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Everything posted by Jap

  1. Jap

    Create a Quest

    nice job dude.
  2. Well sayd, SO many servers opened in november. And 98% of them died in the same month. Funny how those server gm's don't learn anything. Just take a look at different servers, figure out what the players want, learn the recipe. Look at successful servers, and WHY they are successful, take notes. Farm wood for kals, like cmon. Those servers which do 0 advertisment, make the server boring, too easy, abusable, lack of attention from gm's. I know sunny go is still going which is great. Zankzas pko is going. Wisdom pirates is doing alright. Roso as always and thats really it isn't it? kinda sad to see only few healthy servers. Btw while we are talking about servers, i like to point out those people that go into a certain server, and just spam "dead server" in local chat or forum. Like i know u don't like the GM's or the server. BUT, the whole community is dying, why the hell you want to fasten the situation? Like let zankza have his vanilla server, atleast in the future we can still log into this main vanilla server which he preserved. I think we must keep atleast 1 vanilla server for a long time, in order to enjoy this game longer
  3. The item scaling depends on what server it is implemented. For example if its a vanilla server, low rates. You need to add powerspikes to lvl 75 and 85 as maxi sayd. But if its a medium rate server, the powerspikes doesn't need to be that big as in a vanilla server. Just all depends on what server you want to implement all this. Btw, why aren't you like helping other servers with development, it would be cool to see all this talent going to a good use.
  4. Red & Blue sound good. I have a idea about "guild wards" 10 people enter a maze, and there are 2 groups and random people get assigned to each group, so they can pk, kinda similar to guild war.
  5. Jap

    Server Suggestions

  6. Personally, the servers which i played were mostly successful because they were simple. Servers like foxlv or Lost paradise online, didn't have a lot of mazes, which i think is a good thing. Servers who add a shit ton of mazes like the main mazes (fc/ds/dw/ca/bd) and like +7 more unique mazes, i think thats too much, since players get confused and simply ignore most of the unique mazes. The other thing i liked about ca in foxlv, that after CA ended, on top of the bar, on system. It showed which player killed the most players, which player died the most times etc. That thing really encourages players to pk, where the stats actually matter. Same thing in LPO, there was a ranking for most kills in certain mazes, and those top players would get rewards. So i think keeping a simple but medium/easy server is best, then after people get the hang of it, add more content, more lvl's, better EQ, better gems, pirata cup or smth and so on. And 1 more thing, personally, i don't like servers where you run sonic super fast, and you only have to have a good ping,fps and only fb's to catch them, i think thats retarded. Keeping it simple movespeed is normal, that is normal pk which i think people enjoy.
  7. Jap

    tales of pirates memes.

    sometimes i can upload, some i cant, bullshit.
  8. Jap

    tales of pirates memes.

    Nice bundle of memes ey?
  9. Jap

    tales of pirates memes.

    cant upload pictures anymore "There was a problem processing the uploaded file. Please contact us for assistance." but i added the pictures with klab on other post few mins ago. @V3ct0r
  10. Jap


    i remember kamis1232 tried to make mounts on foxlv, but didn't quite finish the project.
  11. I applaud for you @V3ct0r and @Duduf for making this idea a reallity, really good job in order to make tales of pirates a great game again. Peep this out @Shako. Current online: Online Characters: 194 Accounts: 201 I don't quite get this, how can there be 194 chars online and 201 accounts online, some kind of bug? shouldnt it be equal number like 194 194
  12. Jap

    list for servers.

    thats only 2 servers
  13. Jap

    list for servers.

    when will this smth interesting be?
  14. Jap


    worked, thanks.
  15. Jap


    So i want to open like 8 stacks of lucky packets on 4 chars each. I heard you can use cheat engine to eat cakes in pk and become almost unkillable. And that you can use CE to use lucky packets fast or smth. If someone has done this, would be cool if someone confirmed or told me how to do that.
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