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Everything posted by Daisuke

  1. I need someone who works as Map make and someone who knows how to work with ollydbg, a small service just to fix a few things.
  2. @Graf I ran the dedicated drive booster to upgrade all drives.
  3. @Graf What happens here and the GameServer.exe it opens normally is on my Test Computer, the problem happens even when I open it on a Dedicated machine or a VPS Server, which it opens and then closes. i am using windows 2012.
  4. @Graf Logs << Here are the only logs generated by gameserver.
  5. My gameserver.exe opens normally on my Computer, but when I put it in a Dedicated or VPS, it always happens that someone would tell me why?
  6. @Graf The only solution I found was to limit CPU usage by the ball manager whenever I turn on the groupserver. => Task Manager / GroupServer.exe (right-click GroupServer.exe => Details) / Then under Details right-click GroupServer.exe and click Set Affinity. In my case appeared 4 CPU I left only 1 selected.
  7. Daisuke


    @V3ct0r Can you tell me how to fix this? https://gyazo.com/c25c7bc5f8410062c581cc199950bc11
  8. Hello, Does anyone know what this is for or how it works? or was it incomplete?
  9. can someone explain to me how to compile skilleff.txt, when I compile what came in the server file, all the effect icons in the player disappear. os icon does not appear. @Angelix @mkhzaleh
  10. Does anyone know the address where to change the client port?
  11. I believe it is through skilleff.txt and gameserver.cfg
  12. I'm having trouble making any script load files like txt, logs and dat, would it be problem in sealize or because of luajit, would it be made different? @KONG
  13. make sure "teampk" map is turned on in gameserver.
  14. could someone share the source code link from server and client 2.0?
  15. estou esperando ansioso, pra jogar uma versao do TOP modelado no unity .
  16. Group Server consuming 99% of the processor, Does anyone have any idea what it is or how I may be correcting?
  17. How to use discord chat to interact with Discord Bot? would it be using the node? You have to create an application, but where do I put the bot address on the client?
  18. Does anyone know the address to be able to change the port of game.exe? I was looking for more I could not find.
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