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Everything posted by Rinor

  1. @Mesut is not same, your npc function is different, the one you posted is “Zodiac_Teleporter” while your npc using “Npc_Zodiac” You also could replace this “function Npc_Zodiac()” to “function Zodiac_Teleporter()” and it would work same instead of replacing all those lines. Anyway im just telling you what was wrong, you already have the fix above.
  2. Try it as pkoDev.net or PKOdev.net as most of archives there has such password
  3. The map where character is created is not opened or wrong birth maps
  4. Its part of the archives where websites there are full backdoors but can be used as a designs on a different website that you have, otherwise aint worth using them.
  5. @V3ct0r Hi, i like this mods you released really good job, i have a question related to these mods but off-topic from this current mod above. So just wondering is it possible to make mounts this way using mods? Or have you ever tried to make it work? Thanks
  6. This are co source for sure lol not even close to top2 based on features and gameplay
  7. It says line 98, show us that line
  8. Hi folks, I’m making this thread to get to know how to add different regions (different countries that has lower ms for players who lives far away from host provider), ex: France/US/Asia etc.. How is it possible make it work, anyone who has knowledge on this could share it? how it works or how to make it work, any ideas? thanks
  9. Rinor

    Font issue

    Still same problem, it didn’t affect the fonts
  10. What does pgs mean? The full name of that company
  11. Has anyone got this problem with font? simsun font (the default font) is showing weird on game, i opened font folder at client, clicked simsun font and installed but still same issue. https://imgur.com/s0qM26n
  12. Use clean sceneeffect file and edit it
  13. Hi, have you fixed it for other classes? And you managed to disable mount name when hovering the mouse into it?
  14. Look into this thread, you might find something similar or use it (it defines mobs by ID)
  15. @cachaFloja Any idea why im having issue when trying to start the game through launcher? It wont open the game it keeps showing a window “trying to get updates” or something, everytime i click start game button
  16. Hello everyone, im having an issue with the auto respawn in the same map, example “Capture the Flag” I’m using the function at functions.lua: CUSTOM_RETURN_POINTS = { ['puzzleworld'] = 'Sacred Snow Mountain', ['puzzleworld2'] = 'Sacred Snow Mountain', ['garner2'] = 'Chaos Portal', } function GetChaRespawnPoint(Player, mapname) local ret = "" for i,v in pairs(CUSTOM_RETURN_POINTS) do if(i == mapname) then if mapname == "puzzleworld" or mapname == "puzzleworld2" then ReAll(Player) end ret = v end end local SideID = GetChaSideID(Player) if (mapname == "ctf") then if (SideID == 1) then return CTF.Spawns[2].Spawn elseif (SideID == 2) then return CTF.Spawns[1].Spawn end end return ret end And this is the code at sources inside void CCharacter::BackToCity if (g_CParser.DoString("GetChaRespawnPoint", enumSCRIPT_RETURN_STRING, 1, enumSCRIPT_PARAM_LIGHTUSERDATA, 1, pCMainCha, DOSTRING_PARAM_END)) szCityName = g_CParser.GetReturnString(0); if (!szCityName || !strcmp(szCityName, "")) pCMainCha->ResetBirthInfo(); else { SBirthPoint *pSBirthP; pSBirthP = GetRandBirthPoint(GetLogName(), szCityName); SetBirthMap(pSBirthP->szMapName); SetPos(pSBirthP->x * 100, pSBirthP->y * 100); } pCMainCha->SwitchMap(pCMap, pCMainCha->GetBirthMap(), pCMainCha->GetPos().x, pCMainCha->GetPos().y, false, chSwitchType, lMapCpyNO); } im still being respawned to argent city when i’m dying instead of being Respawned into CTF
  17. Thanks but im interested on knowing which file on source has that effect (not asking for the fix on source).
  18. Mind telling which file / function has the problem that aint loading the effects? or having wrong params?
  19. @mkhzaleh in which file i can find it?
  20. @patrick13 oh thats weird, thought its client side issue, weird how it works at 1.35 client and not in 1.36+
  21. UP, anyone managed to make it work?
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