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Everything posted by x3w0r

  1. If I remember, TOP2 has reopened again but as a Private Server, before one year it closed again since it dropped down to 0 online and wasn't well advertised, the only server that reopened was Shadow, I don't think it would be either Zankza or the original game developers, I'm sure TOP2 Server files are floating somewhere in the net.
  2. I believe Zankza had both the 1.3x and 2.x source codes even before we lay our fingers at them (1.3x src => pko | 2.x src => FoxLv) So I think he probably fixed all of those, all along with his 2.x Avacado.You have the source codes released & free to download, it's a pain to fix all these bugs at them, I believe they were modified before being sold to us because I doubt that moliyo would open a fully bugged game that you can't even log inside.
  3. Protections are not active for v2.x, plus a number of holes/bugs running around on v2.x files is huge, I doubt anyone would like to have a buggy server, there was a server back in the days (2015) named Temple of Pirates II, it was a v2.x server with some bugs fixed, I remember that the GM there was called [Scripter]Mars and he was the one who did that, but still if people would love to open v2.x servers this much they will still encounter many bugs (SQL Injection, Dupes, Database Flows, random crashes, auto-UDP flood (For gate server), movement errors).Nevertheless the amount of the wrong codings/misstructure there.
  4. As @KONG stated above, copyrighting is not just a sentence you write down below on your thing, I can take released source codes of top and copyright and claim ownership for myself, so it is just a sentence. If this is truly an opensource then no copyrights are getting applied since it is open for everyone.If it is really copyrighted bring proofs to back up your statements.
  5. The website does not require more than 2GB of RAM.Although, ovh host provides a built-in Anti DDoS.But for the website, if a secondary host is being used, using CloudFlare is a must.
  6. Hello, this is happening to many servers and I believe someone found out a way to do that on SQL Servers, I don't know why these wannabe script kiddies won't grow up & do something else on their lives instead of trying to destroy the others work.
  7. Hello, those are my own opinions: 1. I recommend having 2, as an additional security to your game databases. 2. As Zankza pointed out on some thread on the late server-dev website, 8gb is enough to handle 300 players, but the higher specs are, the better it is. 3. As for the website, I thought of Cloudflare as a protection to use, although using it on a different VPS/Dedicated Server.Game, I don't think any anti-DDoS is efficient for it as some developers & script kiddies are exploiting some gate server flaws which allows them to send an exact amount of packets to port 1973 which can definitely lead to random lags in-game, several servers had this going on this whole month & that's the conclusion I came to. 4. I highly recommend https://www.ovh.com/ as it is the best hosting provider I ever used, was efficient to my programming projects as well.Offers an anti-DDoS that can stand up to 2GB/S DDoS altering. 5. There are some developers doing that, I began creating one and I had almost finished it, but unfortunately, I have the last year of university so it's so bad to give time to both for the project & studies. 6. Game: Can track the IP of the server easily through decompiling ServerSet, if you have done encoding ServerSet so hard, people might use something else to detect the IP. Website: There's a 5% Chance that someone can easily get its IP, that's if you're using CloudFlare & a different host, else wise, people can track it using Command Prompt.
  8. Hello, can anyone provide GameServer addresses for the following?: -max_ply -max_cha -max_item -max_tnpc Thank you.
  9. x3w0r


    Yes, there is.But instead of automated imps receiving, you will have to make it assigned manually from the GM himself and with a normal PayPal account non-upgraded to business type.
  10. Hello, your network is bad for a TOP server, else wise, the specs are good.I recommend getting a dedicated server from OVH for 70/100$ monthly with promising support & specifics. #EDIT: To run a server smoothly without problems and really good with no lag I recommend OVH as I said with 1GB/S network, it fits top perfectly, I don't think 175 MB/S is enough.
  11. function file_exists(name) local f=io.open(name,"r") if f~=nil then io.close(f) return true else return false end end Add this in the bottom of FUNCTION.LUA Path:resource/script/calculate/
  12. Play chinese servers, English ones are so far from you sir and I doubt you will find a close one.
  13. I'm afraid that I can't contribute right now for it I'll try to.
  14. Unfortunately, I can't right now.I am starting college tomorrow and I am at my appartment already, next week-end I'll be able to.
  15. Out of PKOsite and topCMS I have begun designing a new made website compatible with Tales of Pirates The following is done: -Registration -Design -Donation Page -News Headline(Need to manually create the news) -Bootstrap TO-DO: -Login -Voting page -Logout -Award Center -Item Mall
  16. Hello, @nyarum . I got it, I'll keep myself updated on this thread.
  17. AFAIK, there's a note in Foxseiz's Archive/Scripts/ A guide to remove corals without needing to mess up anything.I suggest checking it.
  18. Hello, I don't get the purpose of your project but it seems interesting, I would like if you are able to explain it further more.
  19. There should be strictly one function named MAGIC_Atk_Dmg, else you will have problems. Functions with names as function MAGIC_Atk_Dmg(a,b) should be removed and keep only one.
  20. function MAGIC_Atk_Dmg(a,b) --[[计算普通攻击的基本正常伤害]]-- local job = GetChaAttr(a, ATTR_JOB) --不同职业采用不同的属性成长率 local sta_atker = Sta(a) local sta_defer = Sta(b) local atk_mnatk = math.floor (MnatkIb(a) + sta_atker*Magic_rate1[job] + Magic_rate2[job] * math.pow(math.floor( sta_atker*4/20), 2 )) local atk_mxatk = math.floor (MxatkIb(a) + sta_atker*Magic_rate1[job] + Magic_rate2[job] * math.pow(math.floor( sta_atker*4/20), 2 )) local defer_mgic_def = sta_defer * 2 local defer_resist = Resist(b) local atker_lv = Lv( a ) local defer_lv = Lv( b ) local lv_dis = atker_lv - defer_lv local lv_eff = 1 if math.abs (lv_dis) >= 1 then lv_eff =math.min ( math.max ( 0.5 , 1 + 0.025 * lv_dis ) , 1.5 ) end local atk = math.random( atk_mnatk , atk_mxatk ) local dmg = Magic_Dmg ( atk, defer_mgic_def , defer_resist ) --[[计算正常伤害值]]-- local mndmg = math.floor( Lv(a) * 0.25 + Mnatk(a) * 0 ) + 1 --[[计算最小伤害值]]-- dmg =math.max( lv_eff * dmg , mndmg ) return dmg end @Ecstasy as far as I seen, you tried to applicate multiplied damage on monsters, try using this function without the damage part and let me know if it does show damage.
  21. @Onioni I don't think it is coming from cha_timer. @Ecstasy Can you provide this following function from skilleffect.lua? (MAGIC_Atk_Dmg)
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