22,27	2	ItemHint_YueZhiX
    7	Shadow Gem	0884	1,2,3,4,7,9,24	2	ItemHint_ShuiLingS
    8	Spirit Gem	0887	1,2,3,4,7,9,24	4	ItemHint_ShengGuangS
    9	Gem of the Wind	0860	24	4	ItemHint_FengLingS
    10	Gem of Striking	0861	23	4	ItemHint_YingYanS
    11	Gem of Colossus	0862	11,22,27	4	ItemHint_YanVitS
    12	Gem of Rage	0863	1,2,3,4,7,9	4	ItemHint_YanStrS
    13	Eye of Black Dragon	0864	1,2,3,4,7,9	1	ItemHint_LongZhiTong
    14	Soul of Black Dragon	0865	11,22,27	2	ItemHint_LongZhiHun
    15	Heart of Black Dragon	0866	23,24	2	ItemHint_LongZhiXin

    This is the second list of stoneinfo.txt of the added gem files.


    //ID	Gem Name	ItemInfo ID	Forge Type	Gem Type	Function
    1	Fiery Gem	878	1,0,0	1	ItemHint_LieYanS
    2	Furious Gem	879	2,3,7	1	ItemHint_ZhiYanS
    3	Explosive Gem	880	4,0,0	1	ItemHint_HuoYaoS
    4	Lustrious Gem	881	1,2,3	1	ItemHint_MaNaoS
    5	Glowing Gem	882	11,22,27	2	ItemHint_HanYu
    6	Shining Gem	883	11,22,27	2	ItemHint_YueZhiX
    7	Shadow Gem	884	1,2,3	2	ItemHint_ShuiLingS
    8	Spirit Gem	887	1,2,3	4	ItemHint_ShengGuangS
    9	Gem of the Wind	860	24,0,0	4	ItemHint_FengLingS
    10	Gem of Striking	861	23,0,0	4	ItemHint_YingYanS
    11	Gem of Colossus	862	11,22,27	4	ItemHint_YanVitS
    12	Gem of Rage	863	1,2,3	4	ItemHint_YanStrS
    13	Eye of Black Dragon	864	1,2,3	1	ItemHint_LongZhiTong
    14	Soul of Black Dragon	865	11,22,27	2	ItemHint_LongZhiHun
    15	Heart of Black Dragon	866	23,24,0	2	ItemHint_LongZhiXin
    16	Gem of Soul	1012	1,2,3	4	ItemHint_GaNaZhiShen
    17	Yellow Jade	5750	20,0,0	2	ItemHint_HuangYu
    18	Red Jade	5751	20,0,0	2	ItemHint_ChiYu
    19	Green Jade	5752	20,0,0	2	ItemHint_QingYu
    20	Chiatan's Aura	5771	20,0,0	1	ItemHint_XTLingGuang
    21	Lock's Hit	5772	23,0,0	1	ItemHint_LKBiZhong
    22	Bing's Dodging	5773	24,0,0	2	ItemHint_BBDuoShan
    23	Feng's Defense	5774	22,27,0	2	ItemHint_FFDiYu
    24	Shark's Strengthening	5775	22,11,27	4	ItemHint_XKQiangHua
    25	Azrael's Glare	5845	1,2,3	1	ItemHint_SShuiyao
    26	Undead Azrael	5846	22,27,0	2	ItemHint_SSbusi
    27	Azrael's Light	5847	1,2,3	1	ItemHint_SSguangmang
    28	Azrael's Aggregation	5848	1,2,3	1	ItemHint_SSningju
    29	Azrael's Dance	5849	24,0,0	4	ItemHint_SSxuanwu
    30	Broken Gem of the Wind	6817	24,0,0	4	ItemHint_HLS
    31	Cracked Gem of the Wind	6818	24,0,0	4	ItemHint_HYS
    32	Chipped Gem of the Wind	6819	24,0,0	4	ItemHint_HJS
    33	Broken Gem of Striking	6820	23,0,0	4	ItemHint_BLS
    34	Cracked Gem of Striking	6821	23,0,0	4	ItemHint_BYS
    35	Chipped Gem of Striking	6822	23,0,0	4	ItemHint_BJS
    36	Broken Gem of Colossus	6823	11,22,27	4	ItemHint_CLS
    37	Cracked Gem of Colossus	6824	11,22,27	4	ItemHint_CYS
    38	Chipped Gem of Colossus	6825	11,22,27	4	ItemHint_CJS
    39	Broken Gem of Rage	6826	1,2,3	4	ItemHint_ZLS
    40	Cracked Gem of Rage	6827	1,2,3	4	ItemHint_ZYS
    41	Chipped Gem of Rage	6828	1,2,3	4	ItemHint_ZJS
    42	Broken Gem of Soul	6829	1,2,3	4	ItemHint_QLS
    43	Cracked Gem of Soul	6830	1,2,3	4	ItemHint_QYS
    44	Chipped Gem of Soul	6831	1,2,3	4	ItemHint_QJS
    45	Great Gem of Rage	7108	1,2,3	4	ItemHint_GGR
    46	Great Gem of Soul	7109	1,2,3,9	4	ItemHint_GGS
    47	Great Gem of Striking	7110	23,0,0	4	ItemHint_GGOS
    48	Great Gem of Colossus	7111	11,22,27	4	ItemHint_GGC
    49	Great Gem of Wind	7112	24,0,0	4	ItemHint_GGW
    50	Golden Rock	7288	23,0,0	4	ItemHint_JinYanS
    51	Lumber Rock	7289	23,0,0	4	ItemHint_MuYanS
    52	Water Rock	7290	23,0,0	4	ItemHint_ShuiYanS
    53	Fire Rock	7291	23,0,0	4	ItemHint_HuoYanS
    54	Earth Rock	7292	23,0,0	4	ItemHint_TuYanS

    The problem I face is that, the added gem only working well until Azrael's Dance [ ID = 29 ]. The remaining gem added have issues with weird long gem level and can't be forge or used. Does anyone knows why this happening and can anyone give some insight. I checked every details to make gem works but it just wont work. Hope to have your assistance in this.

    There's a guide in guide section that teaches to add new gem. You should read up on that. There are a few files that also requires to be edited such as in variable.lua and stonehint (client side) as mentioned by V3ctor.

  2. On 4/3/2019 at 2:20 PM, V3ct0r said:

    Hello, @MiniMan!


    Also do not forget about skills and items (cakes and other cook for example)

    Any clues on how to make skills that affect attributes work with this balanced map script? Ie. Abyss mire does not affect the attribute (decreases mspd) of player being affected. Thanks.

  3. Hi everyone,


    I have been trying to create some new maps while studying CTF map available publicly that revolves around team etc and have the following issue/question:


    I set the mob's chasideid to 2 in the map

    piradef1 = CreateCha(1380, 35600, 46900, 310, 20000)
    SetChaSideID(piradef1, 2)

    I set the player chasideid to 2 when enter map

    function after_enter_customgw(role, map_copy)
        local cha = TurnToCha(role)
            SetChaSideID(cha, 2)

    I included within function isfriend the following to identify chaside and determine friendly or not.

        local map_name_cha1 = GetChaMapName(cha1)
        local map_name_cha2 = GetChaMapName(cha2)
        if (map_name_cha1 == map_name_cha2 and map_name_cha1 == "customgw") then
            if (GetChaSideID(cha1) == GetChaSideID(cha2)) then
                return 1
                return 0

    However, when enter map, when I point my mouse to the mob, it still shows the sword mouse icon. However, I am unable to deal damage to it as I suppose the function identifies the mob as friendly. Not sure why it is still showing the sword mouse icon. If any one has any leads to rectify this will be very helpful.



  4. Hi, I have the following issue if anyone would be able to assist. Just couldn't figure out what I broke:


    So character A goes into a map (ie. Chaos Argent or any other map) and log off/switch character in the map. After this I am unable to log back into the same character A until I restart my GS.

    However, in the same account, I was able to log into character B. Using the goto GM function, I was able to teleport myself to character A. it appears that as and when I log off character A, a clone is being created and disabling me to log back into character A.


    I tried to retrace my steps and revert the edits I was doing in file (mainly on adding NPCs etc - non complex stuff), however was unable to resolve. This has never happened previously. If anyone has encountered same issue and be able to help, or give a lil pointer.




  5. 6 hours ago, V3ct0r said:

    Hello @Myruni and @Sultan!


    Do you can explain in more detail how it should look and work? Thank you!

    12 minutes ago, okitora said:

    Most likely they mean the same cooldown technique but for usables like Flash BombsCakes and so on.. 

    @Myruni, @Sultan do you mean like this? Cooldown Preview


    Yup, that's pretty much it as the current mod shared by V3ctor only applies to skills and not items. Would be nice to see if they apply to items as well :D

  6. 12 hours ago, Dan said:

    Hello, I have replied to others using certain STATE_EFFECT stuff.


    There is a way to solve this issue, I had received a script from Eviles/Satan you can try to contact him and see if he will release/sell it to you. It solves the following:


    Item stat use such as elixirs, prawn dump/cloaks/fairy poss/when entering maze/teleporting keeps stats.



    Many thanks :) This helps big time!

  7. Hi everyone,


    I have an issue where my cloak script is conflicting with fairy possession. Basically what happens is that everytime when the fairy possession ends, it removes not only the additional stats from the poss, but also remove the stats from the cloak.


    I suspect the following script on fairy possession (end) is what resulted in setting all ex stats to zero, as it reads - to set to 0.

    function State_JLFT_Rem ( role , sklv )
    	SetCharaAttr(0 ,role , ATTR_STATEV_STR)
    	SetCharaAttr(0 ,role , ATTR_STATEV_CON)
    	SetCharaAttr(0 ,role , ATTR_STATEV_STA)
    	SetCharaAttr(0 ,role , ATTR_STATEV_DEX)
    	SetCharaAttr(0 ,role , ATTR_STATEV_AGI)


    The following is my script for cloak where add stat if cloak x level:

    function State_NC_Add ( role , statelv ) 
        local slot         = GetChaItem(role, 2, (Cloak.conf['CloakSlot'] -1)) -- Get Cloak Slot
    	local str_dif 	=  Cloak.conf['Stats'] * statelv	-- Str Difference
    	local agi_dif 	=  Cloak.conf['Stats'] * statelv	-- Agi Difference
    	local dex_dif 	=  Cloak.conf['Stats'] * statelv	-- Acc Difference
    	local con_dif 	=  Cloak.conf['Stats'] * statelv	-- Con Difference
    	local sta_dif 	=  Cloak.conf['Stats'] * statelv	-- Spr Difference
    	local strsb = StrSb( role ) + str_dif	-- Str Calculation
    	local agisb = AgiSb( role ) + agi_dif	-- Agi Calculation
    	local dexsb = DexSb( role ) + dex_dif	-- Acc Calculation
    	local consb = ConSb( role ) + con_dif	-- Con Calculation
    	local stasb = StaSb( role ) + sta_dif	-- Spr Calculation
    	--Stats Add
    	SetCharaAttr( strsb , role , ATTR_STATEV_STR )	-- Str Add
    	SetCharaAttr( agisb , role , ATTR_STATEV_AGI )	-- Agi Add
    	SetCharaAttr( dexsb , role , ATTR_STATEV_DEX )	-- Acc Add
    	SetCharaAttr( consb , role , ATTR_STATEV_CON )	-- Con Add
    	SetCharaAttr( stasb , role , ATTR_STATEV_STA )	-- Spr Add


    I have a zodiac system installed in my files as well which basically uses the same logic as my cloak script to add stats to the character, and thus, also having same issue.

    If someone can advise and shed some light on this. 



  8. Great mod! Thanks for share.

    I was wondering if using this mod, would it be possible that instead of displaying a string of number, it can display text as well, so shows as a "title" in someway. I managed to manually edit in sql "text" but it doesn't display in the game. I presume it would be more of an edit in the client dll side, if you provide some pointers to this, would be great :D.


    Been trying to look for a way in implementing colored necks/titles in my files.


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  9. Hi,

    Not sure if anyone else has this same issue - My bosses stop getting status affected after some time. For example, when I use cripple on the boss monster, it slows the movement of the boss. However, after a few more times of using cripple on the boss, like around 10 times, the boss stops to be affected by the effect. I'm working on 1.36 files. The following is one the lines for one of the boss in characterinfo.txt with such issue. If anyone has encountered the same issue or know what is resulting it this, your response would be most appreciated. 



    979    Abyss Lord - Phantom Baron    Black Dragon Lan    1    5    0    0    100    1999    255    845    846    847    114    114    0    0    0    0,0,0    1    1    100    182    -1    -1    0    0    0    1,2,3,4,7,8,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1    1.051    1.369    2.599    40    1,5,0    0,0,0    399    398    0    0    0,0,0    1    1    1    0    28,325,123,86,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1    80,20,0,0,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1    74,73,2427,2428,85,91,-1,-1,-1,-1    100,10000,143,1000,143,500,-1,-1,-1,-1    0    0    0    0,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1    0,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1    21    1    1500    0    0    1    0    120    4000000    0    10000    0    6500    7000    40    200    4000    500    10    64    100    1000    300    300    0    600    0    125    65    185    305    65    65    20    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1,1,1

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