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thank u, i'll check it edit: you were right about the values, it's 1-4 but in the StoneInfo lines
I'm trying to find where I can change the glow color that certain gems gives to an weapon. For example: gem of rage always gives yellow glow, but lustrious always give red glow. Where can I change it? Like for example if I want to make gem of rage to always glow red on swords
thank you, but do u know what skill state should I create in this case? Like, it's some kind of immunity to only that skill. Probably gonna sound silly what I say but isn't it similar to blessed potion effect or something?
Arista is an item that is used an antidote to energy web skill what is happening now is that it only works to break the effect after you get stuck by energy web. when you use it, it'll free you out of the web (just like some kind of recovery skill). what i need to make is it be working as a buff code (or potion) that is going to give you immunity to that skill for a duration of 5min. it worked like that on TOP2 but when i looked for it in top2 files i just see the same code like in old top files
that'd be great to have
thank you i did it
I want to change the damage font shown on client, where do I find these files to extract from a clean client? i want to use the orignal one
i have a list of some changes that needs to be done in a server (all of them are lua editing) dm me here or leave ur discord tag
mandei convite
Busco desenvolvedor para serviços remunerados em um server dedicado
Ok, sent you friend request on discord
just added this into the extension lines, still it doesn't work
so i add this function on skilleffect.lua or in the extension script?
I also didn't configure cloak gems so they're disabled Cloak = {}; Cloak.conf = { CloakID = 7340, --Admiral Cloak ID on your item info DustyID = 7341, --Dusty Cloak ID on your item info CloakSlot = 5, --Inventory slot, remeber is this number "-1" so if its "5" the slot will be "4th" MaxLv = 10, --Cloak level max / You can define you max level Stats =1 --How much of stats you will get in each level }; Cloak.race = { [1] = 234, --Lance / Skilleff ID [2] = 235, --Carsise / Skilleff ID [3] = 236, --Phyllis / Skilleff ID [4] = 237 --Ami / Skilleff ID }; Cloak.glow1 = { --First Glow [1] = 224, --Lance / Skilleff ID [2] = 227, --Carsise / Skilleff ID [3] = 230, --Phyllis / Skilleff ID [4] = 233 --Ami / Skilleff ID }; Cloak.glow2 = { --Second Glow [1] = 225, --Lance / Skilleff ID [2] = 228, --Carsise / Skilleff ID [3] = 231, --Phyllis / Skilleff ID [4] = 233 --Ami / Skilleff ID }; Cloak.glow3 = { --Third Glow [1] = 226, --Lance / Skilleff ID [2] = 229, --Carsise / Skilleff ID [3] = 232, --Phyllis / Skilleff ID [4] = 233 --Ami / Skilleff ID }; --]] Cloak.Rate = {} --Upgrade Rate / 1 = 100%, .9 = 90%.. and so on... Cloak.Rate[0] = 1 Cloak.Rate[1] = 1 Cloak.Rate[2] = 1 Cloak.Rate[3] = 1 Cloak.Rate[4] = .7 Cloak.Rate[5] = .6 Cloak.Rate[6] = .5 Cloak.Rate[7] = .4 Cloak.Rate[8] = .3 Cloak.Rate[9] = .2 Cloak.Rate[10] = .1 CloakGem = {}; CloakGem[9206] = 56; -- // Betwen "[]" = Gem ID, After "=" = Cloak ID CloakGem[9207] = 56; -- // Betwen "[]" = Gem ID, After "=" = Cloak ID CloakGem[9208] = 56; -- // Betwen "[]" = Gem ID, After "=" = Cloak ID CloakGem[9209] = 56; -- // Betwen "[]" = Gem ID, After "=" = Cloak ID CloakGem[9210] = 56; -- // Betwen "[]" = Gem ID, After "=" = Cloak ID CloakGem[9211] = 56; -- // Betwen "[]" = Gem ID, After "=" = Cloak ID --*-----------------------------------------*-- --* Cloak Functions *-- --*-----------------------------------------*-- --* Check if cloak is equiped *- function Cloak.hasCloak(role) local Slot = GetChaItem(role, 2, (Cloak.conf['CloakSlot'] -1)) --Check Cloak Slot local SlotId = GetItemID(Slot) if SlotId == Cloak.conf['CloakID'] then return 1 end return 0 end --* Function to get cloak level *- function Cloak.setLv(item) local CloakLv = GetItemAttr(item, 55) if CloakLv == nil then return 0 else return CloakLv end end --*-----------------------------------------*-- --* Item Functions *-- --*-----------------------------------------*-- --* Unseal Cloak *-- function Uns_Cloak(role, Item) --Check if you are on land local Cha_Boat = GetCtrlBoat ( role ) if Cha_Boat ~= nil then SystemNotice( role , "Cannot use while sailing" ) UseItemFailed ( role ) return end --Check if you have the dusty cloak local dusty = CheckBagItem(role, Cloak.conf['DustyID']); if dusty < 1 then BickerNotice(role,"You need ["..GetItemName(Cloak.conf['DustyID']).."] in your Inventory!"); --If you dont have this message will appear UseItemFailed(role); return else -- If you have the dusty cloak execute this TakeItem(role, 0, Cloak.conf['DustyID'], 1) --Take the dusty cloak GiveItem(role, 0, Cloak.conf['CloakID'], 1, 25); --Give you the Admiral Cloak without level Notice(GetChaDefaultName(role)..' successfully Unsealed a '..GetItemName(Cloak.conf['DustyID'])..'!'); PlayEffect(role, 345) RefreshCha(role) end end --* Upgrade Cloak *-- function Upg_Cloak(role, Item) --Check if you are on land local Cha_Boat = GetCtrlBoat ( role ) if Cha_Boat ~= nil then SystemNotice( role , "Cannot use while sailing" ) UseItemFailed ( role ) return end --Check If cloak is on the correct slot local slot = GetChaItem(role, 2, (Cloak.conf['CloakSlot'] -1)); local CloakId = GetItemID(slot); local Level = Cloak.setLv(slot); local Tool = GetItemID(Item) if CloakId ~= Cloak.conf['CloakID'] then BickerNotice(role, 'Cannot use ['..GetItemName(Tool)..'] on '..GetItemName(CloakId)..'!'); UseItemFailed(role); return end --Check if cloak is already max lvl local Level = Cloak.setLv(slot); if Level >= Cloak.conf['MaxLv'] then BickerNotice(role, '['..GetItemName(CloakId)..'] already maxed Upgrade!'); UseItemFailed(role); return end --Calcule Success Rate local successRate = Percentage_Random(Cloak.Rate[Level]); if successRate == 1 then local start,finish = ITEMATTR_VAL_STR,ITEMATTR_VAL_STA; local itemStats = {}; local increment = 1; for i = start,finish do itemStats = GetItemAttr(slot, i); SetItemAttr(slot, i, itemStats + Cloak.conf['Stats']); end SetItemAttr(slot, 55, Level + 1); PlayEffect(role, 345); else -- If fails Notice(role, "Sorry, upgrade has failed! Luckily Cloak is not damaged..."); PlayEffect(role, 346); end --System notice of who have maxed the cloak local Level = Cloak.setLv(slot); local cha_name = GetChaDefaultName ( role ) local message = "Congratulations to "..cha_name.." who successfully upgraded Admiral Cloak to Lv [10] !!!" if successRate == 1 and Level == 10 then Notice ( message ) end end --*-----------------------------------------*-- --* ADD/REM Functions *-- --*-----------------------------------------*-- --* Add Function *- function State_NC_Add ( role , statelv ) local slot = GetChaItem(role, 2, (Cloak.conf['CloakSlot'] -1)) -- Get Cloak Slot --Differences local str_dif = Cloak.conf['Stats'] * statelv -- Str Difference local agi_dif = Cloak.conf['Stats'] * statelv -- Agi Difference local dex_dif = Cloak.conf['Stats'] * statelv -- Acc Difference local con_dif = Cloak.conf['Stats'] * statelv -- Con Difference local sta_dif = Cloak.conf['Stats'] * statelv -- Spr Difference --Calculation local strsb = StrSb( role ) + str_dif -- Str Calculation local agisb = AgiSb( role ) + agi_dif -- Agi Calculation local dexsb = DexSb( role ) + dex_dif -- Acc Calculation local consb = ConSb( role ) + con_dif -- Con Calculation local stasb = StaSb( role ) + sta_dif -- Spr Calculation --Stats Add SetCharaAttr( strsb , role , ATTR_STATEV_STR ) -- Str Add SetCharaAttr( agisb , role , ATTR_STATEV_AGI ) -- Agi Add SetCharaAttr( dexsb , role , ATTR_STATEV_DEX ) -- Acc Add SetCharaAttr( consb , role , ATTR_STATEV_CON ) -- Con Add SetCharaAttr( stasb , role , ATTR_STATEV_STA ) -- Spr Add RefreshCha(role) end --* Rem Function *- function State_NC_Rem ( role , statelv ) local slot = GetChaItem(role, 2, (Cloak.conf['CloakSlot'] -1)) -- Get Cloak Slot --Differences local str_dif = Cloak.conf['Stats'] * statelv -- Str Difference local agi_dif = Cloak.conf['Stats'] * statelv -- Agi Difference local dex_dif = Cloak.conf['Stats'] * statelv -- Acc Difference local con_dif = Cloak.conf['Stats'] * statelv -- Con Difference local sta_dif = Cloak.conf['Stats'] * statelv -- Spr Difference --Calculation local strsb = StrSb( role ) - str_dif -- Str Calculation local agisb = AgiSb( role ) - agi_dif -- Agi Calculation local dexsb = DexSb( role ) - dex_dif -- Acc Calculation local consb = ConSb( role ) - con_dif -- Con Calculation local stasb = StaSb( role ) - sta_dif -- Spr Calculation --Stats Add SetCharaAttr( strsb , role , ATTR_STATEV_STR ) -- Str Rem SetCharaAttr( agisb , role , ATTR_STATEV_AGI ) -- Agi Rem SetCharaAttr( dexsb , role , ATTR_STATEV_DEX ) -- Acc Rem SetCharaAttr( consb , role , ATTR_STATEV_CON ) -- Con Rem SetCharaAttr( stasb , role , ATTR_STATEV_STA ) -- Spr Rem RefreshCha(role) end --[[ --*-----------------------------------------*-- //THOSE FUNCTIONS AREN'T TESTED SO IGNORE THAT --* Gems Functions *-- //THOSE FUNCTIONS AREN'T TESTED SO IGNORE THAT --*-----------------------------------------*-- //THOSE FUNCTIONS AREN'T TESTED SO IGNORE THAT --* Check Gems *-- function Cloak.getGem (item) local ChaCloak = {}; local ForgeParam = GetItemForgeParam(item, 1) ForgeParam = TransferNum(ForgeParam) ChaCloak[1] = GetNum_Part2(ForgeParam) ChaCloak[2] = GetNum_Part3(ForgeParam) ChaCloak[3] = GetNum_Part4(ForgeParam) ChaCloak[4] = GetNum_Part5(ForgeParam) ChaCloak[5] = GetNum_Part6(ForgeParam) ChaCloak[6] = GetNum_Part7(ForgeParam) return ChaCloak; end --* Check if Cloak have Gem *-- function Cloak.hasGem (item, stoneId) local Gem = Cloak.getGem(item); if Gem[1] == stoneId or Gem[3] == stoneId or Gem[5] == stoneId then return 1 end return 0 end --* Check Gem Level *-- function Cloak.GemLv (item, stoneId) local Gem = Cloak.getGem(item); if Gem[1] == stoneId then return Gem[2]; end if Gem[3] == stoneId then return Gem[4]; end if Gem[5] == stoneId then return Gem[6]; end end --* Gems Skills *-- function Cloak.Skill (ATKER, DEFER, sklv) if Cloak.hasCloak == 1 then local Slot = GetChaItem(ATKER, 2, (Cloak.conf['CloakSlot'] - 1)); --Riven Soul Rune if Cloak.hasGem(Slot, 66) == 1 then local Percentage = Percentage_Random(0.7) if Percentage == 1 then local StateLv = GetChaStateLv(DEFER, 234); if StateLv == 0 then local GemLv = Cloak.GemLv(Slot, 66); AddState(ATKER, DEFER, 234, GemLv, 3) local Eff = GemLv * 5 SystemNotice(ATKER, "Recieved bonus from Admiral Cloak. Target Physical Resistence reduce by "..Eff.." for 3 sec") end end end --Piercing Rune if Cloak.hasGem(Slot, 67) == 1 then local Percentage = Percentage_Random(0.7) if Percentage == 1 then local StateLv = GetChaStateLv(DEFER, 235); if StateLv == 0 then local GemLv = Cloak.GemLv(Slot, 67); AddState(ATKER, DEFER, 235, GemLv, 3) local Eff = GemLv * 50 SystemNotice(ATKER, "Recieved bonus from Admiral Cloak. Target Defence Resistence reduce by "..Eff.." for 3 sec") end end end --Illusory Rune if Cloak.hasGem(Slot, 68) == 1 then local Percentage = Percentage_Random(0.7) if Percentage == 1 then local StateLv = GetChaStateLv(DEFER, 236); if StateLv == 0 then local GemLv = Cloak.GemLv(Slot, 68); AddState(ATKER, DEFER, 236, GemLv, 3) local Eff = GemLv * 10 SystemNotice(ATKER, "Recieved bonus from Admiral Cloak. Target Dodge Resistence reduce by "..Eff.." for 3 sec") end end end --Illusory Rune if Cloak.hasGem(Slot, 69) == 1 then local Percentage = Percentage_Random(0.7) if Percentage == 1 then local StateLv = GetChaStateLv(DEFER, 237); if StateLv == 0 then local GemLv = Cloak.GemLv(Slot, 69); AddState(ATKER, DEFER, 237, GemLv, 3) local Eff = GemLv * 10 SystemNotice(ATKER, "Recieved bonus from Admiral Cloak. Target Hitrate Resistence reduce by "..Eff.." for 3 sec") end end end end end --*-----------------------------------------*-- --* Add/ Rem Gems Functions *-- --*-----------------------------------------*-- function STATE_Riven_Add(role, statelv) local pdef_dif = 5 * statelv local pdef = ResistSb(role) - pdef_dif SetCharaAttr( pdef , role , ATTR_STATEV_PDEF ) RefreshCha(role) end function STATE_Riven_Rem(role, statelv) local pdef_dif = 5 * statelv local pdef = ResistSb(role) + pdef_dif SetCharaAttr( pdef , role , ATTR_STATEV_PDEF ) RefreshCha(role) end function STATE_Pierc_Add(role, statelv) local defsb_dif = 50 * statelv local defsb = DefSb(role) - defsb_dif SetCharaAttr( defsb , role , ATTR_STATEV_DEF ) RefreshCha(role) end function STATE_Pierc_Rem(role, statelv) local defsb_dif = 50 * statelv local defsb = DefSb(role) + defsb_dif SetCharaAttr( defsb , role , ATTR_STATEV_DEF ) RefreshCha(role) end function STATE_Illus_Add(role, statelv) local fleesb_dif = 10 * statelv local fleesb = FleeSb(role) - fleesb_dif SetCharaAttr( fleesb , role , ATTR_STATEV_FLEE ) RefreshCha(role) end function STATE_Illus_Rem(role, statelv) local fleesb_dif = 10 * statelv local fleesb = FleeSb(role) + fleesb_dif SetCharaAttr( fleesb , role , ATTR_STATEV_FLEE ) RefreshCha(role) end function STATE_Curse_Add(role, statelv) local hitsb_dif = 10 * statelv local hitsb = HitSb(role) - hitsb_dif SetCharaAttr( hitsb , role , ATTR_STATEV_HIT ) RefreshCha(role) end function STATE_Curse_Rem(role, statelv) local hitsb_dif = 10 * statelv local hitsb = HitSb(role) + hitsb_dif SetCharaAttr( hitsb , role , ATTR_STATEV_HIT ) RefreshCha(role) end --]]
do you mean the lines in scripts/extension/cloakscript? sorry I didn't understand