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  1. I need to ask a question, do the monsters take up memory in EntityNum, do the game's native mazes have some code that already clears the monsters' memory or does something need to be done so that due to the server's connected time it reaches the limit and crashes the GameServer? Thank you for your attention.
  2. Does anyone have the code that counts the number of players inside the maze? I know there's one on the forum, but over time it gives the bug "FUCNCTION. LUA STACK OVERFLOW in the code lines" the V3ctor one that is only used in the after enter functions and before_leave seems promising because it only works when someone enters or leaves, unlike map_copy_run which updates all the time, but it doesn't work resource/abandonedcity\ctrl.lua:48: )' expected near º' SetPortalName("<darkswamp>", string.format("%d player(s) inside", GetMapActivePlayer(GetChaMapCopу(role)) - 1))
  3. Entendo nada da sorce e não tenho mods, pode me ajudar , compro caso vc o venda .
  4. É possível usar swings ou montarias em server file 136 ou 138 sem comprometer as Rb wings ?
  5. Is it possible to use swings or mounts in client 1.36?
  6. I've been trying for a while, but without success, a code that expels the entire Party if one of the players leaves the map.
  7. Existe uma quantidade razoável a se utilizar de cópias?
  8. Sempre foi um assunto que ainda não entendo direito , os pra tirar dúvidas, a quantidade de cópias que um mapa pode gerar impacta em que numa gameserver ou o servidor que o hospeda ? , memória ram ?
  9. I've been trying to make Antidupe V2 work for a few days, but without success so far, "I created a folder called Dupe V2 inside the Extension, I ran the file dofile(GetResPath("script/extension/dupe v2 /init.lua")) , but I always get this image error Thank you very much everyone.
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