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Everything posted by FapFap

  1. FapFap

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    @V3ct0r can fix images on this thread?
  2. @V3ct0r it says: Item info cache testing mode Base file = C:\Zend\Apache2\htdocs\ItemInfoCache\iteminfo.txt Cache file = C:\Windows\TEMPItemInfoCache.data Cache Enabled = Yes Cache Mode = Stable Item Count = 0 <--- ITEM COUNT 0 Validity date = Saturday 2nd of February 2019 02:56:35 AM Item Count = 0 when i change those to True and nothing happens Also up there i posted My ItemMall and not sure if the ItemInfoCache works with ItemMall
  3. Like i said, it works fine on Example.php, i only need help how to make it work on Item Mall Page
  4. check ur cfgs also and and rename DB_NAMEs on cfgs ex: AccountServer.cfg db = AccountServer
  5. re-name ur DBs to AccountServer & GameDB until you make changes to Exes to use diff db names
  6. use password 123456789 on SQL and go to Login>sa and add permissions to AccountServer/GameDB then try again, also copy ur SQL Instance name on SQL and paste at db_ip on cfg.. if it isn't same
  7. @Onioni Check my ItemMall & ItemInfoCache, i can't make it work idk why isn't working.. I got ItemInfoCache Folder inside htdocs, and inside ItemInfoCache Folder theres: - config.php <?php /* ---------------------------------------- CONFIGURATION ---------------------------------------- */ // Location of the itemInfo.txt file define('IIC_BASE_FILE', 'C:\\Zend\\Apache2\\htdocs\\ItemInfoCache\\iteminfo.txt'); // URL of the root folder containing this script // DO NOT USE LOCALHOST !!! define('IIC_BASE_URL', ''); // Define if data caching is enabled or not. define('IIC_ENABLE_CACHING', false); // Define if Item Hint caching is enabled or not. define('IIC_ENABLE_ITEM_HINT_CACHING', false); // Define if cache is stable // source file not changing and cache does not need to verify source data // turning to true improve performances but will create inconsistencies define('IIC_STABLE_CACHE', false); // Location of the cache file on disk define('IIC_CACHE_ROOT', sys_get_temp_dir()); define('IIC_CACHE_TARGET', 'ItemInfoCache.data'); define('IIC_CACHE_ITEM_HINT_FOLDER', 'IIC_ITEMS\\'); define('IIC_CACHE_FILE', IIC_CACHE_ROOT.IIC_CACHE_TARGET); define('IIC_CACHE_FOLDER', IIC_CACHE_ROOT.IIC_CACHE_ITEM_HINT_FOLDER); ?> - ItemHint.php <?php /* *********************************** This page creates Item tooltips. *********************************** */ // Include key file require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/ItemInfoCache.php'); // Retrieve Item ID $itemId = 0; if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $itemId = $_GET['id']; } else if (isset($_POST['id'])) { $itemId = $_POST['id']; } // Retrieve the item hint from cash store. echo ItemInfoStore::GetItemHint($itemId); ?> - ItemHint.template.php <div class="itemHolder"> <div class="heading"> <div class="name"> <?php echo $item->name ?> </div> <div class="type"> <?php echo $item->GetType() ?> </div> </div> <div class="description"> <?php echo $item->description ?> </div> <?php // This part is displayed for equipments only ! if ($item->IsEquipment()) { ?> <div class="requirement"> <div class="levelReq"> <div class="reqType"> Level </div> <div class="reqValue"> <?php echo $item->levelRequirement; ?> </div> </div> <div class="raceReq"> <div class="reqType"> Race </div> <div class="reqValue"> <?php echo $item->GetRaceRequirement(); ?> </div> </div> <div class="classReq"> <div class="reqType"> Class </div> <div class="reqValue"> <?php echo $item->GetClassRequirement(); ?> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bonusList"> <?php if ($item->PHYSICAL_RESISTANCE) { ?> <div class="bonus"> <div class="bonusType">Physical Resistance</div> <div class="bonusValue">+<?php echo $item->PHYSICAL_RESISTANCE ?></div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($item->MIN_ATTACK || $item->MAX_ATTACK) { ?> <div class="bonus"> <div class="bonusType">Base Damage</div> <div class="bonusValue"><?php echo $item->MIN_ATTACK ?> / <?php echo $item->MAX_ATTACK ?></div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($item->DEFENSE) { ?> <div class="bonus"> <div class="bonusType">Defense</div> <div class="bonusValue">+<?php echo $item->DEFENSE ?></div> </div> <?php } ?> <br/> <?php if ($item->STR_BONUS) { ?> <div class="bonus"> <div class="bonusType">Strenght</div> <div class="bonusValue">+<?php echo $item->STR_BONUS ?></div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($item->CON_BONUS) { ?> <div class="bonus"> <div class="bonusType">Constitution</div> <div class="bonusValue">+<?php echo $item->CON_BONUS ?></div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($item->ACC_BONUS) { ?> <div class="bonus"> <div class="bonusType">Accurency</div> <div class="bonusValue">+<?php echo $item->ACC_BONUS ?></div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($item->SPR_BONUS) { ?> <div class="bonus"> <div class="bonusType">Spirit</div> <div class="bonusValue">+<?php echo $item->SPR_BONUS ?></div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($item->AGI_BONUS) { ?> <div class="bonus"> <div class="bonusType">Agility</div> <div class="bonusValue">+<?php echo $item->AGI_BONUS ?></div> </div> <?php } ?> <br/> <?php if ($item->MAX_HP) { ?> <div class="bonus"> <div class="bonusType">Max HP</div> <div class="bonusValue">+<?php echo $item->MAX_HP ?></div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($item->HP_RECOVERY) { ?> <div class="bonus"> <div class="bonusType">HP Recovery</div> <div class="bonusValue">+<?php echo $item->HP_RECOVERY ?></div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($item->MAX_SP) { ?> <div class="bonus"> <div class="bonusType">Max SP</div> <div class="bonusValue">+<?php echo $item->MAX_SP ?></div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($item->SP_RECOVERY) { ?> <div class="bonus"> <div class="bonusType">SP Recovery</div> <div class="bonusValue">+<?php echo $item->SP_RECOVERY ?></div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($item->DODGE) { ?> <div class="bonus"> <div class="bonusType">Dodge</div> <div class="bonusValue">+<?php echo $item->DODGE ?></div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($item->HIT_RATE) { ?> <div class="bonus"> <div class="bonusType">Hit Rate</div> <div class="bonusValue">+<?php echo $item->HIT_RATE ?></div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($item->CRITICAL_RATE) { ?> <div class="bonus"> <div class="bonusType">Critical Rate</div> <div class="bonusValue">+<?php echo $item->CRITICAL_RATE ?></div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($item->MOVEMENT_SPEED) { ?> <div class="bonus"> <div class="bonusType">Movement Speed</div> <div class="bonusValue">+<?php echo $item->MOVEMENT_SPEED ?></div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="price"> <?php echo number_format($item->price, 0, ',', '.'); ?> gold </div> </div> - ItemInfoCache.php <?php require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/config.php'); /* ---------------------------------------- CLASSES ---------------------------------------- */ class ItemInfo { // Attributes for all items var $id; var $icon; var $name; var $description; var $type; var $durability; var $maxStack; var $price; // Attributes for equipments var $levelRequirement; var $raceRequirement; var $classRequirement; var $STR_BONUS = 0; var $CON_BONUS = 0; var $ACC_BONUS = 0; var $SPR_BONUS = 0; var $AGI_BONUS = 0; var $MAX_HP = 0; var $MAX_SP = 0; var $DEFENSE = 0; var $MIN_ATTACK = 0; var $MAX_ATTACK = 0; var $DODGE = 0; var $HIT_RATE = 0; var $CRITICAL_RATE = 0; var $HP_RECOVERY = 0; var $SP_RECOVERY = 0; var $MOVEMENT_SPEED = 0; var $PHYSICAL_RESISTANCE = 0; // Static data maps public static $TYPE_NAMES = array ( 1 => 'Sword', 2 => 'Greatsword', 3 => 'Bow', 4 => 'Gun', 7 => 'Dagger', 9 => 'Staff', 11 => 'Shield', 20 => 'Cap', 22 => 'Armor', 23 => 'Gloves', 24 => 'Shoes', 25 => 'Necklace', 26 => 'Ring', 27 => 'Tattoo', 29 => 'Coral' ); public static $RACE_NAMES = array ( 1 => 'Lance', 2 => 'Carsise', 3 => 'Phyllis', 4 => 'Ami' ); public static $CLASS_NAMES = array ( 0 => 'Newbie', 1 => 'Swordsman', 2 => 'Hunter', //3 => 'Sailor', 4 => 'Explorer', 5 => 'Herbalist', //6 => 'Artisan', //7 => 'Merchant', 8 => 'Champion', 9 => 'Crusader', //10 => 'White Knight', //11 => 'Animal Tamer', 12 => 'Sharpshooter', 13 => 'Cleric', 14 => 'Seal Master', //15 => 'Captain', 16 => 'Voyager', //17 => 'Upstart', //18 => 'Engineer' ); private static $EQUIPMENT_TYPES = array ( 1,2,3,4,7,9,11,20,22,23,24,25,26,27,29 ); // Accessors to formatted data function GetType() { if (isset(ItemInfo::$TYPE_NAMES[$this->type])) { return ItemInfo::$TYPE_NAMES[$this->type]; } else { return 'Miscellaneous'; } } function GetRaceRequirement() { if (count($this->raceRequirement) == 0) { return 'All'; } else { $raceReq = array(); foreach ($this->raceRequirement as $raceId) { $raceReq[] = ItemInfo::$RACE_NAMES[$raceId]; } return implode(', ', $raceReq); } } function GetClassRequirement() { if (count($this->classRequirement) == 0) { return 'All'; } else { $classReq = array(); foreach ($this->classRequirement as $classId) { $classReq[] = ItemInfo::$CLASS_NAMES[$classId]; } return implode(', ', $classReq); } } function IsEquipment() { if (in_array($this->type, ItemInfo::$EQUIPMENT_TYPES)) { return true; } else { return false; } } } class ItemInfoStore { // Global Variable holding the in-memory data store public static $IIC_STORE = null; public static $IIC_STORE_EXTRACT_DATE = null; public static $IIC_ITEM_COUNT = 0; public function __construct() { die('IICStore is a static class, please do not instanciate!'); } function GetItemInfo($itemId) { // if data store was never loaded, load it if (ItemInfoStore::$IIC_STORE == null) { ItemInfoStore::LoadIICStore(); } // return the item definition if (isset(ItemInfoStore::$IIC_STORE[$itemId])) { return ItemInfoStore::$IIC_STORE[$itemId]; } else { return null; } } public static function LoadIICStore() { if (!IIC_ENABLE_CACHING) { // Cache is disabled, extract data directly from base file ItemInfoStore::LoadIICStoreFromSource(); } else { if (!file_exists(IIC_CACHE_FILE)) { // Cache file does not exists, load from source ItemInfoStore::LoadIICStoreFromSource(); } else { if (IIC_STABLE_CACHE) { // Cache is always considered as synchronized if it exists. // Load from cache without further testing. ItemInfoStore::LoadIICStoreFromCache(); } else { $sourceModificationDate = filemtime(IIC_BASE_FILE); $cacheModificationDate = filemtime(IIC_CACHE_FILE); if ($cacheModificationDate < $sourceModificationDate) { // Cache is older than source, reload it ItemInfoStore::LoadIICStoreFromSource(); } else { // Source was not modified since cache was generated. Load from cache ItemInfoStore::LoadIICStoreFromCache(); } } } } } private static function LoadIICStoreFromCache() { $data = file_get_contents(IIC_CACHE_FILE); $data = unserialize($data); ItemInfoStore::$IIC_STORE_EXTRACT_DATE = $data[0]; ItemInfoStore::$IIC_ITEM_COUNT = $data[1]; ItemInfoStore::$IIC_STORE = $data[2]; } private static function DumpIICStoreToCache() { $fd = fopen(IIC_CACHE_FILE, 'w+'); $data = array( ItemInfoStore::$IIC_STORE_EXTRACT_DATE, ItemInfoStore::$IIC_ITEM_COUNT, ItemInfoStore::$IIC_STORE ); fwrite($fd, serialize($data)); fclose($fd); } private static function LoadIICStoreFromSource() { $sourceFileHandler = fopen(IIC_BASE_FILE, 'r'); while ($line = fgets($sourceFileHandler)) { // Strip comments $line = preg_replace('/\/\/.*$/', '', $line); $line = trim($line); if ($line != '') { $item = ItemInfoStore::GetItemFromDataLine($line); if ($item != null) { ItemInfoStore::$IIC_STORE[$item->id] = $item; unset($item); } } } fclose($sourceFileHandler); ItemInfoStore::$IIC_ITEM_COUNT = count(ItemInfoStore::$IIC_STORE); ItemInfoStore::$IIC_STORE_EXTRACT_DATE = date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A'); if (IIC_ENABLE_CACHING) { ItemInfoStore::DumpIICStoreToCache(); } // Clear any existing item cache rrmdir(IIC_CACHE_FOLDER); } private static function GetItemFromDataLine($line) { $lineData = explode("\t", $line); if (count ($lineData) < 94 ) { return null; } $item = new ItemInfo(); $item->id = $lineData[0]; $item->name = $lineData[1]; $item->icon = $lineData[2]; $item->type = $lineData[10]; // description $item->description = ''; $lineData[93] = trim($lineData[93]); if ($lineData[93] != '' && $lineData[93] != '0') { $item->description .= $lineData[93]; } if ($lineData[94] != '' && $lineData[94] != '0') { if ($item->description != '') $item->description .= '<br />'; $item->description .= $lineData[94]; } // Dura $durability = $lineData[76]; $durability = split (',', $durability); $item->durability = $durability[0]; $item->maxStack = $lineData[20]; $item->price = $lineData[22]; // Bonus - We read those only for "Equipments" items if ($item->IsEquipment()) { $item->levelRequirement = $lineData[24]; // Race Requirement $item->raceRequirement = array(); $raceReq = $lineData[23]; $raceReq = explode(',', $raceReq); foreach ($raceReq as $race) { if (isset($race, ItemInfo::$RACE_NAMES[$race])) { $item->raceRequirement[]=$race; } } // Class Requirement $item->classRequirement = array(); $classReq = $lineData[25]; $classReq = explode(',', $classReq); foreach ($classReq as $class) { if (isset($class, ItemInfo::$CLASS_NAMES[$class])) { $item->classRequirement[]=$class; } } $item->STR_BONUS = getStatBonus($lineData[52]); $item->CON_BONUS = getStatBonus($lineData[55]); $item->ACC_BONUS = getStatBonus($lineData[54]); $item->AGI_BONUS = getStatBonus($lineData[53]); $item->SPR_BONUS = getStatBonus($lineData[56]); $item->MIN_ATTACK = getStatBonus($lineData[60]); $item->MAX_ATTACK = getStatBonus($lineData[61]); $item->DEFENSE = getStatBonus($lineData[62]); $item->MAX_HP = getStatBonus($lineData[63]); $item->MAX_SP = getStatBonus($lineData[64]); $item->DODGE = getStatBonus($lineData[65]); $item->HIT_RATE = getStatBonus($lineData[66]); $item->CRITICAL_RATE = getStatBonus($lineData[67]); $item->PHYSICAL_RESISTANCE = getStatBonus($lineData[73]); $item->HP_RECOVERY = getStatBonus($lineData[69]); $item->SP_RECOVERY = getStatBonus($lineData[70]); $item->MOVEMENT_SPEED = getStatBonus($lineData[71]); } return $item; } function GetItemHintCacheFile($itemId) { if (!is_dir(IIC_CACHE_FOLDER)) { mkdir(IIC_CACHE_FOLDER, 0755); } return IIC_CACHE_FOLDER.'Item_'.$itemId.'.htm'; } function GetItemHint($itemId) { // Load from cache if cache is enabled and available. if (IIC_ENABLE_ITEM_HINT_CACHING) { $cacheFile = ItemInfoStore::GetItemHintCacheFile($itemId); if (file_exists($cacheFile)) { return file_get_contents($cacheFile); } } // Generate expected page data $item = ItemInfoStore::GetItemInfo($itemId); ob_start(); include(dirname(__FILE__).'/ItemHint.template.php'); $content = ob_get_clean(); // If cache is enabled, cache the content if (IIC_ENABLE_ITEM_HINT_CACHING) { $fd = fopen(ItemInfoStore::GetItemHintCacheFile($itemId), 'w+'); fwrite($fd, $content); fclose($fd); } // Send the result. return $content; } function GetItemHintHttpHeader() { $header = '<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>'; $header.= '<script src="'.IIC_BASE_URL.'js/jquery.cluetip.js" type="text/javascript"></script>'; $header.= '<script type="text/javascript">'; $header.= '$(document).ready(function() {'; $header.= '$("a.tips").cluetip({'; $header.= 'width: 350,'; $header.= 'showTitle: false,'; $header.= 'dropShadow: false,'; $header.= 'cluetipClass: \'item\','; $header.= 'sticky: false'; $header.= '});'; $header.= '});'; $header.= '</script>'; $header.= '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.IIC_BASE_URL.'css/itemHint.css" type="text/css" />'; return $header; } function GetItemTooltip($itemId, $hoverText) { $content = '<a class="tips" href="#" rel="'.IIC_BASE_URL.'ItemHint.php?id='.$itemId.'">'.$hoverText.'</a>'; return $content; } } /* ---------------------------------------- TOOLS FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------------- */ function getStatBonus($value) { $value = trim($value); if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $value)) { return $value; } else if (preg_match('/^([0-9]+),([0-9]+)$/', $value, $matches)) { $value1 = $matches[1]; $value2 = $matches[2]; if (($value1 == $value2) || ($value2 == 0)) return $value1; else return $value1.'-'.$value2; } else { return 0; } } function rrmdir($dir) { if (is_dir($dir)) { $objects = scandir($dir); foreach ($objects as $object) { if ($object != "." && $object != "..") { if (filetype($dir."/".$object) == "dir") rrmdir($dir."/".$object); else unlink($dir."/".$object); } } reset($objects); rmdir($dir); } } ?> And ItemInfo.txt is also in ItemInfoCache Folder Here is my addon/class.ItemMall.php <?php define ('IconFolder' , './img/icons'); define ('ButtonFolder' , './img'); class ItemMall { protected $Action; protected $Typo; public function __construct($Action, $Typo) { if ((!isset($_GET[$Action])) && (!isset($_POST[$Action]))) $this->Action = 'pet'; else $this->Action = ((isset($_POST[$Action])) ? $_POST[$Action] : $_GET[$Action]); $this->Action = strtolower(trim(preg_replace('/[^0-9a-z]/i','',$this->Action))); $this->MallTable = 'ItemMall'; $this->cType = $Typo; } public function AssignMall($Category) { $GetItems = doQuery("SELECT * FROM $this->MallTable WHERE category='$Category' AND cType = '$this->cType'", DATABASE_AUCTION); $ItemsNum = mssql_num_rows($GetItems); if($ItemsNum < 1) { return '<br /><br /><center>No Items found!</center>'; } else { $ItemMall = ''; //$ItemMall = '<table width="100%" border="0">'; while($oRow = mssql_fetch_array($GetItems)) { $ItemName = trim($oRow['ItemName']); $ItemPrice = trim($oRow['ItemPrice']); $ItemDesc = trim($oRow['ItemDesc']); $Quota = trim($oRow['Quota']); $ItemID = trim($oRow['ItemID']); $MallID = trim($oRow['MallID']); $ItemIcon = trim($oRow['Icon']); $qty = trim($oRow['quantity']); if($Quota == -1) $Remaining = '<b>Unlimited</b>'; elseif($Quota > 0) $Remaining = '<b>'.$Quota.'</b>'; else $Remaining = '<b>Exhausted</b>'; $ItemMall.= '<div class="it11">'; $ItemMall.= '<a shape="header=['.$qty.'x '.$ItemName.'] body=[<div align=left style=padding:3px><p>Quota: '.$Remaining.'</p><hr /><p>'.$ItemDesc.'</p></div>]" title="Click me" class="tips">'; $ItemMall.= '<div class="it12"><img src="'.IconFolder.'/'.$ItemIcon.'.png" alt="'.IconFolder.'/'.$ItemIcon.'.png" />'; $ItemMall.= '<p class="it12text">'.$qty.'x '.$ItemName.'</p></div></a>'; $ItemMall.= '<div class="pricetag">'.$ItemPrice.' <span>Points</span></div>'; $ItemMall.= '<div class="pbuyitem"><a href="home.php?act=mall&buy='.$MallID.'">BUY</a></div></div>'; //$ItemMall.= '<tr height="50px"><td style="text-align:center;" width="10%"><img src="'.IconFolder.'/'.$ItemIcon.'.png"></td><td width="33%" style="text-align:center;font-size:15px;"><b>'.$qty.'x '.$ItemName.'</b></td>'; //$ItemMall.= '<td style="text-align:center;" width="15%">Price: <b>'.$ItemPrice.'</b></td><td style="text-align:center;"><a shape="header=['.$qty.'x '.$ItemName.'] body=[<div align=left style=padding:3px><p>'.$ItemDesc.'</p></div>]" title="Click me" />Details <br /><small style="font-size:5px;">[Click Me]</small></a></td>'; //$ItemMall.= '<td style="text-align:center;" width="15%">Quota:<br /> '.$Remaining.'</td><td style="text-align:center;"><a href="home.php?act=mall&buy='.$MallID.'"><img src="'.ButtonFolder.'/btn_mall_buy.png" style="width:82px; height:26px;" /></a></td></tr>'; } $ItemMall.= '<div class="clearfix"></div>'; //$ItemMall.= '</table>'; return $ItemMall; } } public function StartMall() { switch($this->Action) { case 'pet': case 'forging': case 'miscelaneous': case 'decoration': case 'equipment': $GetItemMall = $this->AssignMall($this->Action); return $GetItemMall; break; default: die('Not available'); } } public function BuyPage($ItemID) { $GetDetails = doQuery("SELECT * FROM $this->MallTable WHERE MallID = '$ItemID'", DATABASE_AUCTION); $ItemNum = mssql_num_rows($GetDetails); if($ItemNum < 1) { return '<br /><br />No Item Found'; } else { $oRow = mssql_fetch_array($GetDetails); $ItemName = $oRow['ItemName']; $ItemPrice = trim($oRow['ItemPrice']); $ItemDesc = trim($oRow['ItemDesc']); $ID = trim($oRow['ItemID']); $qty = trim($oRow['quantity']); $BuyPage = '<form method="POST" action="home.php?act=mall&buy=buy">'; $BuyPage.= '<input type="hidden" name="mall_id" value='.$ItemID.' /><br /><br />'; $BuyPage.= 'Are you sure you want to buy <b>'.$ItemName.'(x'.$qty.')</b> for <b>'.$ItemPrice.'</b> points?<br />'; $BuyPage.= '<input type="submit" name="buy_item" value=" Buy Now! " class="buybut" />'; $BuyPage.= '</form>'; return $BuyPage; } } public function MallMenu() { $Menu = '<a href="home.php?act=mall&category=pet"> Pet</a> | '; $Menu.= '<a href="home.php?act=mall&category=forging"> Forging</a> | '; $Menu.= '<a href="home.php?act=mall&category=equipment"> Equipment</a> | '; $Menu.= '<a href="home.php?act=mall&category=decoration"> Decoration</a> | '; $Menu.= '<a href="home.php?act=mall&category=miscelaneous">Miscelaneous</a>'; return $Menu; } } Can you take a look on it? If theres any other page needed i'll post it
  8. Hi, This iteminfo cache function works fine with my iteminfo.txt from the Example file which shows my whole iteminfo.txt and I can hover & see details of the item, but what i'm asking here is how to make it work with Item Mall, so I can view stats of weapons on item mall before I buy it, I hope im clear
  9. Hi @V3ct0r I took ItemInfo Cache from Archive, I cant upload .rar/.zip but you can check it at: https://mega.nz/#F!OUMUgTYb!jtCsqh7halK_O9uzWyaG0g!iYVmhJqA
  10. I'm using this ItemInfo Cache function and it works fine, but can someone tell me how to make it work on item mall the same way it looks on screenshot from EXAMPLE it doesn't make a new iteminfo as cache, it loads the original iteminfo.txt
  11. Good work, can you tell me which decomplier you using to get characterinfo/sceneeffectinfo and others as txt ?
  12. I'm trying to make this email verification work, when clicking "forgot password" it should send a message on your email which gives a link to let you change ur password on website here's a error: if anyone can gime a hand, please reply :)
  13. can you help me im having same problem... its urgent edit: fixed
  14. Can someone tell me how to check player's Account Security Code on database? or is there a way to view it?
  15. Like I said, removing the: makes same quest repeat-able.. hmm When completing all six tasks the event npc pappa wont show first task again.. can't understand this, could you test it? using Lucky 1.36 base files clean
  16. Look, I can complete Hexa but the npc won't show the first task if I want to do it the 2nd time, so when I complete all six tasks I can't re-take quest at Event NPC PAPPA
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